AusCann medicinal cannabis GIANT to begin exporting, Big Pharma looks to be the only player allowed


Well-Known Member
So some of you still believe there will be no corporate take over in the cannabis sector right????

What do you think about your medical cannabis being supplied by BIG PHARMA?
From a foreign country, no less!
Well get ready for it!

Or they may just move into your neighborhood and monopolize and dominate the cannabis market.

Quote the Sidney morning herald
Think the dope trade is a cottage industry run by people in rainbow T-shirts and dreadlocks? You're busted: the growing medical marijuana industry is expansionist, aggressive and defiantly capitalist.
Another source states:
Only "Fit and proper' people can apply to grow cannabis for medicinal use this weekend.

TW Holdings Ltd (ASX:TWH), which is in the process of a reverse takeover by AusCann Group Holdings Limited has sealed a strategic partnership with one of the world's largest medicinal cannabis companies, Canopy Growth Corporation (CVE:CGC).

Sounds like an Australian monopoly already and moving on to monopolize the Republic of Chile now also.

Canopy Growth Corporation (Tweed Inc.)
(“Tweed”) has received approval to begin using its new breeding area at 1 Hershey Drive in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
This will position Tweed as the only licensed producer capable of breeding new products to specific cannabinoid profiles.
Canadian market leader announces approvals to have Tweed products
available for sale to German patients this summer.

Canopy Growth Corporation (Tweed Inc.) CORE PARTNERS AND FRIENDS

Snoop Dogg is a business pioneer in the cannabis sector.
DNA Genetics have won awards in every category in the Cannabis Cup.
AusCann is a leader in Australia's emerging medical cannabis industry.
Indoor Harvest is developing aeroponic agriculture solutions for the cannabis industry.
CannScience is an R&D biopharmaceutical company.
His primary focus has been to position cannabis brands in a competitive market.
Canopy subsidiaries are now the only company licensed and are currently able to produce 13,500 kg of dried cannabis and 6,700 kg of cannabis oil production,
representing over 7 million ml of finished cannabis oil.

Canopy has now partnered with other companies to bring its products, expertise and brands to four continents.

What do you think about the possibility of a corporate canna-biz take over now?
Surprised no Canadians have chimed in on this. We hate this Tweed, they've been shipping crap meds to our Canadian patients to the point where they already have a bad name. Now they're expanding outside of Canada to see if other countries will take their shwagg, don't think they're selling much here.

As much as basement black market growers may not be happy with these large scale producers, they're really about the only market that will be affected by these large ops. MJ is a grass roots plant that belongs to the people, hobby/medical growers will continue as always imo. Not only can we grow it much cheaper for ourselves, we typically got into growing because we don't trust anyone else to grow it clean and free of pesticides. Here I'm expecting the black market to thrive at least for a few years. These large producers are targeting and selling in the medical market for $8-$15/gram which is already higher than the black market weed, which is much higher quality and better variety. Only those with no connections are buying this over-priced Tweed crap. The regulations they have in place for these large ops,, the learning curve and small market at the moment are putting them in a position where they'll probably have to get $8/gram to break even. There's already consolidating, Tweed has bought a couple out themselves.

If the current laws/rules/regulations remain domestically in Canada, the only bad thing I foresee about these large producers, will be the unsuspecting countries that buy their crap.
who will the market consist of? who will lead? under complete legalization the powers that be my take over by and large.
but under the current medicinal model it seems to be cannabis entrepreneurs scaling to max they can but it's just a matter of time before someone sells out or accepts shady investors or the existing giants send agents to fuck with it.
most people don't run 100% of their business's aspects with all fairness or regard for other human beings or nature. people tend to not be the best they can be . and history shows that even now people take advantage of other people and put there own greed before any greater good. i think that exists in every industry and amongst around one of every two or 3 people you find on average in the whole world. statistics could show more and less respectively and we can learn from that but even among pot smokers there are all types so its not surprising to see these articles. thanks for brining it up.
Psh. I've heard of the schwag these big companies sell. I think I'll stick to my new found life hobby.

No chemicals. No pesticides. Just rich organic soil. And good ol rainwater.

Fuck big pharma. Keep Australia beautiful.
Psh. I've heard of the schwag these big companies sell. I think I'll stick to my new found life hobby.

No chemicals. No pesticides. Just rich organic soil. And good ol rainwater.

Fuck big pharma. Keep Australia beautiful.
100% agree nugachino remember seing somthing once i bellieve it about the medical marijuana place thay got in the hunter vally the dude in charge dident know shit the footige showed them harvesting plants had no trichs the bloke had never even seen a weed plant fucken joke i couldv done better nd im a complete noob big buessnes and big pharma have no place in medical maryjane
No trichs? Dafuq? How the hell do you get no trichs? Even my first midget was nice and frosty. And I didn't even know what I was doing 70% of the time.

That's a special kind of stupid.
No trichs? Dafuq? How the hell do you get no trichs? Even my first midget was nice and frosty. And I didn't even know what I was doing 70% of the time.

That's a special kind of stupid.
it prob had some but the plant was def not ready ill c if i can find the vid on u tube
I wouldn't. I grow for my own use. Don't know anyone who needs it. And wouldn't want to get caught growing what they need anyway. It's not legal here. And my ass is a virgin.
I wouldn't. I grow for my own use. Don't know anyone who needs it. And wouldn't want to get caught growing what they need anyway. It's not legal here. And my ass is a virgin.
im only growing for me but it would be my dream job im tryng 2 learn as mutch as possable for when its legal its all i wanna do with my life