Anti government in the politics section


Well-Known Member
No, you are a tool. Don't fool yourself. You are anti-social. Sorry, the presence of the occasional anti-social asshole does not preclude us from organizing a government. Or, in other words: nobody cares.
I actually have a lot of friends in real life and we agree fuck the government. Most voted Trump because we hate the government and the government hates Trump.

It's also starting to look real nice left vs right haven't been this pissed at each other than since the Civil War. :)

Freedom is obtainable for the first time in human history and most of the people in the world are on board thanks to the internet. If a revolution breaks out in America Europe will soon follow if they don't begin first they are on the brink same as the US. Think it won't happen? It's already started...


Well-Known Member
So sad, but so true.

I understand that the government found a great way to keep marginalized populations in slavery and make crazy profits off of it. But why the fuck is that still happening? Why are people allowing it to happen?

Everyone knows privatized prison systems are slavery. Profit driven corporations. How is it that America is so fucking rich but has some of the worst social programs?

This is an example of being anti government because it is the governments fault, regardless of the party in power it keeps happening. But there has to be a way to change it within the system available.
the answer to all your questions: oligarchy; it is NOT one man, one vote's how much money do you have?


Well-Known Member
It's known as the 'purple pooey circle jerk syndrome', aye: Hoard 'precious' metals, fortify the trailer/bomb shelter, take your daily Alex Jones supplements, hoard large and needlessly powerful GUNZ, keep Walmart in business, and totally DON'T be a nationalist nazi racist.

You are familiar with The Walking Dead, yes? The above mentioned are currently being groomed for their roles as 'post-apocalyptic henchmen'/bumbling walking targets. Always aspiring to be the main villain, yet always missing the mark and ending up gut shot in the gutter....

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Another pristine example of why your side is losing so very badly and will continue to do so.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of starting my own fake alt-right site and calling it Bartbreit, but it would actually be all about cheese.
Yeah, but would we be able to discuss penny/copper futures and BIIIIIG GUNZ, as well?
