How would the founders feel about the DEA?


Well-Known Member
So I have always harbored a special kind of hate for the DEA (and ATF actually). Anyways I got to thinking the other day, if the founders of this great country could come back and see what the DEA is doing today, how would they feel? I mean we know that all of them grew hemp and we know that at the very least Jefferson smoked pot.

Personally I think they would have all DEA agents lined up against a wall and shot Saddam style (walk down the line with a pistol, one by one by one by one.) What about you?


Well-Known Member
Our founding father wudda hated the DEA. Our country was founded on a rich history of tobacco, alcohol, and cool. After a long congressional jam session it was oft the norm to kick back with a popular mixture of heroin and whiskey!


Well-Known Member
You know what they wouldn't like...the way citizens let their government control things.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think they would have all DEA agents lined up against a wall and shot Saddam style (walk down the line with a pistol, one by one by one by one.)

Not without a trial by their peers. Due process and shit.