the politics of walking free after boiling a disabled black man to death


Well-Known Member
How about if we shower you in it to see if you skin falls off because it technically isnt boiling hot?

Perhaps you'll fare better.

but the fact has to be proved After the statement.gotcha. not sensationilistic at all....


Well-Known Member
i was gassed in vietnam with agent orange on my navy ship...reparations bitchez

that felt like boiling


Well-Known Member
decision not to prosecute was a couple days ago, in case you didn't read.

some dumb teens kidnap a disabled white teen and rough him up a little, you trumptards cried for days. literally.

a disabled black man is literally boiled to death, not by kids but by trained adults, and you have nothing to say.

thanks for being transparent.
Chicago says "hi". Transparent.


Well-Known Member
To everyone talking about Trump:

Please actually READ the article: This happened 5 years ago.

That said, it's clear that the so-called witness was lying. So that's right out.

But then there's this:

A guard had put Rainey in the shower after he had smeared feces on himself and other parts of his cell, according to the report. He was left alone in the shower around 7:30 p.m. Another guard checked on him at 9 p.m. and said he was still standing in the shower but outside the stream of water.
That, in and of itself, should be enough for a charge of negligence at the very least...or criminally negligent homicide at most.

Who the hell leaves a mentally deranged person alone in a shower (or ANYWHERE for that matter) for two hours?


Well-Known Member
To everyone talking about Trump:

Please actually READ the article: This happened 5 years ago.

That said, it's clear that the so-called witness was lying. So that's right out.

But then there's this:

That, in and of itself, should be enough for a charge of negligence at the very least...or criminally negligent homicide at most.

Who the hell leaves a mentally deranged person alone in a shower (or ANYWHERE for that matter) for two hours?
You have to know your audience here.

While I applaud our economic brainiacs..if you're trying to reach the typical Trumptard..less is more..bullet points even more than 3..Afterall, '2012' was in the first line.