Absolutely correct.
I've had some health problems recently and the treatment has been for the symptoms, but not the underlying problem. I'm still searching for clues to solve it. It's gotten better, without any meds.....they're for the symptoms.

Me too, I've fixed a lot of my problems through recently changing my diet.
I used to have low left side chest cramps and stomach cramps, these cramps used to come out of the blue randomly, make my blood pressure drop through the floor and take my eyesight away, while I had to lie on the floor in the recovery position until they faded after a few seconds to a few mins and my blood pressure eyesight came back to normal and I could stand up again.
These went on for a couple of years with no warning or notice.
I went to the GP and he would rather prescribe me drugs in a 'process of elimination' type attitude until he found a drug that stopped the symptoms rather than send me for the tests to find the underlying cause and fix that.
(after I pushed him about it he sent me for a few tests that didn't find anything and then he basically said "I don't know what is wrong, I can't help you, go away and suffer").
I questioned him about his attitude told him straight that it's illogical, I made a simple analogy that sure I could have a broken leg and be in pain and you can prescribe me drugs to stop the pain, thus stopping the symptoms but that doesn't fix the broken leg now does it?
I told him that is not what health care and medicine is about surely, he disagreed and dismissed my point entirely.
He just couldn't grasp it, or refused to admit I was right and that the health care industry is just a front for legal drug dealing rather than actually stopping people from getting ill in the first place or fixing problems.
Any GP in England I've ever spoken to (except 1) is completely stumped if they can't treat symptoms with drugs, they're lost and really haven't got a clue what to do.
If drugs don't fix the symptoms and they can't nail down a problem with simple blood tests and the like then you're fucked, they can't help you.
I stopped drinking coffee a year or so ago and I haven't had one of those cramp/eye sight attacks since, I have no idea if that's what caused them or if it is a coincidence but since I dropped coffee I've not had an attack (touch wood) so I no longer drink coffee at all.
I used to randomly vomit too, for no explanation whatsoever I'd just vomit several times a day, regularly for about 10 years and mostly in the morning.
That became a big problem that I couldn't find an answer to, I went to the GP/Dr many times over the years to see what caused it, they prescribed various drugs on and off but couldn't stop the symptoms or find anything underlying that was wrong and in the end I just accepted it and lived with it.
Now I don't eat carbs anymore, I gave up refined sugars mid last year (a few months after I dropped coffee) and I gave up carbs pretty much completely and started to eat a 'Ketogenic' diet after xmas just gone.
Since going Keto I have not vomited once, from vomiting a few times per day for a good 10+ years to not once in in the past 3 months.
This also could be completely coincidental but fuck it, I feel a million times better than I ever have and my general health is the best it's been for many years, my incidences of having Asthma attacks have dropped to pretty much non existent too (I have Type II Brittle asthma, if I have an attack it can potentially kill me).
All the drugs and tests Dr's have put me through over the last 6 years or so have done absolutely fuck all to fix or explain anything.
I stop drinking coffee and go Ketogenic and so far I've never felt better.
I still don't know what actually caused the problems but not having those problems any more is something I can live with despite not knowing the cause.
I'd still like to know but I can't have it both ways. lol
I just don't bother going to the GP/Dr anymore because I know what I face before I get there (closed minded and stubborn), they might know about what drugs do what and how to prescribe them but I know masses more than any Dr I've ever met about nutrition and healthy living in general.
It still amazes me how little GP's and Dr's actually know about nutrition and biochemistry.
The amount of obese Dr's and health professionals I know of is not even funny.
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get a full blood test done in the UK.
I want a test doing to show my cholesterol levels, lipid levels, testosterone levels and such like so I can read my results and act accordingly for preventative healthcare and longevity (I can read my own results better than any Dr, they don't really understand what they're looking at outside the normal markers)
If there's nothing actually wrong with you then Dr's don't see the point of sending you for a blood test.
In the US you can just walk into a place and pay them to do a test at your whim and it's the same in most of Europe, not in the UK though.
It's pretty much a closed system here and it's bullshit.
I'm going to Poland with the Mrs in a few months for a couple of days so I'm gonna get some tests done there, just walk in to a public lab in any city and pay cash, job done.