Wtf ! Spider mites in winter ??

Not exactly true either - on the chem

Forbid works - period. If you have real forbid and apply as directed... Mites gone and no resistance. Forbid does not make for resistance...

Still - pred mites in bloom is the best bet....
ah man, you know I love ya..
but the mites I had laughed at the forbid, well, at the end anyways, most all the treatments work initially.
but no joke, forbid was almost pointless
in fact my simple dawn soap and coco surfactant was more effective than forbid at the end..
it was ugly man, I wouldn't have been surprised to wake up to see myself webbed.. these mites not only fucked my plants up, they wrecked my car, and stole my girlfriend.
that's an exaggeration..
but I put nothing beyond those things..
avid, forbid, dichlorvos, azamax, neem (only worked via physical spraying, and fucked the plants up) the "pepper" treatment (not recommended at all), pyrethrins, etc, etc.. "dr death" whatnot.
I was just about to try spinosad (not really stoked on systemics...) and my friend said he knew a dude that had a business and ALL he did was treat massive strawberry fields, which apparently mites like even more than cannabis.. so all up the CA coast, into Oregon and I think he said even southern WA are these massive consumer organic strawberry fields that he makes a lucrative living on breeding his mites.
I literally said "fuck that" to my friend, cuz I had tried some before (after learning a lil more the specie I tried was virtually useless at high temps)
so like I said, "fuck that"
next thing I know I get a text saying that he'll give me a free batch of mites even shipped (very expensive to ship these things actually)
so I said whatever
I made him a bet (the bet was a100 steak, 4 beers, and a promise to spread the truth to fellow cannabis growers)
made that bet that it wouldn't work, these mites kicked my ass the entire 5 yrs I've been in the redwoods, I was convinced that anything short of a Napalm bombing or a small hydrogen warhead was useless.
I even was literally contemplating on hooking a tube to my suburbans exhaust, and disconnecting the o2 to keep it in open loop (like 1.5% carbon MONoxide) and seeing if I could kill them that way..
almost tried that, swear to god.
desperate times...
anyways, it's fairly obvious who lost that bet..
moral of the story, predator mites are USELESS unless it's the correct type.
just useless, they go into hibernation, or simply seek more conducive environments elsewhere
so anyways
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ah man, you know I love ya..
but the mites I had laughed at the forbid, well, at the end anyways, most all the treatments work initially.
but no joke, forbid was almost pointless
in fact my simple dawn soap and coco surfactant was more effective than forbid at the end..
it was ugly man, I wouldn't have been surprised to wake up to see myself webbed.. these mites not only fucked my plants up, they wrecked my car, and stole my girlfriend.
that's an exaggeration..
but I put nothing beyond those things..
avid, forbid, dichlorvos, azamax, neem (only worked via physical spraying, and fucked the plants up) the "pepper" treatment (not recommended at all), pyrethrins, etc, etc.. "dr death" whatnot.
I was just about to try spinosad (not really stoked on systemics...) and my friend said he knew a dude that had a business and ALL he did was treat massive strawberry fields, which apparently mites like even more than cannabis.. so all up the CA coast, into Oregon and I think he said even southern WA are these massive consumer organic strawberry fields that he makes a lucrative living on breeding his mites.
I literally said "fuck that" to my friend, cuz I had tried some before (after learning a lil more the specie I tried was virtually useless at high temps)
so like I said, "fuck that"
next thing I know I get a text saying that he'll give me a free batch of mites even shipped (very expensive to ship these things actually)
so I said whatever
I made him a bet (the bet was a100 steak, 4 beers, and a promise to spread the truth to fellow cannabis growers)
made that bet that it wouldn't work, these mites kicked my ass the entire 5 yrs I've been in the redwoods, I was convinced that anything short of a Napalm bombing or a small hydrogen warhead was useless.
I even was literally contemplating on hooking a tube to my suburbans exhaust, and disconnecting the o2 to keep it in open loop (like 1.5% carbon MONoxide) and seeing if I could kill them that way..
almost tried that, swear to god.
desperate times...
anyways, it's fairly obvious who lost that bet..
moral of the story, predator mites are USELESS unless it's the correct type.
just useless, they go into hibernation, or simply seek more conducive environments elsewhere
so anyways

I love ya too man....Wow, car, girl friend - sure that wasn't a "country song"? Frigg'in goat ropers anyway!

Personally, I've never had a problem with FORBID. 8 drops in a gallon of water and a light misting of the tops of the leaves only.
Boom done! In the last 8 years......I've only had them twice (Mich doesn't have the problems like Cali - Shit, last time out there and seeing Maple trees silver with PM.....Gave me nightmares) and each time, Forbid did it's job with NO damage to anything but mites!

The first time I used it, was for a problem infestation, (when it first hit the market). Nothing was working.....I was given a cpl of gallons pre mixed. Told how to use it and I was shocked! 1 light misting on the leaf tops and it was done....

My friend and neighbor - got hit last year in bloom (mid) and i got him to try the mites.....I was impressed how fast they worked....

Sorry that Forbid didn't work for you Grease.....Something was amiss to have damaged your plants...

There are 2 new products out there now......I've only looked at one.......I just don't have a need to look at them closely.

PS - one of the new ones is from BASF I think.....I posted some info on here -
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Spinosad will eradicate them. No survivors.

It is documented in my thread. Two foliar treatments and added to my water twice and they were gone.

It is a harmless bacteria.
View attachment 3904688
Captain Jacks spinosad.
I've had good luck with spinosad but didn't want to spray flowers. Have you used it during flower? I worry about residue, even though I will be rinsing this batch thoroughly after the chop.
I've had good luck with spinosad but didn't want to spray flowers. Have you used it during flower? I worry about residue, even though I will be rinsing this batch thoroughly after the chop.
Yes I have used it in flower. Its not poison. Its a bacteria. One that's not harmful to humans. I posted a thing where a woman drank a whole bottle and it didn't hurt her.

I wouldn't spray the last two weeks. Its safe to use on food right up until a day or two before harvest. With cannabis I wouldn't the last couple weeks.

I wouldn't suggest it if I though it was dangerous.
Yes I have used it in flower. Its not poison. Its a bacteria. One that's not harmful to humans. I posted a thing where a woman drank a whole bottle and it didn't hurt her.

I wouldn't spray the last two weeks. Its safe to use on food right up until a day or two before harvest. With cannabis I wouldn't the last couple weeks.

I wouldn't suggest it if I though it was dangerous.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm in the final week with three indica plants but the big sativa still has at least three weeks left. I'll hose her down tonight. Overall, she hasn't been hit nearly as bad. Plants that have high brix tend to be fairly resistant to bugs & other typical problems. Maybe If I can get rid of the mites now, I won't have to deal with it later when the plant is weakened by the final stages of life.
I didn't think it was dangerous; I was worried about ruining the flavor. Many of the best remedies are oil-based, which definitely changes the flavor.
Why cant somebody come up with just one product to kills these bsstards instead of 500 different ways ??
I don't know, maybe the same reason there are 500 different ways to light your home or clean the floors.

Most of the stuff used for mites is poison.

The best thing for mites is water. Rain does wonders to remove them. If you could simply put plants in an area and hose them off it will go a long way to remove them.

Spinosad knocks them out. Period.
Yes I have used it in flower. Its not poison. Its a bacteria. One that's not harmful to humans. I posted a thing where a woman drank a whole bottle and it didn't hurt her.

I wouldn't spray the last two weeks. Its safe to use on food right up until a day or two before harvest. With cannabis I wouldn't the last couple weeks.

I wouldn't suggest it if I though it was dangerous.

It is not a bacteria, it is produced by a bacteria, and it is a "poison" that is toxic to insects. It works as an acetylcholine "blocker" (anticholinergic). Mild toxicity to humans. It is used in products to treat for lice, but "they" also prescribe medications that are "not that bad". While pregnant with my daughter, the Dr./nurses were urging my wife to take something that was "100% safe", as it has been deemed "safe" during pregnancy (she was complaining about discomfort, it was a painkiller or sleep aid, don't remember). I knew better, it is linked to brain abnormalities and midline facial deformations (cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.). So that you are aware, recent studies link anticholinergics (acetylcholine blockers like diphenhydramine/Benadryl) to cognitive degradation, brain tissue loss (primarily in areas of "memory" and "critical thinking"), and dementia (think Alzheimer's).

My sure fire mite preventative/combatant is also a foliar feed, keeps them lush and beautiful. Haven't had to worry about mites/pests for a very long time. Natural and "green", wouldn't be phased if my children drank it and/or dumped it on themselves.
Why cant somebody come up with just one product to kills these bsstards instead of 500 different ways ??
because they evolve
you can't treat something that evolves with the same treatment (unless you use predatorial treatments, can't evolve to not be eaten)
rats and mice and bugs evolve amazingly fast
remember in 20 days that can represent 9-15 generations of mites..
that's like going back to the middle ages for humans
roughly 1000 yrs or so for humans to be able to do that
20 days for mites.
It is not a bacteria, it is produced by a bacteria, and it is a "poison" that is toxic to insects. It works as an acetylcholine "blocker" (anticholinergic). Mild toxicity to humans. It is used in products to treat for lice, but "they" also prescribe medications that are "not that bad". While pregnant with my daughter, the Dr./nurses were urging my wife to take something that was "100% safe", as it has been deemed "safe" during pregnancy (she was complaining about discomfort, it was a painkiller or sleep aid, don't remember). I knew better, it is linked to brain abnormalities and midline facial deformations (cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.). So that you are aware, recent studies link anticholinergics (acetylcholine blockers like diphenhydramine/Benadryl) to cognitive degradation, brain tissue loss (primarily in areas of "memory" and "critical thinking"), and dementia (think Alzheimer's).

My sure fire mite preventative/combatant is also a foliar feed, keeps them lush and beautiful. Haven't had to worry about mites/pests for a very long time. Natural and "green", wouldn't be phased if my children drank it and/or dumped it on themselves.
Its fairly safe. Safer than most chem products.

It has very low toxicity to mammals. It has been studied and fed to rats all the way to dogs in very high doses with little side effects. At the doses that cause problems you would be ingesting the whole bottle.

It acts on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. It has secondary actions on gaba neurotransmitters.

It has been in use since 1997 and approved for organic gardening.

Once again, I wouldn't recommend it if I thought it was dangerous.

As any know here, I don't even like to take things like Tylenol or motrin. I take very few medicines.
Its fairly safe. Safer than most chem products.

It has very low toxicity to mammals. It has been studied and fed to rats all the way to dogs in very high doses with little side effects. At the doses that cause problems you would be ingesting the whole bottle.

It acts on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. It has secondary actions on gaba neurotransmitters.

It has been in use since 1997 and approved for organic gardening.

Once again, I wouldn't recommend it if I thought it was dangerous.

As any know here, I don't even like to take things like Tylenol or motrin. I take very few medicines.
Spinosad is the only option for flower I'm aware of that won't leave an oily residue (doesn't rinse off). You can use just about anything in veg -- even hot shots!
Idea: How do spider mites react to UVB? Mites stay mostly on the undersides of leaves, so I was wondering what would happen if you put a lizard light on the ground that was shining upward? I doubt if it would kill them, but it might slow them down. Especially when combined with a strong fan.
Spider mites are satans children .......a long distance flame thrower works great for ridding them ,,,HOWEVER....the plants themselves and/or the building didn't fair so well .......I knew I should have stuck to my preventative aza,neem,soap mix .....but the flame thrower was way more fun
Spider mites are satans children .......a long distance flame thrower works great for ridding them ,,,HOWEVER....the plants themselves and/or the building didn't fair so well .......I knew I should have stuck to my preventative aza,neem,soap mix .....but the flame thrower was way more fun
They are very resilient, like cockroaches. I think the mites in my tent may have developed a partial immunity to spinosad and SNS209. Major bummer.
I hate those little fuckers.
When this crop is done, I'm breaking out some *real* bug spray.

Damn it.
Below is a site that may be helpful in deciding what's best to use.

The thing most people don't realize is how many DIFFERENT kinds of mites there actually are. And many of the available products kill some of them but not all of them. You really have to do your research, identify the mites you have, follow directions, etc.

With that being said, I fought them for years. They'd always show up in the 3-4 week of flowering. They lay low, dormant I guess, and when conditions are ideal, they go crazy. I've spent $1000's on products, tried or made almost everything available at one point or another. I'm in my 3rd crop now without them and my final product shows the difference. After finishing I spray the entire empty room, pots, etc with Avid and then Floramite a bit later on. I spray Forbid 4F just before flowering, just in case on the plants. It's more effective if you spray the entire plant down, not just the tops of the leaves- even the directions mention that. Make sure you leave the plants at least 12 years in the darkness or the plants could show some issues- the directions mention that too......
They are very resilient, like cockroaches. I think the mites in my tent may have developed a partial immunity to spinosad and SNS209. Major bummer.
I hate those little fuckers.
When this crop is done, I'm breaking out some *real* bug spray.

Damn it.
Pyrethrum TR FTW when you decide to bust out the *real* bug spay after harvest.
Buy 3 cans, and blow them off three days apart from each other.
sticking with my olive oil . i jumped it up to 5 teaspoons per gallon warm water spray the plants for 14 days 100 % gone . it does not burn black no nasty taste or smell i hit plants in week 8 of flower tested them out nobody could tell . fuck neem oil smells like shit
i have used peroxide outdoors, with dish liquid added, essential oils & jaz rose spray into the middle of october in the mid atlantic... never thought of using olive oil...
Spray of avid and 1500 lady bugs and mites are gone ! Gonna wait 10 days spray again and 1500 more lady bugs and i should be good. I hope. Worked last time. I reused dirt on 3 plants about a month ago and i think thats where they came from and the plants got stressed when i put new lights in. Lights were way to bright until i dimmed them down