
You're right.

When you get deep with people, critizing the little things that make them happy in this bum fucked life..who are you? A washed up weed snitch on welfare..nice life you've made for your family..I bet @big lou's family is happy he's around and delights in his little charms like retro plastic toys, goodwill and taco truck..his home is his castle who are you to place value on it? mans trash is another's treasure..that's real life that you can't buy, you fuck:finger:
You're right.

When you get deep with people, critizing the little things that make them happy in this bum fucked life..who are you? A washed up weed snitch on welfare..nice life you've made for your family..I bet @big lou's family is happy he's around and delights in his little charms like retro plastic toys, goodwill and taco truck..his home is his castle who are you to place value on it? mans trash is another's treasure..that's real life that you can't buy, you fuck:finger:

It's actually a large, 15-room home, very roomy and classic. I own it free and clear, as well. It looks a lot like the archetypal 40s/50s houses that you'd see in the original Looney Tunes, battered/striped aluminum awnings and all. :)


"Little charms", eh? Here are some of my 70s originals:



Just because you called out "Goodwill" & "taco trucks":



Don't let little d 'trigger' you, I certainly don't -- he's a miserable failure that exists to try and make those around him miserable. A hate-filled state case loser that ratted out his partners and still went to prison and tossed salads anyhow. Can you really blame the poor creature for being insanely jealous of everything from positivity to financial security?