URGENT! What is Piff?

i'm confused on the concept of socks..
I mean, if one was banned I totally understand that.
but past that?
seems to be an indication of too much time allotted for cannabis forums..
or not.
I don't know, you guys frequently confuse me, I rarely know wtf is going on around here.
Essentially when a member wants to troll someone but are to chicken shit to do it from their regular account they create an alternate persona and many other combinations and permutations of that logic process (or lack of logic process if you will).
Essentially when a member wants to troll someone but are to chicken shit to do it from their regular account they create an alternate persona and many other combinations and permutations of that logic process (or lack of logic process if you will).
ahh, well that makes sense as to why I don't get it then.
if they can't even be "internet-brave" then they reaaaally should just tuck in their labia and go find a sandbox to play in
This is what I imagine a piff is.
I dated a girl named Epiphany. Called her piph. Hottest little redhead I've ever met. Great pussy too.

yours was batshit crazy too, ya?

I love me some redheads, but all three I've umm, experienced.. where craaazy...

shit I even dated a tiny hot lil blonde girl, that was totally normal, then she dyed her hair red, THEN went all crazy..
no joke.

in all fairness i feel it's worth mentioning, I attract exclusively bat-shit crazy women

and, ok, I admit I like em crazy...

crazy-hot chicks make the world go 'round
yours was batshit crazy too, ya?

I love me some redheads, but all three I've umm, experienced.. where craaazy...

shit I even dated a tiny hot lil blonde girl, that was totally normal, then she dyed her hair red, THEN went all crazy..
no joke.

in all fairness i feel it's worth mentioning, I attract exclusively bat-shit crazy women

and, ok, I admit I like em crazy...

crazy-hot chicks make the world go 'round
It can be contagious.
It can be contagious.
I hope you got my tongue-in-cheek humor there...
posted that bit about crazy redheads with an malevolent intent to heckle you a lil
go ask your husband though
I've never met the guy, and i'd bet if you asked him, he says you are crazy..
granted it may be said with a smile/kiss/hug or perhaps a swat to the ass..
Or if he's real slick, a mix of all the above..
but he'll say it..
its all good darlin.. us "crazies" gotta stick together..
it's the normal people that concern me..
I hope you got my tongue-in-cheek humor there...
posted that bit about crazy redheads with an malevolent intent to heckle you a lil
go ask your husband though
I've never met the guy, and i'd bet if you asked him, he says you are crazy..
granted it may be said with a smile/kiss/hug or perhaps a swat to the ass..
Or if he's real slick, a mix of all the above..
but he'll say it..
its all good darlin.. us "crazies" gotta stick together..
it's the normal people that concern me..
LOL no offense taken hun, I think you're a hoot
yours was batshit crazy too, ya?

I love me some redheads, but all three I've umm, experienced.. where craaazy...

shit I even dated a tiny hot lil blonde girl, that was totally normal, then she dyed her hair red, THEN went all crazy..
no joke.

in all fairness i feel it's worth mentioning, I attract exclusively bat-shit crazy women

and, ok, I admit I like em crazy...

crazy-hot chicks make the world go 'round
Way crazy. And i loved it.
yours was batshit crazy too, ya?

I love me some redheads, but all three I've umm, experienced.. where craaazy...

shit I even dated a tiny hot lil blonde girl, that was totally normal, then she dyed her hair red, THEN went all crazy..
no joke.

in all fairness i feel it's worth mentioning, I attract exclusively bat-shit crazy women

and, ok, I admit I like em crazy...

crazy-hot chicks make the world go 'round
