1000 real watts, DIY cobs

Raging Stalk

Active Member
You still don't get it. A watt is a watt regardless of how you use it. For growing plants you want those watts to generate light. More cobs driven at lower current produce more photons than less cobs driven at higher current.

Why are you stuck on that driver and configuration when there other ways to do it better? You can also put runs in parallel not just series and even have parallel series runs. Those are the obvious solutions to your concerns regarding additional drivers.

200w worth of photons, or 380w when driven even lower is nothing to sneeze at. But it is all there in the math laid out before you.


Well-Known Member
Dude i dont know what your day job is, but im an electrician by trade.. You dont get it.. I chunched the numbers.. Yes vero c's are more efficient, congratulations you read the spec sheet. I didnt want 72v chips for the reasons i already stated.. I didnt want to buy more drivers, i dont want my extraction fan running all the time, i didnt want to use ac units at all anymore.. I turned my rig up just over 300w's and my plants were suffering.. I have more than enough photons at a cheaper price... Could i have built a more efficient unit, of course i could have, but its not all about lumen/w for me.. It was a lumen vs cost vs canopy uniformity, and my new setup is right where i want to be... U want to argue about chip efficiency, start your own thread on it... Citi 1825's will kill the vero's anyway, so why not go that route if all u care about is lumen/w??

Raging Stalk

Active Member
Talk about dead horse...:roll:
Efficacy is great and all but weight and $ is what really drives my purchasing decision...
I think he is just cranky because he got called out on his obvious mistake.

Now he wants to talk all tough about being an electrician when he posted elsewhere that he was the low guy on the totem pole, better known as the guy who doesn't know any better so let's have him get electrocuted if he messes up.

I was polite with my initial post pointing out the error. At least I am not laughing at him for the mistake like most people would. Doesn't really matter, it is his money and his results, but at least now he knows he could have done much better.


Well-Known Member
Yes 12 years ago i was a low guy on the totem pole.. Now i have 15 years in my union.. Take a hike bud.. Your not polite, your a goof.. Why dont u make your own thread about "your build",and stay the fuck off mine.. And look at gbauto's post, "your" the dead horse that im beating.. U made a mistake and got the 72v chips and now can only run 2 per driver at a decent amperage... Ill say it one more time... Beat it..

Raging Stalk

Active Member
Yes 12 years ago i was a low guy on the totem pole.. Now i have 15 years in my union.. Take a hike bud.. Your not polite, your a goof.. Why dont u make your own thread about "your build",and stay the fuck off mine.. And look at gbauto's post, "your" the dead horse that im beating.. U made a mistake and got the 72v chips and now can only run 2 per driver at a decent amperage... Ill say it one more time... Beat it..
This should be fun.

Union? Aren't those for labor based professions where the people aren't smart enough to negotiate for themselves?

The words respectfully and sorry aren't polite? Do you get mad at people that let you know your zipper is down too?

It isn't your thread, it is the forums thread. By posting you have started a discussion that anyone can participate in. Just because you don't like being wrong doesn't change the truth. Going after the messenger doesn't help either.

"your" ? The misused english is probably explained by your lack of education so it would be a fairly easy insult. Especially since you have shown that you don't understand math.

As for my builds, I know what I am doing. I run one driver for each of my cobs. Simply put I have a much more redundant, resilient and efficient system than you do. The only thing that matters is that it is more effective.

Anyhow the lesson you should learn for this is that you will be called out if you don't know what you are doing and spread wrong information. In your case you bought the bargain bin versions. The D version are the same performance on the previous generation to allow for replacement compatibility. Argue all you want, you still don't understand that simple fact.