Iris and Sadie


Well-Known Member
Maximum of 14 years here for simple cultivation without intent to supply! most small grows dont get anywhere near that tho, usually a fine or community sentance.


New Member
Here in small town America the cops have the "talk and walk" program, you narc and get let off with fines. Only the cops are really fucking dumb. They bust people for pot but expect them to rat out people with cocaine.

We all know those are 2 different crowds.

That is in part why my house is private.


Active Member
beheading in the town square. :shock: :o

I really don't know. I don't plan on being caught. Medical is on the ballot for my state in November, I hope it passes, then I'll be looking for a med doctor. :clap: :leaf: :weed:
What state are you in Miss Moffitt? Your big girl is looking tasty. Im using the same method of inside outside as you did. Hope mine can turn out as good.


Active Member
I'm in IL, "the beheading state"

How about you whsky? Are you living in the corn too?
Used to be Cattle (SE Missouri) now its water (Florida). Hoping to get back to the cattle some day. Thats great its on the ballot. I will have to keep my eye on that one.

Are you growing full inside now? I havent gone through all your post yet.


New Member
Yes I moved them in a while ago. Got tired of fighting bugs and we have had the wettest summer I can remember. Too many really overcast days, so I moved the operation inside.

I must say I really like this growing with CFL's thing.


New Member
MY leaves get funky spots on them. I don't know if it's burn from touching the wall, they do touch, or if it's from me touching them with the lights here and there.

Lucinda sprouted I think around the middle of June. It was my first plant so I didn't note it or anything. She started 12 /12 4 weeks and 5 days ago.

Yes Flotsom has grown, she's looking really nice, quite the fox I am happy to report. I hope I get to seeing some pistals too.


Well-Known Member
I just can't believe that Flotsom has grown as she has, looking back at her start in life and how tenuous it was and all that. Imagine had you not noticed that little sprout!


Well-Known Member
Happy, just seeing you makes me want to have some grits. I love grits. With eggs. Mmmm... grits. :D Makin' me happy.


Well-Known Member
Ooohh! Sounds good. I was born in NOLA, as was my dad, so I've had all kinds of dishes with grits. Shrimp etouffe is a favorite of mine, haven't had it in years. Mmm....


Well-Known Member
i lived in houma for good while, we just had a crab boil last weekend man that was good. I could eat good seafood all the time. my name grits here stands for girls raised in the south. now more like mom in the burbs