Neighbors Complaining about smell....

In every large population, and police officers are one such, you will get bad apples. It is right and wise to fear these because they can ruin your life.

We would be no better than them if we did the single stupidest thing we could: which is to deny there is a problem, and pretend that the police will take care of us all. I see you advocating that, and I say that you are wrong.

Polite and to the point ....I like your style sir .

Let me guess ,,,you have a tv or at least read the news paper

Good point and well put
If you poured Ona gel OVER your carbon you destroyed it and need a new filter or a new carbon charge. ONA gel or any other smell masking agent competes with the odorant molecules from your plants for space on the carbon filter. So keep that out of the room you are running a carbon filter in.

Next you want your fan pulling and you want to reduce angles in your flow to reduce the pressure so the fan is most efficient. I have an 8" Max Can from an 8"x24" Phresh for a 8' x 11' room.
I run a 8x24 filter in my little cab. I don't want smell.

Phresh filters can be run either way though inline fans are better at pulling than pushing.
How long were you in the academy?

You can mix up and back peddle your trust and afraid scenario all you want ....I clearly stated above COPS should be looked at like individuals and not trusted any more or any less than the general public ......and i also mentioned the chances of getting a bad cop are real ....never said all cops were bad ....if they were such great people they'd never have a reason to be in the news ....except to show them handing out teddy bears and stickers stuff through and let it soak in before you call someone a fucktard ....I've got lots and lots of proof/news/real stories to back up why trusting/not being afraid of the cops is a bad idea ......and yes I'd be very afraid of the scenario where the cops are knocking on my door to ask about my garden state or not .......someone would have to be a brand new grower and have very little common sense not to be at least a little afraid/worried about cops coming to talk weed with them .....especially at there grow site.

For the last 20+ years of working in gardens and doing my own gardening ,I've never heard a grower that wanted cops in his grow or wasn't afraid/concerned about that very thing happening .

I also said don't take it personal in my original quote to you ((see above))

I do not trust the police and one of my biggest fears is having them come to my grows in a legal state with all my paperwork current and in order .

Exactly what should have been said but wasnt...

Im not going to go back n fourth with people on the inernet.

Why not tell the op this is the first place... Why not inform the op of his rights. Give him knowledge not fear.

Which is exactly what i did. Hes in a legal state... A fucking tweker is calling the cops on him and shouldnt be afraid of anything.

My final point to GROWERS. Dont fear the police. If you have all your shit in order and following the laws whats to fear? Be respectful and im sure they will be respectful back.

If the cop is a dick... Lawyer up. Simple as that.
I run a 8x24 filter in my little cab. I don't want smell.

Phresh filters can be run either way though inline fans are better at pulling than pushing.
I didn't say they couldn't be run pushing or pulling. I simply said fans are more efficient pulling as they do not have to overcome backflow pressure. Check out fan efficiency curves. Same with pumps and their efficiency curves. Air is modeled as a liquid and Bernoulli's laws apply
To the OP: I think Annie figured it out. A carbon filter is filled with a material that WANTS to bind odorant molecules. ONA is ... high-purity odorant molecules. I bet the filter got warm when you applied the Ona to it! (I can see the molecules seeking each other out with the single-minded focus of sailors in a Philippine port.)

So you made your filter very happy, fulfilling its purpose in life in record time. It won't have to work another day in its life. I am a bastard and am making mine work in the recommended manner. But i am a fine-smelling bastard.
Exactly what should have been said but wasnt...

Im not going to go back n fourth with people on the inernet.

Why not tell the op this is the first place... Why not inform the op of his rights. Give him knowledge not fear.

Which is exactly what i did. Hes in a legal state... A fucking tweker is calling the cops on him and shouldnt be afraid of anything.

My final point to GROWERS. Dont fear the police. If you have all your shit in order and following the laws whats to fear? Be respectful and im sure they will be respectful back.

If the cop is a dick... Lawyer up. Simple as that.
You are naive.
Cops who are dicks can manufacture probable cause & evidence out of thin air. Why would they do that? 1) Money. 2) They like being dicks.
I believe the vast majority are not dicks, but it only takes one to destroy (or take) a life.
shit happens lou, what can you do? lesson learned though, if someone ever shot me i'd not call the popo, i'd simply jump in the car and drive myself to the nearest hospital, lol..
a "friend" of mine a few years ago was going through a bout of depression, and he was threatening to kill himself, i believe with a knife.. his loved ones got all scared, so they ended up calling the popp.. they get there, and after a bit of back and fourth, they end up pressing some ridiculous charges against him that only made a bad situation even worse.. i'm not taking sides, as i wasn't there, but i realize that there's pretty much not any situation that involving the police will make things better.

Thankfully I've never had the police fuck me over on paper/record wise ....but I've had my fair share of over reacting police putting lasers on me then cuffing and stuffing me before the story was even told ...just to apologize and un cuff me minutes later .....thanks for the bruised wrists assholes....and usually it's one level headed cop in a dozen that has to chill his own guys out ...smh.....sorry that happen to you dude and it's sad how many stories exactly like yours there are .....and worse ....deadly worse .....the only cool cop I knew was an old school sheriff that worked my area growing up ....officer Vento ...he retired years ago ....but he wouldn't stress about dumb little shit and was happy if all I was doing was riding a dirt bike on the road as a kid .......cops nowadays would try the fuckin pit maneuver on a 15 year old riding a dirt bike in the street do I trust them I fear them in or around my legal grow YES...absolutely
Annie your OCD is showing! There will be an advantage ... but (in my opinion) it won't be big enough to be a dealbreaker. But yeah i do not willingly forfeit an efficiency edge either!
LOL yeah let me adjust my skirt. Can you imagine trying to push through a carbon filter clogged in Ona gel? That's where my head was. But pushing v pulling in a tuned system with clean filter isn't a large waste.
Annie your OCD is showing! There will be an advantage ... but (in my opinion) it won't be big enough to be a dealbreaker. But yeah i do not willingly forfeit an efficiency edge either!
For me it was convenient to just mount the fan on the filter. If I switch from vertical to horizontal configuration, I'll probably mount the fan on the wall outside the tent and run a small segment of ducting to the filter.
LOL yeah let me adjust my skirt. Can you imagine trying to push through a carbon filter clogged in Ona gel? That's where my head was. But pushing v pulling in a tuned system with clean filter isn't a large waste.
Ikr! the sheer efficiency of the filter-kill is something I haven't seen since I laundered some desiccant packs.
Neighbors can suck. But, it's best to keep them on your side if you can. Tell him you are taking steps to eliminate the smell, and ask him to call you right away if he smells something. Be nice, try to solve the problem. And document what you say somewhere. I don't mean record it, just write down notes and date them. Keep a log if he calls you.

About the only thing he can due is file a nuisance complaint. Don't know the laws where you live, so it may be different, but around here you can file a civil suit against a neighbor that perpetually bothers you (noise, smell, rodents, smoke, etc).

Making attempts to work things out helps your case. The cops are a completely different matter. Roll of the dice on that one. When they are looking around your grow room, they aren't there to help.
It's not like police have ever shot an innocent child/person or been corrupt .....yes OP the police o_O

Don't take it personal .....but that's some of the worst advice I've heard/seen in a while ......DONT! trust the police OP ...even if they gave you a sticker when you were little ......they will shoot you...

AGREED. 100 %

The "Legal state" HAAAA ! I'm in San Diego. Remember telling a cop that walked onto my property went under my garage and proceeded to ask me if I knew smoking pot was illegal, didn't even get the word MMJ out of my mouth before I was in cuffs(no rights read). At this point you're already screwed, 6000 later OOPS THEIR MISTAKE !
that's what i was thinking too chunky, but i'm not well versed in michigan mmj laws, but i was pretty sure i've read that in some states that you have to be odor free when growing outdoors, and a bitchy neighbor is a sure bet to at least a visit from the local popo, if not a tix for being out of ordinance.
This isn't outdoors. This is indoors
To the OP: I think Annie figured it out. A carbon filter is filled with a material that WANTS to bind odorant molecules. ONA is ... high-purity odorant molecules. I bet the filter got warm when you applied the Ona to it! (I can see the molecules seeking each other out with the single-minded focus of sailors in a Philippine port.)

So you made your filter very happy, fulfilling its purpose in life in record time. It won't have to work another day in its life. I am a bastard and am making mine work in the recommended manner. But i am a fine-smelling bastard.
I appreciate your post. I'll keep that in mind