Well-Known Member
If you have a request post the spectral waves and Ill crunch the numbers. So far Ive only ran the CXB 3590 3000K 90 CRI and the Luminous Generation 3 CXM-22 3000K 90 CRI as its been shown that 90 CRI produces good results (Thanks @Rahz ) I started here to see which of these would be the better buy for myself. Ill open it up to other cobs as well. This is the most accurate for getting efficiency and a spectral read out for the cob itself.
These results were obtained through using the 85C for both, I would hope that 20W wouldn't be at 85C but hey its a worst case scenario.
The calculator Im using was provided by @Ganjineer and its called the Photosynthetic Spectral Quality Calculator. quite a mouthful.
If you have questions Ill more than likely be making a video on how to use this in the future as its a bit complicated for those that are not computer savy.
If you have a specific COB you want checked out to see a more accurate representation than the Cob calculator (mainly because it doesnt have the newer cobs) ill need the spectral curve to get the results, as well as the cobs name/cri/voltage.
With the advent of Photoshop I can continue to follow a curve outside of the given information, now I would call that speculative as its not exact information but its an educated guess. so if you wanted to see what a cxb3590 3500K 36V would give you at 500mA PAR/W efficiency PPF you get the idea.
Let me know what requests you have and Ill do my best.
Heres what I have for the two cobs above at 20W ish.

These results were obtained through using the 85C for both, I would hope that 20W wouldn't be at 85C but hey its a worst case scenario.
The calculator Im using was provided by @Ganjineer and its called the Photosynthetic Spectral Quality Calculator. quite a mouthful.
If you have questions Ill more than likely be making a video on how to use this in the future as its a bit complicated for those that are not computer savy.
If you have a specific COB you want checked out to see a more accurate representation than the Cob calculator (mainly because it doesnt have the newer cobs) ill need the spectral curve to get the results, as well as the cobs name/cri/voltage.
With the advent of Photoshop I can continue to follow a curve outside of the given information, now I would call that speculative as its not exact information but its an educated guess. so if you wanted to see what a cxb3590 3500K 36V would give you at 500mA PAR/W efficiency PPF you get the idea.
Let me know what requests you have and Ill do my best.
Heres what I have for the two cobs above at 20W ish.