i've been pulled out of my car at gun point. i think i had about 5 9mm's pointed to my head at the time.. i fully admit that i was in the wrong and being a bad, bad, bad boy at the time, and had just broken the law, yadda yadda yadda.. now i got my guilt of the way, when i pulled over and was surrounded by about 5 lovely peace officers, all pointing their weapons at my head, i did as i was instructed to, never even opened my mouth, nor was i an asshole towards them in any way, i thought that'd be a foolish way to proceed at this point, as again, i knew i was in the wrong and was basically caught red handed.. so, cop 1 pulls me out of the car, cop 2 throws some cuffs on me, and either cop 1 or 2, i'm not sure at this point in time, threw me to the ground.. it was at this moment when either cop 4 or cop 5 walks over and starts to kick me in the back of the head and body.. i never made a single peep and lied there and took my beating.
my sister happens to be a nurse and works in a hospital in the same lovely city that my experience happened in, and she's always telling me about the cops bringing people in with broken arms and legs for "resisting"..
i know, i know. all of this could have been avoided had i not been a bad, bad, bad, bad boy and had never broken the law in the first place.. but there are plenty of cops out there that get off on this sort of thing as much as the addict gets off on his fix.
my $.02