"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

are you unaware of the imprtance of say "citations"?

you claimed a 2000w portable panel

as i said

"the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse"

butterflies and rainbows and wishing everyone else to google your truthiness will never sovle our climate troubles
It was a large set of fold up panels, I think the dude used super-caps instead of batteries too.

Google it man and stop crying.
fuck off buttercup you made the dreamy claim. man the fuck up and post a citaion

or admit you pull this turd out of your arse

at the equator, midday the "portable panel" would need to be at least 5 square metres

caps or batteries in a solar panel????

are you blindly mistaking a powerbank with a tinee tiny solar panel to an actual power generator???

again you need to post a citation.........................
You need to take a valium or something and chill the fuck out.

The information is out there, enjoy.
You need to take a valium or something and chill the fuck out.

The information is out there, enjoy.
if its out there and you've read it and its legit then why cant you post it?

proof or it didnt happen and your just some dreamy stoner pulling bullshit out of your arse
as much a problem as the denialists are

the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse

please dont for get those citaions tho
if cookie is euphemism for a vagina, then you're damn right he wants a cookie.
no i was just offering a cookie for his exceptional noticing of a space in middle of forget he must be top of what ever class he's in...

he wants a vagina? why is that does he struggle to find vagina's? or is he just pre-op?
My problem with the path of moderation is that recent history has shown that it isn't working.
In many ways for many people, things have gotten better. Over a 60 year period. Things are better from the perspective of social issues but not in terms of prosperity.

Can't argue that recent history is as you say. I simply can't get behind the idea that Democrats were not progressive or left leaning enough. Democrats will have to peel a few states from the GOP to win back the White House or Congress. You say that going more progressive would accomplish this. I don't understand this way of thinking. I don't see evidence that it is true.

On the other hand, I think the average voter is fed up with campaign funding corruption. Bernie was right to make it a centerpiece of his campaign. The GOP is on the wrong side of this argument and it is one issue that Democrats own outright. But it is not as important as bread and butter issues like wage stagnation and jobs. This is the area where Trump, if not the GOP won in 2016. There is no reason why Democrats should have been beaten in this area except for their own negligence.
a "portable" 2000w panel? just one panel does 2KW?

please "Citation needed"

and do you really think the problem with elecric bikes is that they are just too powerfull and spin their energy away????

please "citation needed"

as much a problem as the denialists are

the "pipedreamers" are as bad if not worse

please dont for get those citaions tho
Dude, nobody owes you anything. You call BS. Fine. Maybe the issue is the inappropriate use of the word "panel" when the word "array" would be better. But you are presumptuous in your demand that a citation is "needed". If it is needed by you, then look it up yourself and come back to report your findings. Google will even help you when you misspell a word.

The other bit of your post is nonsense. Pipe dreamers can be annoying but they don't stop progress like the denial lobby and their fossil fuel backers are doing.
Dude, nobody owes you anything. You call BS. Fine. Maybe the issue is the inappropriate use of the word "panel" when the word "array" would be better. But you are presumptuous in your demand that a citation is "needed". If it is needed by you, then look it up yourself and come back to report your findings. Google will even help you when you misspell a word.

The other bit of your post is nonsense. Pipe dreamers can be annoying but they don't stop progress like the denial lobby and their fossil fuel backers are doing.
yeah they really can stop progress when they insist on an ideal that doesnt exist

array or panel it would still need to be at least 5metres square at the equator at midday to hope to produce 2kw of power.... he also mentioned battries or capactiors so what excatly am i supposed to be googling? an array a panel or just a protable power bank with a small token solar panel

one thing you need if your going to combat the deniers is a solid plan on how to produce the energy instead

waving your hands about magically and speaking about a technology that doesnt match up to your claims and then refusing to show what your talking about is never going to do anything to help progress

and it also detracts from technology that does already exist and can fix it because "oooh maaagic solar!!!1!!"
yeah they really can stop progress when they insist on an ideal that doesnt exist

array or panel it would still need to be at least 5metres square at the equator at midday to hope to produce 2kw of power.... he also mentioned battries or capactiors so what excatly am i supposed to be googling? an array a panel or just a protable power bank with a small token solar panel

one thing you need if your going to combat the deniers is a solid plan on how to produce the energy instead

waving your hands about magically and speaking about a technology that doesnt match up to your claims and then refusing to show what your talking about is never going to do anything to help progress

and it also detracts from technology that does already exist and can fix it because "oooh maaagic solar!!!1!!"

I repeat, your poor use of the English language amuses me. And the rather inadequate use of logic in your arguments is equally so.
yeah they really can stop progress when they insist on an ideal that doesnt exist

array or panel it would still need to be at least 5metres square at the equator at midday to hope to produce 2kw of power.... he also mentioned battries or capactiors so what excatly am i supposed to be googling? an array a panel or just a protable power bank with a small token solar panel

one thing you need if your going to combat the deniers is a solid plan on how to produce the energy instead

waving your hands about magically and speaking about a technology that doesnt match up to your claims and then refusing to show what your talking about is never going to do anything to help progress

and it also detracts from technology that does already exist and can fix it because "oooh maaagic solar!!!1!!"
So, somebody who gets excited about a technology can stop all progress in climate science? How does that work?

When a denier makes a false or stupid claim (there are plenty of examples) nobody cares. A poster on a pot board who uses the wrong word in support of solar is somehow going to affect world opinion?

Oh and we can't say anything unless each and every one of us has published a detailed, peer reviewed rigorous plan.

Too funny this.
So, somebody who gets excited about a technology can stop all progress in climate science? How does that work?
not climate science

on what is needed to break free from co2 based energy prodution

solar and wind arent the magic bullets people think they are. and its even worse when people make shit up about what they can do
When a denier makes a false or stupid claim (there are plenty of examples) nobody cares.
no there plenty of people out there including pipedreamers and myself arguing aganst them.
i just argue against the pipedreamers too as they can also be wrong sometimes
A poster on a pot board who uses the wrong word in support of solar is somehow going to affect world opinion?
wrong word? cute
"citation needed"
as you seem to know excatly what he was talking about perhaps you could provide a link?

or are you talking out of your arse too here?
Oh and we can't say anything unless each and every one of us has published a detailed, peer reviewed rigorous plan.
nope just to be willing to show what your talking about with say links rather than vagueries?

all this bitching cause i asked for a link
Too funny this.
wanna cookie?
fuck off buttercup you made the dreamy claim. man the fuck up and post a citaion

or admit you pull this turd out of your arse

at the equator, midday the "portable panel" would need to be at least 5 square metres

caps or batteries in a solar panel????

are you blindly mistaking a powerbank with a tinee tiny solar panel to an actual power generator???

again you need to post a citation.........................

I brought up the SOLN1....the original laserhacker one with the lifepo battery....sure enough google reveals a new prototype with capacitors.....
In many ways for many people, things have gotten better. Over a 60 year period. Things are better from the perspective of social issues but not in terms of prosperity.

Can't argue that recent history is as you say. I simply can't get behind the idea that Democrats were not progressive or left leaning enough. Democrats will have to peel a few states from the GOP to win back the White House or Congress. You say that going more progressive would accomplish this. I don't understand this way of thinking. I don't see evidence that it is true.

On the other hand, I think the average voter is fed up with campaign funding corruption. Bernie was right to make it a centerpiece of his campaign. The GOP is on the wrong side of this argument and it is one issue that Democrats own outright. But it is not as important as bread and butter issues like wage stagnation and jobs. This is the area where Trump, if not the GOP won in 2016. There is no reason why Democrats should have been beaten in this area except for their own negligence.
Not their negligence; rather their complicity and greed.

The Tea Party worked to push an ever more conservative agenda. Why don't you think a progressive liberal equivalent would do the same?

Moderates have been absolutely run over in Washington for 30 years now. I'd say THAT'S the real failed strategy.
not climate science

on what is needed to break free from co2 based energy prodution

solar and wind arent the magic bullets people think they are. and its even worse when people make shit up about what they can do
no there plenty of people out there including pipedreamers and myself arguing aganst them.
i just argue against the pipedreamers too as they can also be wrong sometimes

wrong word? cute
"citation needed"
as you seem to know excatly what he was talking about perhaps you could provide a link?

or are you talking out of your arse too here?

nope just to be willing to show what your talking about with say links rather than vagueries?

all this bitching cause i asked for a link

wanna cookie?
You want me to send you $10 for two boxes of tampons and some candy for your obviously rough menstrual cycle this month?