Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

Idk about crystals but I have a very strange phenomenon that happens to me every day. I see the number 33 hundreds of times a day. Supposedly it means the spirits are watching over you or something. Sometimes it kinda scares me. There will be times i see it like 10 times in a matter of seconds.. idk i just thought i would share that with y'all
Idk about crystals but I have a very strange phenomenon that happens to me every day. I see the number 33 hundreds of times a day. Supposedly it means the spirits are watching over you or something. Sometimes it kinda scares me. There will be times i see it like 10 times in a matter of seconds.. idk i just thought i would share that with y'all
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:
Dr.Pecker reads this facepalms himself shakes his head and reads no farther.
Dr.Pecker reads this facepalms himself shakes his head and reads no farther.
I stopped reading at the thread title. Then I saw activity and wondered how the hell it had 18 pages.
Then I read your post.
Now I'll stop again... unless someone is wrapping quartz with 1000-turn coils and hooking them up to 10kV supplies, then we're partying.
Crystals and weed growing. I have been on a spiritual journey lately which has brought me to love the effects that different types of crystals can have on people and the energy that surrounds them. So I had an idea to use crystals in my grow room and I researched which crystals work best for plant growth. So I ordered a pyramid shaped moss agate (pyramid-shaped crystals contain even more energy) and also a whole pound of rough green calcite. I am going to put the moss agate pyramid in between the 2 buckets on the ground and scatter the pound of green calcite around the buckets and grow room. Here are the benefits of each stone:

“Moss agate is probably the most beneficial stone when you want increased plant growth. It is known as “the gardener's talisman” for this very reason. Moss agate is often used to attract prosperity and abundance. It's also a healing stone. This crystal is associated with nature spirits. Wearing moss agate while gardening can increase your energy, relieve a stiff neck, and “tune” you in to the energies of your garden. Placing moss agate stones in a container pot or in the ground will increase flower and plant growth. I made a moss agate wind chime suspended from three bamboo stakes tied together at the top and placed this “tee-pee” in a part of my garden where the Phlox weren't doing so well. Within a couple of weeks, I was overrun. A little goes a long way when it comes to crystals. If you have fruit trees, try hanging a small moss agate stone from one of the branches to promote a healthy harvest.”

"Another crystal useful in the garden is Green Calcite, a pale green stone that is said to belong to the small earth spirits of the woods and meadows. Offering a small stone with thanks to these elementals can result in a lush and beautiful garden. Green calcite is also a healing stone and is often used to calm and soothe. If your property is too loud, crowded or over active, you can place a green calcite crystal in a flowerpot or under a tree to soothe the area.”

There is a ton of info on the positive effects of crystals on gardening, but little to no info that is cannabis specific. I think I only found 1 report of somebody using crystals in their grow room and he said the effects were incredible and surprising. Anybody heard of this? I will let yall know how it goes when my crystals arrive!!!! :mrgreen:

Wow thanks for the info, very nice, i'm getting a moss agate pyramid and the Green Calcite for sure ^^ and i'm absolutly SHOCKED over the extremly IGNORANT responses to this post, i thought better of stoners but i guess i was wrong, they are so asleep.
Smoking pot is supposed to have you get High, as in getting knowedge from the higher up, it can help you reach god, that is what shamans etc did in rituals, but these fools missuse and overuse, then to come to a post of value to shit on it? i am actually agitated.

Here is a message to you ignorant sleepers
Instead of doing whatever you can to break down something, why not explore it? make tests? a gardren with crystals and one without, you will see, instead of being a TOXIC JACKASS!

Frequencies do have an effect on everything, for example the light posts in the ground are specifically tested to withstand a low sweep in frequency, why because the earth has it's own frequency that has major effects, especially on sensitive electrical equipment,

When it comes to living things such as plants I am not experienced so I cannot say but most people are of the mind that they can't see it it doesn't exist and ur crazy if u believe in something like that..

Crystals contain their own specific frequency, I do not think it will have any effect personally because you have a ton of equipment cycling at 60hz that will far out weight the effects of the frequency the crystal has

I do think if u were outside away from everything it may help but I think indoors you have way to much working against that theory
A brief search shows only placebo effect in clinical research testing.

People who were believers were more likely to say their crystal had effects when they were holding a fake stone.

We see and believe what we want to see and believe. And the more like pseudo science someone's beliefs are the more they seem to need to convince others of their validity.

See the LED or Organic sections here for more info ;-)
I think its just amazement .. Pezioelectricity, crystal radios, even LCD , all use a crystal or crystal structure to transmit information

But when people believe they can also pick up information or energy from them I do agree that most likely it is all in their minds .. Maybe some people can but most just want to believe,

Now if you were to grow inside a crystal pyramid maybe there is something to how it refracts the light ? Not sure but cool concept lol
Tesla, upon discovering that atoms were over 99% empty space, said "the next major advance in human evolution will be consciousness"

100 years later there is a woman in China who, under scientific conditions, has germinated a seed within 2 hours using consciousness.

Typically, that type of seed takes up to two days.

Until you know something, you don't know.

The suggestion that anyone could massively speed up the germination process of a seed by using consciousness sounds ridiculous to many.

Now the article I read could be bs but until i know I'll keep an open mind.

I wish others would take the same approach

edit; the report i read said she had achieved the same results on over 20 different occasions under scientific conditions
Tesla, upon discovering that atoms were over 99% empty space, said "the next major advance in human evolution will be consciousness"

100 years later there is a woman in China who, under scientific conditions, has germinated a seed within 2 hours using consciousness.

What are these "scientific conditions"?

edit; the report i read said she had achieved the same results on over 20 different occasions under scientific conditions

Without knowing what those "scientific conditions" are, it is meaningless hearsay, at best.
Also what does "consciousness" mean in this context?
A brief search shows only placebo effect in clinical research testing.

People who were believers were more likely to say their crystal had effects when they were holding a fake stone.

We see and believe what we want to see and believe. And the more like pseudo science someone's beliefs are the more they seem to need to convince others of their validity.

See the LED or Organic sections here for more info ;-)
LEDs are made from silicon crystals that seem to have magical properties :):):). but I have to admit that I talk to my plants. don't know if it does any good but it can't hurt
What are these "scientific conditions"?

Without knowing what those "scientific conditions" are, it is meaningless hearsay, at best.
Also what does "consciousness" mean in this context?

I knew I'd get this reply.

I figured that anyone interested would look it up...anyone not looking it up but being negative well, that speaks for itself
I knew I'd get this reply.

I figured that anyone interested would look it up...anyone not looking it up but being negative well, that speaks for itself

As alluded to, i only read the report.

I did not then cross reference the sources.

I make no claims other than i keep an open mind about it
LEDs are made from silicon crystals that seem to have magical properties :):):). but I have to admit that I talk to my plants. don't know if it does any good but it can't hurt

I hate to be scientific in this particular thread but I talk to them a lot too. But I do it for me mostly. They like me to vent. That way they get a nice blast of CO2.
tbh mate, wish i was high...I'm very tired, working nights and for a change, busy.

Intriguing isn't it (the study, not my working nights)
I knew I'd get this reply.

I figured that anyone interested would look it up...anyone not looking it up but being negative well, that speaks for itself

There is nothing negative about asking honest questions, and asking questions does indeed indicate an open mind. Having an open mind doesn't mean we have to be convinced, it just means we have to be willing to be convinced.

I understand you don't have the answers, and that's fine, but alluding that those wanting the answers are somehow being negative is going a step too far.
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There is nothing negative about asking honest questions, and asking questions does indeed indicate an open mind. Having an open mind doesn't mean we have to be convinced, it just means we have to be willing to be convinced.

I understand you don't have the answers, and that's fine, but alluding that those wanting the answers are somehow being negative is going s step too far.

Isn't my point.

The internet has more information than me.

Use your intrigue to find your answers.

SOME posts on this thread are from people with genuine interest, some are just haters... however they choose to articulate that hatred

It takes less energy to Google search some keywords from the info some give than it does to type a what is the motive of these people?

So, if you have an 'honest' question, ask it.

If you load that question with barbed reveal your true motive.

I've replied to you as you missed my point but, although I've read this entire thread, i didn't make a mental note along the way of your comments so do not know if this is applicable in your case...and I'm simply not petty enough to waste my time finding out

Either way, have a nice day