Club 600

I beg of yours.:)

Its interesting the different way you say some phrase in different languages and even dialects.I find the saying in Dutch for sorry quite strange. They say "Spijt me"....Spite? Really, that was the best they could come up with. Doesn't seem phonetically apologetic to me
I beg of yours.:)

Its interesting the different way you say some phrase in different languages and even dialects.I find the saying in Dutch for sorry quite strange. They say "Spijt me"....Spite? Really, that was the best they could come up with. Doesn't seem phonetically apologetic to me
Lol thats funny..
My pops used to say beg yours when he didnt hear something
Interesting fact. About 80% plus of the US population are not really vaccinated. They may have been at one time. But a majority of adults are really not. It's also very curious that they make so much money off of vaccines, especially since they are not any guarantee at all. Plus makers of vaccines cannot be sued for damages when it fucks you up.

There is something to be said for building immunity naturally in a majority of cases

The measel outbreak at Disney were vacinated children!...
Vaccinations are yet another money grab and bogus BS!
They dont work and has been proven.
My daughter for example got Pertussis (Whooping cough) and had ALL her vaccines.
They kept trying to act like we were lying....Im like here are her shot record you cunts!
The Drs didnt know what to do when their belief system was trashed.
They kept trying to find other issues wrong with her, there was a reported outbreak subsequent to her diagnosis.

Sorry rant over
Back at it for 2017 :-) doing all clones this year -

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How's everyone? Had a great winter break back home but sure am happy to be back to work.

Here're some crawfish and mardigras :-)

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Great start whodat.
What's the deal with the that how they are presented and eaten or is that prepping a dish or......? Look mighty tad. Do you also sook the juice out the crawfishes head?
welcome back
what strains are you running this year?

Alien OG
Blue frost
Fire OG
GG (different source from the gg4)
Sunset sherbet
Lemon trees
Birthday cake
Blueberry cookies

Great start whodat.
What's the deal with the that how they are presented and eaten or is that prepping a dish or......? Look mighty tad. Do you also sook the juice out the crawfishes head?
They are boiled with sausage onion potatoes garlic oranges lemons and some other fixings along with a good deal of seasoning,,, then dumped right on a table and ready to eat. The second pic is after we had our way with them :-)

They are cooked are ready to eat....pinch some tails and suck some heads.


Dats right!
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Alien OG
Blue frost
Fire OG
GG (different source from the gg4)
Sunset sherbet
Lemon trees
Birthday cake
Blueberry cookies

They are boiled with sausage onion potatoes garlic oranges lemons and some other fixings along with a good deal of seasoning,,, then dumped right on a table and ready to eat. The second pic is after we had our way with them :-)

Dats right!
No Blue dream?
Question for everyone who's done seeds. Say I took a fully seeded plant, cut it down and hung it out to dry, then weighed it. If the whole damn plant weighed 1 Kilo.... how many grams of that kilo do you reckon the seeds would make up?

Also if I had a fully seeded bud, that weighs 10 grams, how much of the 10 grams would the seeds make up?

I'm prepping for me second deposition. Thanks in advance.
Question for everyone who's done seeds. Say I took a fully seeded plant, cut it down and hung it out to dry, then weighed it. If the whole damn plant weighed 1 Kilo.... how many grams of that kilo do you reckon the seeds would make up?

Also if I had a fully seeded bud, that weighs 10 grams, how much of the 10 grams would the seeds make up?

I'm prepping for me second deposition. Thanks in advance.
Seeds, stalks and stems are not smoked.....and they make up 80+% of the weight.
