Trump is losing his shit.

This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. The fact that you take pleasure in the possibility of someone being incarcerated and raped. Your heart and head are all fucked up son.

Taking pleasure in the demise of racist, hate-mongering nihilistic snitches? Ohhhhhh, yeah. Delicious!
I noticed that you seem to have hit the wall/rock bottom, Abe, (last night - yikes!) but have you really sunk so far as to empathize with daveysnitch? You might be farther gone than I'd originally thought.

Get professional help, Abe.

Seriously, no insult/ill will intended - get help. I'm embarrassed for you at this point.
NO Sir, you are not well. You fantasize about men being jailed and raped. This is indicative of your condition.

Oh, dear.

I've done my best at keeping things amicable and biting my tongue until recently, Abe, but it seems that you just slipped up and allowed your mental illness to expose your actual self. Are you self-aware/intellectual enough to realize that you just leapt to the defense of a hate-fueled bigoted rapist cop? My, my, my.

Well, if you enjoyed your T n T 'experience' last night, stick around - that place is Disneyland in comparison....this should prove amusing....
Taking pleasure in the demise of racist, hate-mongering nihilistic snitches? Ohhhhhh, yeah. Delicious!
I noticed that you seem to have hit the wall/rock bottom, Abe, (last night - yikes!) but have you really sunk so far as to empathize with daveysnitch? You might be farther gone than I'd originally thought.

Again, you mention me. I've now become a part of you and your RIU persona.
Oh, dear.

I've done my best at keeping things amicable and biting my tongue until recently, Abe, but it seems that you just slipped up and allowed your mental illness to expose your actual self. Are you self-aware/intellectual enough to realize that you just leapt to the defense of a hate-fueled bigoted rapist cop? My, my, my.

Well, if you enjoyed your T n T 'experience' last night, stick around - that place is Disneyland in comparison....this should prove amusing....

You're weak.
Lou, if you think I find you intimidating in the least you are sorely mistaken.

"Intimidating"? Interesting that your mind - or what's left of it these days - would so quickly come to this conclusion based on a simple image of an hourglass. Hmmmm.
Revealing a bit more about your (terribly damaged) psyche with each post, Abe.

This is gonna be fun!
"Intimidating"? Interesting that your mind - or what's left of it these days - would so quickly come to this conclusion based on a simple image of an hourglass. Hmmmm.
Revealing a bit more about your (terribly damaged) psyche with each post, Abe.

This is gonna be fun!
You're a blowhard and a fatass whose been here for less than a year and has over 8,000 posts.

Appears addressing your perpetual rape fantasy is making you angry.
Damn, a two day long meltdown, huh abe.

Did you read through ALL of that T n T thread, though? LOL!
Slipping in and out of reality, doxxing left and right, foaming at the mouth, etc. Keep in mind this depraved thing is in his fifties.

Honestly shocked that the poor old senile bastard made it out ALIVE! It appears that he has dragged his prolapsed, bleeding anus over to THIS section, tsk tsk tsk....masochism personified!

To reiterate: This one is gonna be f-u-n.
You're a blowhard and a fatass whose been here for less than a year and has over 8,000 posts.

Appears addressing your perpetual rape fantasy is making you angry.

Wipe the spit off your screen, old fella. Let's get back to defending/endorsing kkk rapist narcs, eh? Speaking of, did you know that your sweetheart was turtled recently?
