I propose selling a winning political ideology to Americans. Something that both conservatives and progressives can agree with. As I've shown, they want the same things. Universal healthcare, Universal college, etc. Strengthening unions and workers rights.
I think so many states are behind the GOP because the Democratic party hasn't given the voters in those states an applicable alternative to institutional corruption. When both parties are seen as corrupt in the eye of the average American, the one seen as less corrupt will inevitably win.. Which is ironic considering the one considered less corrupt was a billionaire straight from the oligarchy... That's how far we had to fall to beat Hillary Clinton.. - that fact alone should tell you something if you've been paying attention.. -
I think so many states are behind the GOP because people see the Democratic establishment for what it is; corruption. They saw how they conducted the Democratic primary, and as much as the establishment want's to deny it, the corruption was obvious. Now they're the loudest voices for unity (ROFL!).
Perez and DWS and Brazil and the entire leadership of the DNC can rightly unify right underneath deez nutz. They lose an entire generation of progressives. Good fucking luck winning another election.