Neighbors Complaining about smell....

My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.

hooked on a smell??? that's a new one to me.. i can see it, ten years from now, his kids are going to be stealing tv's and running down the the local set and asking if they got that kill, that dro, but they only want to smell it..
Dont be afriad of the police.

If this guy is a tweker like you say hes going to cause more problems for himself then you...
It's not like police have ever shot an innocent child/person or been corrupt .....yes OP the police o_O

Don't take it personal .....but that's some of the worst advice I've heard/seen in a while ......DONT! trust the police OP ...even if they gave you a sticker when you were little ......they will shoot you...
OP: as a fellow MMMP cardholder with a stinky garden, I offer the suggestion of investing in some stovepipe, mount it to your building, and exhaust above roof level...

Or tell the guy to fuck himself. This is Michigan, we get turkey shit, chicken farms, 3 week manure spreading marathons..... we don't get to tell the farmers to shut down or we will call the cops, cuz we don't like the smell.

Keep ur grow room locked, and your amount on hand under 2.5oz, stay under the 12 plant max.... and if the cops DO come knocking, take a deep calming breath, answer politely and respectfully, with both your state ID and MMMP card ready when you open the door. Tell them they are welcome to view your garden for compliance, and even stand outside the house to see if the smell gets them addicted.... when they look at you funny, say your sketchy neighbor said he would call the cops on you for that reason....

They will look at eachother.... apologize to you. Possibly ask if the neighbor was aware you were a legal MMMP cardholder, and if such can be proven, they may even write a citation to the neighbor for misleading them to get them out there. Or at least knock and let him know its all legal.... and by the way, what are those marks on your face?

NOTE: They are only invited in IF they are there for the reason of your cannabis. They do not get to look around for anything else to try to pin on you, its not an open search or fishing expedition. If they say there is suspicion of 'marijuana' inform them that the plant is called 'cannabis' and police shouldn't use slang terms like smack, crank, dope, blow, or marijuana, and then offer them your ID's, and invite them to view the grow.

Other dude was right, don't fucking 'trust' the police, but always go in prepared for the worst, and hoping for the best.

Personally, I don't think they will ever show no matter how much it stinks... dude will call, and the cops will be like "You said yourself its his medical grow, its not a crime sir, have a nice day" and laugh together at the dude thinking the smell is a sentient satan cloud.....
You are in a legal state. There is nothing the cops will do...

As long as youre following all state laws you can tell your neighbor to go fuck himself
It depends on the state. Compliance in WA means that nobody can see or smell your grow. If you do it right, no one will know.
Not sure what happens if someone complains. I know there are special "cannabis cops" because I saw the job postings. I imagine they would show up, inspect your grow, then give you a warning -- maybe a ticket, depending on whether you were a dick or not.
In other states like MI, I've heard about instances where the cops seize all assets for being out of compliance. (Asset forfeiture)
You go from being a law abiding citizen to a criminal who is illegally manufacturing a schedule 1 controlled substance, and that's exactly how you're treated.
Totally fucked up...
It depends on the state. Compliance in WA means that nobody can see or smell your grow. If you do it right, no one will know.
Not sure what happens if someone complains. I know there are special "cannabis cops" because I saw the job postings. I imagine they would show up, inspect your grow, then give you a warning -- maybe a ticket, depending on whether you were a dick or not.
In other states like MI, I've heard about instances where the cops seize all assets for being out of compliance. (Asset forfeiture)
You go from being a law abiding citizen to a criminal who is illegally manufacturing a schedule 1 controlled substance, and that's exactly how you're treated.
Totally fucked up...

that's what i was thinking too chunky, but i'm not well versed in michigan mmj laws, but i was pretty sure i've read that in some states that you have to be odor free when growing outdoors, and a bitchy neighbor is a sure bet to at least a visit from the local popo, if not a tix for being out of ordinance.
It depends on the state. Compliance in WA means that nobody can see or smell your grow. If you do it right, no one will know.
Not sure what happens if someone complains. I know there are special "cannabis cops" because I saw the job postings. I imagine they would show up, inspect your grow, then give you a warning -- maybe a ticket, depending on whether you were a dick or not.
In other states like MI, I've heard about instances where the cops seize all assets for being out of compliance. (Asset forfeiture)
You go from being a law abiding citizen to a criminal who is illegally manufacturing a schedule 1 controlled substance, and that's exactly how you're treated.
Totally fucked up...
Then they start wildly shooting people's dogs and and hand out teddy bears afterwards nice..

I've never had a bad experience with the cops ....but I also don't admit or tell anyone I grow .....I've seen some seriously chill people get fucked by these nice cops ......and I'm not saying every cop is bad's like anything else really ....I'm saying the chances of getting an asshole cop on a power trip are real's obvious some believe all cops are good on here .....anybody who has grown for any serious length of time or owns a TV with rabbit ears ,,knows cops are in court for some serious fucked up shit ...they're people as well trust them just because they pass out stickers and teddy bears is a huge mistake IMO .....I don't/won't trust a cop anymore than any other average stranger ......less actually

Not directed at you Chunky
.....snip....... All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. .......snip......

If you poured Ona gel OVER your carbon you destroyed it and need a new filter or a new carbon charge. ONA gel or any other smell masking agent competes with the odorant molecules from your plants for space on the carbon filter. So keep that out of the room you are running a carbon filter in.

Next you want your fan pulling and you want to reduce angles in your flow to reduce the pressure so the fan is most efficient. I have an 8" Max Can from an 8"x24" Phresh for a 8' x 11' room.
You need to read some history. I suggest starting with Europe in the 1930's.

Ok ok you guys rights cops kill people left and right. Every day every night....

On the flip side this is becuz this is all you fucking hear and see. What about all the times cops are respectful and do their job? Dont blanket a whole group people becuz you only read and hear about the bad one.

This makes you no better then them.
Then they start wildly shooting people's dogs and and hand out teddy bears afterwards nice..

I've never had a bad experience with the cops ....but I also don't admit or tell anyone I grow .....I've seen some seriously chill people get fucked by these nice cops ......and I'm not saying every cop is bad's like anything else really ....I'm saying the chances of getting an asshole cop on a power trip are real's obvious some believe all cops are good on here .....anybody who has grown for any serious length of time or owns a TV with rabbit ears ,,knows cops are in court for some serious fucked up shit ...they're people as well trust them just because they pass out stickers and teddy bears is a huge mistake IMO .....I don't/won't trust a cop anymore than any other average stranger ......less actually

Not directed at you Chunky

i've been pulled out of my car at gun point. i think i had about 5 9mm's pointed to my head at the time.. i fully admit that i was in the wrong and being a bad, bad, bad boy at the time, and had just broken the law, yadda yadda yadda.. now i got my guilt of the way, when i pulled over and was surrounded by about 5 lovely peace officers, all pointing their weapons at my head, i did as i was instructed to, never even opened my mouth, nor was i an asshole towards them in any way, i thought that'd be a foolish way to proceed at this point, as again, i knew i was in the wrong and was basically caught red handed.. so, cop 1 pulls me out of the car, cop 2 throws some cuffs on me, and either cop 1 or 2, i'm not sure at this point in time, threw me to the ground.. it was at this moment when either cop 4 or cop 5 walks over and starts to kick me in the back of the head and body.. i never made a single peep and lied there and took my beating.
my sister happens to be a nurse and works in a hospital in the same lovely city that my experience happened in, and she's always telling me about the cops bringing people in with broken arms and legs for "resisting"..
i know, i know. all of this could have been avoided had i not been a bad, bad, bad, bad boy and had never broken the law in the first place.. but there are plenty of cops out there that get off on this sort of thing as much as the addict gets off on his fix.
my $.02
i've been pulled out of my car at gun point. i think i had about 5 9mm's pointed to my head at the time.. i fully admit that i was in the wrong and being a bad, bad, bad boy at the time, and had just broken the law, yadda yadda yadda.. now i got my guilt of the way, when i pulled over and was surrounded by about 5 lovely peace officers, all pointing their weapons at my head, i did as i was instructed to, never even opened my mouth, nor was i an asshole towards them in any way, i thought that'd be a foolish way to proceed at this point, as again, i knew i was in the wrong and was basically caught red handed.. so, cop 1 pulls me out of the car, cop 2 throws some cuffs on me, and either cop 1 or 2, i'm not sure at this point in time, threw me to the ground.. it was at this moment when either cop 4 or cop 5 walks over and starts to kick me in the back of the head and body.. i never made a single peep and lied there and took my beating.
my sister happens to be a nurse and works in a hospital in the same lovely city that my experience happened in, and she's always telling me about the cops bringing people in with broken arms and legs for "resisting"..
i know, i know. all of this could have been avoided had i not been a bad, bad, bad, bad boy and had never broken the law in the first place.. but there are plenty of cops out there that get off on this sort of thing as much as the addict gets off on his fix.
my $.02

Sorry this happened to you. An all too familiar story, though, sadly.....

Sorry this happened to you. An all too familiar story, though, sadly.....

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shit happens lou, what can you do? lesson learned though, if someone ever shot me i'd not call the popo, i'd simply jump in the car and drive myself to the nearest hospital, lol..
a "friend" of mine a few years ago was going through a bout of depression, and he was threatening to kill himself, i believe with a knife.. his loved ones got all scared, so they ended up calling the popp.. they get there, and after a bit of back and fourth, they end up pressing some ridiculous charges against him that only made a bad situation even worse.. i'm not taking sides, as i wasn't there, but i realize that there's pretty much not any situation that involving the police will make things better.
Ok ok you guys rights cops kill people left and right. Every day every night....

On the flip side this is becuz this is all you fucking hear and see. What about all the times cops are respectful and do their job? Dont blanket a whole group people becuz you only read and hear about the bad one.

This makes you no better then them.

How long were you in the academy?

You can mix up and back peddle your trust and afraid scenario all you want ....I clearly stated above COPS should be looked at like individuals and not trusted any more or any less than the general public ......and i also mentioned the chances of getting a bad cop are real ....never said all cops were bad ....if they were such great people they'd never have a reason to be in the news ....except to show them handing out teddy bears and stickers stuff through and let it soak in before you call someone a fucktard ....I've got lots and lots of proof/news/real stories to back up why trusting/not being afraid of the cops is a bad idea ......and yes I'd be very afraid of the scenario where the cops are knocking on my door to ask about my garden state or not .......someone would have to be a brand new grower and have very little common sense not to be at least a little afraid/worried about cops coming to talk weed with them .....especially at there grow site.

For the last 20+ years of working in gardens and doing my own gardening ,I've never heard a grower that wanted cops in his grow or wasn't afraid/concerned about that very thing happening .

I also said don't take it personal in my original quote to you ((see above))

I do not trust the police and one of my biggest fears is having them come to my grows in a legal state with all my paperwork current and in order .
Ok ok you guys rights cops kill people left and right. Every day every night....

On the flip side this is becuz this is all you fucking hear and see. What about all the times cops are respectful and do their job? Dont blanket a whole group people becuz you only read and hear about the bad one.

This makes you no better then them.
In every large population, and police officers are one such, you will get bad apples. It is right and wise to fear these because they can ruin your life.

We would be no better than them if we did the single stupidest thing we could: which is to deny there is a problem, and pretend that the police will take care of us all. I see you advocating that, and I say that you are wrong.