Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

yea, and at some point it's just that guy beating meat.
No, I didn't vote for Clinton, it didn't matter in my state

DNC bylaws state they're supposed to remain neutral, so it doesn't really matter if it's a "lifelong Democrat" against "an Independent in Democrat clothing". Which is a poor argument to begin with seeing as how the American political system is designed to favor two major parties. If you are suggesting he should have ran as an Independent, you simply would have argued he split the vote when Clinton inevitably lost. It's a way for your side to argue everything else was the problem except the candidate you ran. See Ralph Nader. Sanders' strategy was brilliant in hindsight. Which is why he's the most popular politician in America at the moment.

Yeah, right, sorry we didn't get on board with your corporate platform. I've told you the same thing about how if you run that shit in the future you won't win elections and you've told me to go fuck myself, yet here you are blaming Sanders supporters for Clinton's humiliating loss.. So which is it, asshole? Do you need my vote or should I go fuck myself? If you need my vote, earn it, you're not entitled to it.

I told you this would happen. You have only your ignorant self to blame. Bask in it. You earned it. :grin:
would you have voted her if you thought your vote would carry in your state? what state? if there was no bernie would you have voted for her. do you think she would have won if bernie hadn't stepped in?
how much of an impact did crooked hilary or her being however crooked have on trump being elected. i mean if it wasn't for the emails and the wiki leaks . just based on her history and current positions. Separate from the former ,would you vote for hilary ? would you date or fuck hilary if trump was your only other option?:confused:
would you have voted her if you thought your vote would carry in your state? what state? if there was no bernie would you have voted for her. do you think she would have won if bernie hadn't stepped in?
how much of an impact did crooked hilary or her being however crooked have on trump being elected. i mean if it wasn't for the emails and the wiki leaks . just based on her history and current positions. Separate from the former ,would you vote for hilary ? would you date or fuck hilary if trump was your only other option?:confused:
Hillary probably wouldve increased his minimum wage too, he's shit out of luck with Trump now.
would you have voted her if you thought your vote would carry in your state?
At the time, yes. In hindsight, probably not since I think the result is extremely beneficial for actual progressives. The Democratic establishment was completely exposed and a new wave of progressives fed up with the system has emerged. Had Clinton won, it would just be the same old business as usual with far less progressive strength to actually shift the party.
what state?
if there was no bernie would you have voted for her.
do you think she would have won if bernie hadn't stepped in?
No, Bernie Sanders is not the reason Clinton lost the election
how much of an impact did crooked hilary or her being however crooked have on trump being elected.
An enormous impact. Her ties to Wall Street and lack of substance based policy positions and resort to identity politics is why she lost
i mean if it wasn't for the emails and the wiki leaks . just based on her history and current positions. Separate from the former ,would you vote for hilary ? would you date or fuck hilary if trump was your only other option?:confused:
I wouldn't vote for Clinton or any establishment politician who accepts corporate bribes

I wouldn't fuck either of them
Hillary probably wouldve increased his minimum wage too, he's shit out of luck with Trump now.
Too bad she didn't campaign on substantive economic policy, maybe more people in the working-class might have voted for her if they actually believed she would have raised their wages

Too bad she accepted millions in corporate bribes from financial institutions, maybe that had something to do with it? Maybe some of those people thought telling the banks to "cut it out" wasn't sound regulative policy?

Maybe if you can't beat someone like Donald Trump on policy, you shouldn't be president because you're clearly incompetent and out of touch with America
"The truth is, and I think anyone who objectively assesses the situation has to appreciate that the model that the Democrats have followed for the past 10, 20 years has been THE ULTIMATE FAILURE. I mean, that's just the objective evidence. We are taking on a right-wing extremist party whose agenda is opposed time after time, issue after issue by the vast majority of the American people, yet we've lost the white house, the US house, the US senate, and close to 900 legislative seats all over this country. How can anybody not conclude that the Democratic agenda and approach has been a failure?" -Bernie Sanders
Too bad she didn't campaign on substantive economic policy, maybe more people in the working-class might have voted for her if they actually believed she would have raised their wages

Too bad she accepted millions in corporate bribes from financial institutions, maybe that had something to do with it? Maybe some of those people thought telling the banks to "cut it out" wasn't sound regulative policy?

Maybe if you can't beat someone like Donald Trump on policy, you shouldn't be president because you're clearly incompetent and out of touch with America
good luck with that attempt to make 15 an hour sucker.
I'm making more than $15 an hour now, thanks for your genuine concern for raising the minimum wage, though, McLiberal
sure you are :roll:
Your biggest dreams accomplished. Don't lose that job, would hate to see you back at your 8.10 an hour ( which is much closer to the truth ) Bernie thinks you are a fool. He was with her after she took on some of his positions.
Bernie thinks you are a fool. He was with her after she took on some of his positions.
Does this mean you won't be using the argument that I hold Sanders up as some unquestionable, omnibenevolent demigod anymore?

"She took on his positions!" "The most progressive platform evar!!"...

If you believe any of that bullshit, you're simply politically ignorant of how things actually work. Let me spell it out for you in crayon like a child; the Clinton campaign visually adopted some of Sanders' platform specifically to appeal to actual liberals. Just like the whole "hot sauce!" fiasco was meant to appeal to black voters. Just like Perez making Ellison "deputy chair". They give progressives these show positions that don't hold actual power to placate progressives and steal their votes. Retards like you can't see through that, you just see it and say "See!!! WE'RE UNITED!! Why aren't you!?!"
Does this mean you won't be using the argument that I hold Sanders up as some unquestionable, omnibenevolent demigod anymore?

"She took on his positions!" "The most progressive platform evar!!"...

If you believe any of that bullshit, you're simply politically ignorant of how things actually work. Let me spell it out for you in crayon like a child; the Clinton campaign visually adopted some of Sanders' platform specifically to appeal to actual liberals. Just like the whole "hot sauce!" fiasco was meant to appeal to black voters. Just like Perez making Ellison "deputy chair". They give progressives these show positions that don't hold actual power to placate progressives and steal their votes. Retards like you can't see through that, you just see it and say "See!!! WE'RE UNITED!! Why aren't you!?!"

Nice sig pic. Lol.

Believe as you must, but remember who's in that pic and what party he represents.

That pic says a lot. It's the core of most of the points I make about your concerns.
At the time, yes. In hindsight, probably not since I think the result is extremely beneficial for actual progressives. The Democratic establishment was completely exposed and a new wave of progressives fed up with the system has emerged. Had Clinton won, it would just be the same old business as usual with far less progressive strength to actually shift the party.



No, Bernie Sanders is not the reason Clinton lost the election

An enormous impact. Her ties to Wall Street and lack of substance based policy positions and resort to identity politics is why she lost

I wouldn't vote for Clinton or any establishment politician who accepts corporate bribes

I wouldn't fuck either of them
cali didn't need your vote. i hope you voted for someone like jill stein, no matter, my friend did this too. i say you are free too. there was a lot of anti hilary propaganda from you guys ,deflating the dems (and only) chance at beating any repub. and the repub was.. i think bernie made a huge impact on the outcome . him and the strategic dismantling of Hilary clinched it. The same attacks would ave worked against most politicians. So are we more awake now or are we more divided? if bernie came later or had won we would be better off. We are worse ff with dump then most esp. hilary
"The truth is, and I think anyone who objectively assesses the situation has to appreciate that the model that the Democrats have followed for the past 10, 20 years has been THE ULTIMATE FAILURE. I mean, that's just the objective evidence. We are taking on a right-wing extremist party whose agenda is opposed time after time, issue after issue by the vast majority of the American people, yet we've lost the white house, the US house, the US senate, and close to 900 legislative seats all over this country. How can anybody not conclude that the Democratic agenda and approach has been a failure?" -Bernie Sanders
Interesting quote that you have from Sanders. I'd switch it around and ask how can anybody not conclude the Republican approach as been a success. Your pat answer is always "becuz Democrap corrupt". But I really think the objective answer to why voters in middle American states have been receptive to Republicans is that they are more conservative than the Democratic party's agenda.
Does this mean you won't be using the argument that I hold Sanders up as some unquestionable, omnibenevolent demigod anymore?

"She took on his positions!" "The most progressive platform evar!!"...

If you believe any of that bullshit, you're simply politically ignorant of how things actually work. Let me spell it out for you in crayon like a child; the Clinton campaign visually adopted some of Sanders' platform specifically to appeal to actual liberals. Just like the whole "hot sauce!" fiasco was meant to appeal to black voters. Just like Perez making Ellison "deputy chair". They give progressives these show positions that don't hold actual power to placate progressives and steal their votes. Retards like you can't see through that, you just see it and say "See!!! WE'RE UNITED!! Why aren't you!?!"
Actually I said she took on some of his positions. Mainly the one you so wanted so so bad. 15 an hour. Never said anything about being united. I suggest you stick to what I say and not what you want to be said.
I would rather vote for someone who supports some of my fight than someone who does not support any. I guess the idiot in you runs strong when it comes to this election thing. Good luck getting that 15 an hour. Come hollar at me and I will at least start you at 11.50.
Bernie can't do shit for you
Actually I said she took on some of his positions. Mainly the one you so wanted so so bad. 15 an hour. Never said anything about being united. I suggest you stick to what I say and not what you want to be said.
I would rather vote for someone who supports some of my fight than someone who does not support any. I guess the idiot in you runs strong when it comes to this election thing. Good luck getting that 15 an hour. Come hollar at me and I will at least start you at 11.50.
Bernie can't do shit for you
Isn't Trump going to outlaw minimum wage and deport it? Could be that 11.50 is too much. How about 1.50 and you let him sleep in the back. Cuz that's where this roller coaster is headed if Paddy's way of thinking is adopted in the DNC.
Isn't Trump going to outlaw minimum wage and deport it? Could be that 11.50 is too much. How about 1.50 and you let him sleep in the back. Cuz that's where this roller coaster is headed if Paddy's way of thinking is adopted in the DNC.
I know Trump will not be working towards 15 an hour in which Pada scream and shouted about for months on end. People like him/her/it fucked themselves. I actually find it funny now. Can't wait to see how this insurance think works out.
@Padawanbater2 what type of insurance you have ?