Party Cup Voter's Thread

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
What's Up My Party Cup Contestants It Seems As If This Contest Is Taking Forever Damn. Anyway We Lost All The Month Of February To The Hack Attack Then We Had A Constant Take A Week Vacation No Fault Of His Own. So Here We Are Voting Time Again :weed: Constants Post Pictures Of Your Plant Here And Give A Brief Description. Damn Where That Pesky Frog When You Need Him. He Would Always Place 3rd Not Because Of His Growing Skills But Because Of His Ingenious Ways Of Describing His Lack Of Grow Skills. He Probley Has His Tongue Up Some Crack Whore Asshole :hump:

Now Let Me Introduce Yall To The 8th Wonder Of The World. Grown With Only 60watts Of Cxb 3590 5000k DD Bin. Damn Did The Dawgie Dawg Just Say 5000k Yea Now Go Duck Your Head In Shame Cause You Just Got Whipped By A Veg Light Using Only 60 Watt's Peace And It's A Fucking Pool Party Move Bitch Get Out Da Way :hump:

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Bodhi's Road Kill Unicorn

I started out strong, with many ladies. I was arguably leading the pack for a good stretch. But, disaster struck, and had to go take care of a family emergency out of state, leaving the leading lady in the hands of monsters. The monsters of inexperienced friends and neglect. Like true road kill, she went out tattered and bloated.

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Here's my final yield fellas. Only had about a joint and a bowls worth and I didn't even bother weighing it. Some of the strangest tasting/smelling smoke I've ever. Moscato wine is the closest thing to describing it. I'm glad I saved half of here genetics. Hurry and get this over Dawg, I'm at my new pad and ready to roll.
Alright folks well since the one single bean that I popped for this competition went off perfectly without a hitch I've been done with this thing for like 2 years now. Take that into account when voting was as easy as watching weed grow. I grabbed a 2 year old mystery bean and stuck it in some organic soil. Put it under 100 watts of vero 29 and gave her some water and a shot of nutrients here and there. It only got overly dry one time when I left town for 4 days, no big deal. I got just over 7 grams and left 2 nugs on the plant for a reveg. No harvest pics as I've now had 4 phones since this comp started ha j/k but I really don't have harvest pics anymore. Here it is.

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Pics post is down on my end, i did it for funsies anyway. Consider me dqed or forfeit either way i had a blast

No No Your Not Getting Off THAT Easy. I Know After Seeing The 8th Wonder Of The World You Had A Panic Attack So You Kipped Some Of The Dawgie Dawgs Special Sativa Blend And Apparently It Has Grabbed You By The Bo Bo And Swung You Around Like Bam Bam Causing You To Dive Deep Into A State of Paranoia Of Which Hasn't Been Seen Since The Radio Broadcast Of The Aliens Has Landed In 1934.:shock:

Now I Know You Think Your In Deep Doo Doo Causing You To Have Night Sweats But Theirs A Cure. 1st Put The lime In The Coconut And Call the Dr Woo Woo Woo. Then Head Over To The Grow Thread And Cut And Paste A Few Pages That Show's Your Nasty Azz Progress And Damn You Don't Need A Proxy Server :hump: Peace And Call Me In The Morning :hump:

Dem Was Some Funny Looking Maters You Posted On Insta-Gram Just Saying That's All Folks :peace:
The problem is that HTTP (note: no "s" on the end) data is not encrypted, and it can be intercepted by third parties to gather data being passed between the two systems.

This can be addressed by using a secure version called HTTPS, where the "S" stands for secure.

Sometimes one little letter can make all the difference
The problem is that HTTP (note: no "s" on the end) data is not encrypted, and it can be intercepted by third parties to gather data being passed between the two systems.

This can be addressed by using a secure version called HTTPS, where the "S" stands for secure.

Sometimes one little letter can make all the difference

That Still Doesn't Explain Why You Go Back To The Grow Thread And Just Copy A Few Pages With Your Lady On Them And We Could Use Those :wall: