Club 600

Just stop spewing your nonsense to others that its safer to not take proven steps to prevent catastrophic illness.

Are you just blatantly ignoring my posts and just carrying on with your emotion? Because that's what it seems like.

What part of vaccines are not proven do you not understand?

What part of the oral polio vaccine causes Polio do you not understand?

The oral Polio vaccine was responsible for most of if not all of the US polio cases from it's inception until the CDC banned it in 2000!

Again, I suggest you go back and read my posts thoroughly.
you're funny. so, what is your opinion about the CBO report on trumpcare then? equally false, right? Because its a government agency spurned on by lobbyists...which would make you a trump supporter then? see what i did there 8-)

your arguments, sir, are based on emotion. not mine.

I have no idea what the CBO report on Trumpcare is.

I'm English.
not trying to win the vaccine argument here dude. this is cob 600 thread.

was just telling you to stop with that nonsense here. you can discuss that crap on some mommy thread
lol, opinion. My only opinion is you are wrong. And I described why and provided links.

Again you are not thinking with logic, the points I make are not MY points they're facts that can be backed up.
I'm just highlighting the facts.

You saying I am wrong is, in essence you saying the facts are wrong.
another source backing up the position the anti vaccine idea was wrong and is fading, citing an article in a major medical journal

No, your assertion is false.

That article doesn't back up any position, let alone that the anti vaccine idea is wrong and fading at all.
Nor does it cite any article in a major medical journal.

It is an article that cites a SURVEY filled out by pediatricians that gives the numbers of parents refusing to have their children vaccinated and the reasons for said refusal.

You didn't even read the article before you posted the link did you?

The headline says.....

Most pediatricians say parents have refused vaccines for their kids

And yes, I did read it.
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No, your assertion is false.

That article doesn't back up any position, let alone that the anti vaccine idea is wrong and fading at all.
Nor does it cite any article in a major medical journal.

It is a news article that cites a SURVEY filled out by pediatricians that gives the numbers of parents refusing to have their children vaccinated and the reasons for said refusal.

You didn't even read the article before you posted the link did you?

The headline says.....

Most pediatricians say parents have refused vaccines for their kids

And yes, I did read it.

you didnt read it at all dude, i know what the headline says.
was just telling you to stop with that nonsense here. you can discuss that crap on some mommy thread

My original Polio vaccine post (that you have still failed to read and understand properly) was in reply/response to another members passing comment about vaccines.

Even though I made the post as easy to digest as possible, I apologized for the length and intensity of said post afterwards.
The post actually gained some interest and I was asked by a couple to elaborate a little more.

I went away and then came back and replied to one of those people directly, that is where this discussion originated from, not that it is a discussion with you as you haven't managed to make a valid and objective point yet. Let alone have you come back with any facts yourself.

You jumped in with both feet and called bullshit (despite facts being presented, I would also provide sources for said facts if you would have the decency to ask for them if you really want to study them), you called bullshit based on your opinion and emotion concerning said subject.

Don't come telling me what I can and can not discuss in a thread when you've been here only just 2 months.
And especially when other users of the thread don't seem to have a problem with the subject matter.
You're the only person here taking this as me spouting opinion, everybody else concerned has had the decency to acknowledge the points and give thanks for the simple break down, either with a like or directly with a comment.
Yes I did.

Prove me wrong if I didn't.

I'll happily take it back if you can, I'm not intellectually dishonest.


The link to the medical journal is in the second paragraph, a hyperlink "pediatrics". It describes what parents are reporting to their pediatricians why they are declining immunizations or delaying them. Avoiding autism is not the reason parents are refusing them more.

That backs up what I said; that idea is fading.

Paragraph 7 also supports this and provides links there as well.

The link to the medical journal is in the second paragraph, a hyperlink "pediatrics". It describes what parents are reporting to their pediatricians why they are declining immunizations or delaying them. Avoiding autism is not the reason parents are refusing them more.

That backs up what I said; that idea is fading.

Paragraph 7 also supports this and provides links there as well.

The Pediatrics article isn't a journal.

And it says the reasons are mostly that "they are not needed", not that the autism idea is fading or wrong.
