Trump is losing his shit.

I rarely swear. But that fucker has lost his fucking mind........ Sorry if I offended anyone..
I think we have reached a watershed. From now on the road gets bumpy.

I have been thinking about the similarities and differences between the investigations into Trump and Hillary. It is hard to imagine the Dems reacting like Trump is - straight out lies.

Let's look at Benghazi and Yemen. Some guys died in Benghazi and Hillary was in charge of the State Department. Her sin was that somebody tried to spin an attack that had already happened. Spicy does worse every goddam day. So because of this unfortunate spin; "Hillary Lied - People Died" took off and played a part in the "narrative" far in excess of its significance. But the dumb-ass spin that was put on the attack in Benghazi got dropped pretty quickly because it was bullshit.

Now look at Yemen. First off, it was Trump who took the decision to make a big deal about how productive it was during his speech. The next day, sources come forward and admit that no useful information came from the raid. Trump disavowed the raid and claims that it was the fault of the Obama administration. Then his admin releases a statement saying that the raid has resulted in hundreds of new ISIS members. So which is it? Is this Trump's raid or Obama's? Was it successful or was it not? The fact of the matter is, he will not take responsibility for anything and there is no lie he will ever admit to. He knows that he can just get away with sticking to it without any real repercussions. He is all over the place on it because he knows it just doesn't matter to his supporters. All that matters is complicating the issue beyond the typical Trump supporters ability to understand it. I think most of you will agree - this is pretty easy.

Another noticeable factor is that his supporters are so bad at math that they do not understand "per capita". For example, if you say that three people have been killed by illegal aliens, they will go nuts. If you show them that the rate of killings by illegals is about half the rate of naturalized citizens, they will look at you dumbly without comprehension and bring up the families of those three poor souls.

My mind is boggling at the way the standards have changed. If the Democrats used the tactics that Trump is using they would immediately lose support. But not Trump, no siree. They will start to chant... and throb. Their immunity to lies has been so broken down that they will and do believe anything.

Picture Hillary saying some of this shit at a rally. The crowd would fall silent and start to murmur. People would head for the doors. Now think of a Trump rally. Their is literally nothing he can say stupid enough to lose these people.

He's not out of his mind. This is a gambit. We are the end game. Hard rain gonna fall.
It's been leaked his immigration proposal includes the tactic of 'separating parent from child ' or more specifically 'mother from child' at the border.

Gee..anyone know who used to do that..?

Hint: it was the Nazi's.
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Yeah, that was definitely ambiguous!
I was referring to the one where he was apparently surprised to learn a foreign ambassador had visited the white house.
A perfect example of stuff meant to appeal to people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. The false equivalency is now the way shit works here. It is powerful stuff to the army of know-nothings that voted for him.
He lost his mind a long time ago, 10 years ago he's extolling gtbtp, 30 years ago alleged and subsequent ly denied spousal rape, 10s of thousands to maintain the worlds most absurd hair, sad, his infatuation with his daughter, his encirclement of low IQ highly opinionated Christian fundamentalists... fuk him
He is worried about a sacred election and Obama, But not Puttin WTF. is wrong with that Picture?
Holy Shit.

In order to justify their mistake; a guilty person will often turn a confrontation into a big scene by blaming others for their behaviour. This normally is the case with people who have bigger egos than brains and can’t accept that they are mortal beings just like others and mistakes can be made by them as well. People who generally show this kind of behaviour are bosses, people in higher rank (achieved by pulling others down), and spoilt brats who never learned to respect anyone other than themselves. And in order to avoid the guilt trip, the above mentioned will leave no stone unturned to deny the mistake at any time possible, even saying that it would never have happened if so and so hadn’t done that.
Look, here's a pic of Hillary Clinton reading about Mike Pence's use of personal emails.

I knew Hillary was behind all of this fake news! :cuss:
Little Donny is the boy every father hopes his daughter will bring home. It's only been a month and he's the dreamiest president ever! (: :clap: