Anti government in the politics section


Well-Known Member
From a customer service standpoint: if you don't want to offer customer service based on age, Sex, religion or sexual orientation then you should pick a different field.
You shouldn't own a store if you hate people. You should own a junk yard instead.
Hey now. This is offensive. Fred and Lamont weren't haters.



Well-Known Member
I don't hate people, but I do respect their right to control their own property and their own body, even if I disagree with how they do it if they confine it to themselves.

You, on the other hand seem intent on forcing them to comply with your vision and are okay using force to disposition somebody else property and to make them labor for a cause you like.

Where does anyone get the right to use offensive force to make a person associate with them? Does it come from a junkyard?
I think it's called a having a conscience. Damn Jiminy, always chirping.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
what's the least hateful way to hang a sign disallowing black customers from entering a store?

By the form of your question you seem to be trying to get me to defend a racists point of view. I'm not interested in that, since I disagree with it. I respect their right to disposition their own property though, don't you?

What is the least hateful way to force a person to use their own property and body to serve you, if they prefer not to ?


Well-Known Member
So your conscience is okay with forcing another human being to associate with you even if they prefer not to?

You're not related to Ted Bundy are you?
Oh it's better when we talk about dragons. Your logic does not make sense in my mind.

I do feel, if you want to discriminate against people then YOU are the problem. And you should remove yourself from people.

Everyone wins.


Well-Known Member
By the form of your question you seem to be trying to get me to defend a racists point of view.
you already called hanging a sign that disallows black customers from entering a store "polite and reasonable", i just want to what the least hateful way to do it is, since you claim you do not hate people.


don't run away from this question like you have run from every single other one, pedophile.

What is the least hateful way to force a person to use their own property and body to serve you, if they prefer not to ?
oh, so you finally found someone who was forced to open a store. please tell me the name of this person and their store. thanks.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
when you said it was "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign that disallows black people from entry to a store.
Oh back to that eh? The context wasn't whether I agreed with a racist, you asked the most polite wayfor a racist to notice others of his racism. Two different things there.

So how come you never answer why you think it's okay to force a person to associate if they prefer not to ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh it's better when we talk about dragons. Your logic does not make sense in my mind.

I do feel, if you want to discriminate against people then YOU are the problem. And you should remove yourself from people.

Everyone wins.

If you want to use force to make another person use their property and their body to accommodate your wishes....what does that make a person?

I bet you don't answer my question.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Also what about social programs? As part of a society do you not feel it is your duty to help pay for those who cannot afford to themselves? I think paying taxes that go to help those less fortunate is a very important part of our civilization.

If you are not part of that society, like on an island, I guess that's your prerogative. Seems very small minded and selfish though.

No one wants to be born disabled. Or to become that way. It's our duty as citizens to help where we can. In my opinion.

If I have any duty, it would seem that not using offensive force against people to make them comply with my visions would be a primary duty.

How do you justify using force to make a person comply who isn't interested in your vision, but willing to leave you alone ? I bet you won't answer this question either.

BTW - I do a lot of voluntary charity, but would never think of forcing you to. Because then it would cease to be charity and would become theft.


Well-Known Member
The context wasn't whether I agreed with a racist, you asked the most polite wayfor a racist to notice others of his racism.
you can keep lying, but i will keep telling the truth.

i asked you what was the least aggressive way to kick someone out of a store based on their skin color.

you advocated hanging a sign to disallow people by their skin color. after advocating for racial segregation, you defended the act as "polite and reasonable".

Screenshot 2017-03-08 at 2.36.28 PM.png

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Testiclees son of Hephaestus of Corinth? He's one of legions that characterized you as an idiot piece of racist shit, a simple bruised pussy half wit, a toxic, imbecilic but proud turd. I believe he called you a stupid ass MOFO that exposes his shit curdling stupidity in every post.

While I don't like what you've said, I give you props for your style. It's acerbic and laden with turd references. Good job.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you can keep lying, but i will keep telling the truth.

i asked you what was the least aggressive way to kick someone out of a store based on their skin color.

you advocated hanging a sign to disallow people by their skin color. after advocating for racial segregation, you defended the act as "polite and reasonable".

View attachment 3902275

I think you also asked it another way too, since this is ahem a familiar argument we seem to be engaged in.

Either way, the act of notifying a person is a polite and reasonable thing to do. What you notify them of may not be polite though.

For instance if you had walked into Wendy's, lifted a hind leg and farted loudly in a " I REALLY have to take a shit way" and then noticed people you were going to go and defecate all over the floor, your notice would have been polite. The defecation deposit though would not have been polite. Hope this clears things up for you, Poopy Pants.

Now how about explaining why you think it's okay to force another person to serve you ? Isn't that a kind of slavery?
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