Held at gun point last night


Well-Known Member
I'm old enough to remember when St. Louis was cool. Back in the 70s it rocked, in the 80s it rolled, in the 90s it paid my bills, after that it turned into biff's place in back to the future 3. Move down to Farmington Mo, friendly people, hard work, and become an alcoholic like the rest of us. Puff and pass it's the weekend...



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I lived just out side of there for 3 years in the late 90's & drove through E. StL to get to work 6 days a week - it is illegal to possess a loaded gun in a vehicle on the Illinois side (where I lived) but I carried every time I went to work. Saw my first shooting two weeks into my stay & it just hardened my resolve to never be without protection.
Tough country in that neck of the woods & as the saying goes "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6".


Well-Known Member
I'm old enough to remember when St. Louis was cool. Back in the 70s it rocked, in the 80s it rolled, in the 90s it paid my bills, after that it turned into biff's place in back to the future 3. Move down to Farmington Mo, friendly people, hard work, and become an alcoholic like the rest of us. Puff and pass it's the weekend...
Lol the other day I blacked out on tequila and Xanax nasal spray in South county and literally trashed a entire city block. Wanna hear the story?


Well-Known Member
xanax nasal spray??? im in love already!!!!!!
100mg of Xanax dissolved in 10ml of everclear in a nasal inhaler I think I insulated like 25mg and drank 250 ml of Jose. I fell on my face in the street 3 times woke up on my floor blood on my head and legs. Now I know why I hate Xanax. I was notified of my actions by the police 2 days later I'm kinda imberoused and don't remember any of it. Quite strange wat I did.


Well-Known Member
100mg of Xanax dissolved in 10ml of everclear in a nasal inhaler I think I insulated like 25mg and drank 250 ml of Jose. I fell on my face in the street 3 times woke up on my floor blood on my head and legs. Now I know why I hate Xanax. I was notified of my actions by the police 2 days later I'm kinda imberoused and don't remember any of it. Quite strange wat I did.

We have a love hate relationship! I love them but everyone hates me when i do. I don't remember shit for the duration I'm taking them. 1 time is fine but a week of them and I'm in the fog! i will come to a few days after i run out. Then its a couple days of people telling me that they didnt know what was wrong with me.

They are hard to get around here lately. Not sure whats going on?

Id love to have a few squirts. I'll trade you a nug!


Well-Known Member
Or better still, he could grow a set of testes and stop living life like a lily-white doofus, scampering around like a frightened punkass.

Oh NO, need BIG GUNZ cuz i seen BLK GUY 1 time an he wakled NEER ME!!!
I get what you are saying.

I also believe in ones right to carry. I carry myself. Though I am also trained to defend myself with my hands.

I'm also not a coward. I lived in the ghetto for a while and walked the streets everyday without carrying.

I have said this before but I don't think you were around at the time. Twice for sure and a third time possibly I could have killed someone and been in the right and no charges. I didn't. I have zero desire to kill someone. I will if I have to.


Well-Known Member
Double tap: one to the chest, one to the head.

I never leave home without my maracas.