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Through careful, yet painful, experimentation I have discovered a method/formula for single black buckets that will allow you to run high temps with no root problems. Recirculating would be fine as well. The purpose of my experimentation was to come up with a method that is simple as possible.
I run a sealed CO2 room at 86f day and 75f night. My water temp during the day is 82f and I have crisp white roots and my plants that grow faster and larger than I can handle at times. One thing I do differently is that I put a $8 80gph water pump in each bucket and run a 1/4" line to the top for drip feed. To me this is crucial at first until roots reach the 3gal of water, however, I run this small pump for the duration of the grow. Throughout my experimentation, I have ran sterile systems with peroxide that have failed time and time again, developing root rot at optimal water temps after each water change. I won't tell you the whole back story here. Let's get on with the formula.

-1gal reverse osmosis water
- recommended dose of GH Maxigro or Maxibloom (depending on stage and size of your plant)
-2ml Orca by Plant Success
-2ml Hydroguard by Botanicare
-1/5 tsp Subculture B by GH
- ph up to desired range

I am currently running Tangie and GDP in the 2nd week of flowering so my formula per bucket looks like this..
-3gal water
-2.25 tsp Maxigro
-2.25 tsp Maxibloom
-6ml orca
-6ml Hydroguard
-3/5 tsp subculture b
-9ml ph up to 5.8
Brings me to about 1100ppm

PH ranges swing as plants eat, towards the end of the 7 day res life, it's hard to keep ph under 7
so, a DWC waterfarm? whats different about this recipe than any other hydro formula?

Yep, same principle as water farm except it's a water pump running the drip instead of an air pump. Nothing too different from other recipes that utilize beneficials, just a simple, cheap, effective way to grow solid plants while keeping roots healthy at high temps. I believe the emphasis is on the bennies and the fact that a one part powdered nutrient grows plants better than the expensive combos that I once ran. Just wanted to share for those out there that are struggling with root disease and think they need to run expensive chillers to fix the problem. I have a nice chiller.. sits on the shelf now.
i run a dwc waterfarm, so i'm curious about not using a chiller. in essence, you're saying if you run bennies you can run higher temps? isnt hydroguard and subculture b the same thing?
i run a dwc waterfarm, so i'm curious about not using a chiller. in essence, you're saying if you run bennies you can run higher temps? isnt hydroguard and subculture b the same thing?

Correct..it is absolutely the bennies that allows this to happen. Hydroguard is just one beneficial and subculture b is a vast array as well as orca. I have only ever used the orca-Hydroguard-sub combo but one or more of those may be able to be cut out of the program. I haven't got to that point yet, I'm pretty happy with what I have found to work.
Hydroguard is only Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens


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-3gal water
-2.25 tsp Maxigro
-2.25 tsp Maxibloom
-6ml orca
-6ml Hydroguard
-3/5 tsp subculture b
-9ml ph up to 5.8
Brings me to about 1100ppm
I also use the Kiss method of nutrients, with great results, but the amount your giving them would far exceed 1100ppm.
You should recalibrate your meter.
I'm not knocking you though and if your getting great results, then more power to you.
I also use the Kiss method of nutrients, with great results, but the amount your giving them would far exceed 1100ppm.
You should recalibrate your meter.
I'm not knocking you though and if your getting great results, then more power to you.
You know, I've probably only calibrated my meter once. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for looking out for me, I know in saying this it makes me look novice but I've always had an idea of about how much nutreint brings me to certain ppm and as long as my meter was in line with that I've felt no reason to calibrate. I listen to my plants and always start low with nutrient and take them up slow. No burn around here:) I'll calibrate and get back to ya, may be that you are right. Notice that my listing was for 3gal of water?
I'll also sent some plant and root pics later today.
You know, I've probably only calibrated my meter once. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for looking out for me, I know in saying this it makes me look novice but I've always had an idea of about how much nutreint brings me to certain ppm and as long as my meter was in line with that I've felt no reason to calibrate. I listen to my plants and always start low with nutrient and take them up slow. No burn around here:) I'll calibrate and get back to ya, may be that you are right. Notice that my listing was for 3gal of water?
I'll also sent some plant and root pics later today.
I was basing that observation off of a .7 conversion and not a .5 conversion. Looking forward to seeing some more.
A few pics
Do a how to video for YouTube, I think it would get some good hits. Especially with the title you used here.

How does the use of a different pump (water not air?) solve the root rot issues? I cant picture it as ive never used either methods.
Do a how to video for YouTube, I think it would get some good hits. Especially with the title you used here.

How does the use of a different pump (water not air?) solve the root rot issues? I cant picture it as ive never used either methods.

I don't YouTube but I'll think about it..
The water pump has little if anything to do with solving the root issue aside from delivering fresh solution and beneficial bacteria to the root ball in the 6" pot..which now that I think about it can't hurt a thing at all. The magic is in the bennies.. A happy diversity of bennies.
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Ive been looking for a good combination to add with the bennies in Hydroguard; even though I don't water farm or have high rez temps I've ran Hydrugard ever since my first hydro grow and it has never let me down. Glad to see a list of bennies that interact well with Hydroguard. Thanks for the info!
Happy growing everyone