Neighbors Complaining about smell....


Active Member
My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.
My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.
Next time you hear a vacuum pump running, knock on his door again and ask why there's some some strange chemical smell...
Something is wrong if you have carbon filters and still smell it. I recommend going over sized on the filters.
Yep, I run a phresh carbon filter and there's zero smell.
In fact, my worm bin is in the same area and I can only smell it when i'm standing right next to it. All of the rotten smell from the fresh stuff on top gets sucked through the scrubber so it doesn't attract bugs.
My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.

Did you tell him about your grow in the past. Smell just doesnt come over like that/ unless outdoors. You had to have told him piror to what you where doing

Ask him what scientifically evidence .."addicted to smell" get the F@#k out of here.
Up & out!
I've got mine sitting on a paint bucket that's on a wooden stool. I'm not really happy with this configuration and will probably hang it horizontally after this grow is finished.
Right now it's fucking with my scrog netting & generally taking up way too much space.
This is a mystery strain that I found growing in my recycled dirt pile. All of the indica plants finished two weeks ago & I bet this one's got at least two more weeks to go.
I'm never running mixed strains again...
(7 gallon)
Did you tell him about your grow in the past. Smell just doesnt come over like that/ unless outdoors. You had to have told him piror to what you where doing

Ask him what scientifically evidence .."addicted to smell" get the F@#k out of here.
Bruh this guy believes the smell itself not smoke but just fragrance kills people. He's on his ways and I've told him I smoke on ocassion and he took that as there's no way that smell comes from smoke but only a grow.
Also I don't know but someone else could be contributing to the smell from a grow of their own. Can't really just go around asking.... lol
OP should have denied you had the garden in the first place ....the way you explained it at first , I thought this was an outdoor situation he knows you grow obviously ...but I'd never fess up to growing legal or otherwise .....I would of acted just as concerned as him about the smell when he first came around .....something doesn't add up here indoor Gardner that I know ,,would admit/apologize to a nosey neighbor complaining about smell ........seems fishy

I just find it hard to believe you fessed up to him and basically gave yourself up as an indoor grower just because he said he could smell something ......o_O.....(((fishy)))