"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

I asked the first question, I don't need an answer because everything is normal as far as the weather is going
I grow out side, life is good
In response to your earlier post:
Yes real proof, have you got any
You haven't answered it yet. What proof do you require?

Glaciers are melting, species are migrating upward or pole-ward as expected in a warming climate, seas are rising, flooding in low lying areas are common when before it was not, coast lines are eroding, winters are getting shorter and less cold, there are many documented events that show the earth is rapidly warming. Carbon dioxide concentrations have doubled over the past 100 years. Physics of how carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas is old -- almost 200 years ago, this effect was first studied.

Data from multiple unconnected sources all show climate is warming. Scientific understanding of the physics of greenhouse gasses explain why the earth is warming at a faster rate than seen for the past 11000 years. The science is established and hashed over for decades to the point where there is no argument within the science community. In spite of all that, you need to be convinced and am asking you what you require?
Normal according to someone who knows nothing about science? :dunce:

It hasn't even warmed by the margin of error in their calculations,
Its all bullshit for the corporate robin hood
Take from the poor and give to the rich
And make them feel good about it
Helping save the planet and all that bullshit
The planets doing fine, still spinning, gravity still working, atmosphere still keeping all the good things in and out
Having a nice little mild patch of calm weather is old mother earth at the moment
Enjoy it while it lasts
Got no problem with that, house holds should be running a mix of wind, solar and battery, leave the base load to business to pay and maintain
some amazing advancement being made in battery storage
Get off the grid and away from the scams

If its global warming, why does most country's use a different 30 year period to prove the temps are supposedly getting warmer
Its a scam just like religion and socialism and governments being for your good
Follow the money trail, from you to big corporations

Co2 is plant food, if you are worried about fresh air plant a fucking tree or two, I've planted 1000s, because I like trees
Co2 is heaver than air, most falls harmlessly to the ground to feed plant life

something like that

Have a look on the side of your graph it says AD 1961-1990, it isn't me making up the 30year bushit

Sure does, lots of nice coal fired power stations pumping out cheap electricity for all, and releasing all that lovely plant food
Unfortunately the mad lefties have made it their mission to enslave us in this crazy notion humans are the driver of the climate
So we have to suffer highly subsidized green madness, and the prices that go with it, cheap electricity means jobs for the masses

Yep most western country's have clean air these days
Its a pity about all that energy being used to create wealth elsewhere
Its a bit hard to breath in China these days , the emissions have just gone OS with the jobs
While we all live it up on debt

Any actual real proof that there is any running out of control raising temperature
Apart from dodgy alarmist hockey stick graphs and adjustments to old and new temps to suit the modal you want
City's are certainly getting warmer, all that human made concrete jungle that acts as a huge heat sink

The planet and the solar system couldn't give a flying fuck about you pissy little human ants
Although you bloody humans do breath a lot, might need a bit of a cull, save a few trees and some wildlife,
Would be good for the planet,
Ok which one of you true believers is going to put their hand up to save the earth and the human race

Ass = donkey

Get outside and enjoy the sunshine, it will be cold soon enough


Not a believer, only those need apply, your the fools being brainwashed

Why are all the old temperature records disappearing or being homogenised?
Wouldn't need to do that if the case for global warming was so clear cut


This waste of DNA posted a picture of a black person wearing a watermelon rind helmet and holding watermelon slices in each hand. A few minutes earlier he talked some shit about "people of questionable colour". For real.

No need to treat this one with with any sort of decency, this creature merits less than even basic human respect.
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In response to your earlier post:

You haven't answered it yet. What proof do you require?

Glaciers are melting, species are migrating upward or pole-ward as expected in a warming climate, seas are rising, flooding in low lying areas are common when before it was not, coast lines are eroding, winters are getting shorter and less cold, there are many documented events that show the earth is rapidly warming. Carbon dioxide concentrations have doubled over the past 100 years. Physics of how carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas is old -- almost 200 years ago, this effect was first studied.

Data from multiple unconnected sources all show climate is warming. Scientific understanding of the physics of greenhouse gasses explain why the earth is warming at a faster rate than seen for the past 11000 years. The science is established and hashed over for decades to the point where there is no argument within the science community. In spite of all that, you need to be convinced and am asking you what you require?

First I would require some hundred + year old heatwave and temperature records to be broken, before I would remotely believe all the doomsday garbage
It hasn't even warmed by the margin of error in their calculations,
Its all bullshit for the corporate robin hood
Take from the poor and give to the rich
And make them feel good about it
Helping save the planet and all that bullshit
The planets doing fine, still spinning, gravity still working, atmosphere still keeping all the good things in and out
Having a nice little mild patch of calm weather is old mother earth at the moment
Enjoy it while it lasts

View attachment 3903004

View attachment 3903016

This waste of DNA posted a picture of a black person wearing a watermelon rind helmet and holding watermelon slices in each hand. A few minutes earlier he talked some shit about "people of questionable colour". For real.

No need to treat this one with with any sort of decency, this creature merits less than even basic human respect.

Nice one
I was talking about myself and you know that Big -lou
Stop making up bullshit
The record has been broken literally every year for about 5 or 6 now.

Not the pretend unmeasurable temperature of the whole planet, need a bigger computer for that
I mean real temperatures being broken, longer heatwaves, you know shit that's not happening

Quick question for you believers, how do they measure the temperature of the globe, with any accuracy
Translation: "when it's too late then I'll complain about gubermint inaction".

This year is already the hottest in a hundred + year old record. Convinced?
Not where I live, was an La Nina year cold and wet, fuck all summer
No global warming here, lots of cold and freezing records being broken all around the globe the last few years
Global cooling more like it
The only thing inevitable thing about the global temperature is that its going to get a lot colder in the future
Enjoy the good weather while it lasts
We might only have a few thousand years left
Lets burn some fossilized carbon shit,it might give us a few hundred or so years more of liveable(for most of us) weather
The only thing inevitable thing about the global temperature is that its going to get a lot colder in the future
Enjoy the good weather while it lasts
We might only have a few thousand years left
Lets burn some fossilized carbon shit,it might give us a few hundred or so years more of liveable(for most of us) weather
You've got it wrong. I'd say you should stick with things you can understand. Like, collecting marbles.
Not the pretend unmeasurable temperature of the whole planet, need a bigger computer for that
I mean real temperatures being broken, longer heatwaves, you know shit that's not happening

Quick question for you believers, how do they measure the temperature of the globe, with any accuracy
You can answer that question yourself with a little effort:

Glaciers are melting, species are migrating upward or pole-ward as expected in a warming climate, seas are rising, flooding in low lying areas are common when before it was not, coast lines are eroding, winters are getting shorter and less cold, there are many documented events that show the earth is rapidly warming. Carbon dioxide concentrations have doubled over the past 100 years. Physics of how carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas is old -- almost 200 years ago, this effect was first studied.

Data from multiple unconnected sources all show climate is warming. Scientific understanding of the physics of greenhouse gasses explain why the earth is warming at a faster rate than seen for the past 11000 years. The science is established and hashed over for decades to the point where there is no argument within the science community.