High CBD Low THC

A Zeus

I'm looking for information about High CBD and Low THC strains and the seed sites that sell them. I have heard of a couple but I don't know who to trust to get the seeds that I want. I recently read about a strain called Valentine X that is supposed to have a 25 to 1 ratio CBD to THC, but cannot find a seller. I have found a couple of sites claiming to have it, but when I read the description it says 2 to 1 ratio and that makes me doubt their claim. Help!
I've seen them there, but in the description it reads:"It has a Minimum (0-5%) THC Content. The CBD content of the strain is High (5% +)", while on another site: "synergycbd.company, I get: "Valentine X (25:1) CBD". I don't understand the disparity between one sites 0 to 5% THC 5% CBD claim and and another sites 1% THC 25% CBD claim. So I'm reluctant to take a chance on the Seedsman site because I don't want to end up with a lot of the wrong thing.
I've seen them there, but in the description it reads:"It has a Minimum (0-5%) THC Content. The CBD content of the strain is High (5% +)", while on another site: "synergycbd.company, I get: "Valentine X (25:1) CBD". I don't understand the disparity between one sites 0 to 5% THC 5% CBD claim and and another sites 1% THC 25% CBD claim. So I'm reluctant to take a chance on the Seedsman site because I don't want to end up with a lot of the wrong thing.
A lot of the THC and CBD content is growing conditions as well as genetics. I've seen the same strains from different growers have wildly different potency. So while a given strain may advertise 25-1 that's the high end potential with a perfect grow. The more reasonable numbers are likely the reported averages from many growers.

I've personally never heard of Valentine X, but the highest CBD stain I've laid hands on was some Harlequin two years ago that tested at 20% CBD and 1% THC. My wife said it was very effective at pain management. I've yet to see a strain actually measure that high a ratio - even subsequent batches of Harlequin I've seen have been much lower.
I have a mother of Cherry Wine Zero THC 15 to 25% CBD. I got the seeds at the last High Times Cannabis Cub for 2016. Got them from GreenPoint seeds. 10 for 150.00 So far only grew out one plant. Good taste - Don't get you high! I use it for making salve and oil.
I have seen on several websites, that, even within the same plant's seeds, the offspring can have widely varying ranges, AC/DC is one of the strains, it can go from 15% CBD and 5% THC to 15% THC and 5% CBD.
I imagine that there is a marketing interests at play also, send in three samples from three plants and put the results of the highest scorer on all the baggies to lure in the customers. I was just posting to see if there was someone out here that has a bead on a reputable seed bank that I could get a high CBD low THC group of seeds from. I here that it's possible to get a test of your stuff done for 40 dollars at some facility, I would like to grow some and then see what the actual results are.
I have seen on several websites, that, even within the same plant's seeds, the offspring can have widely varying ranges, AC/DC is one of the strains, it can go from 15% CBD and 5% THC to 15% THC and 5% CBD.
I imagine that there is a marketing interests at play also, send in three samples from three plants and put the results of the highest scorer on all the baggies to lure in the customers. I was just posting to see if there was someone out here that has a bead on a reputable seed bank that I could get a high CBD low THC group of seeds from. I here that it's possible to get a test of your stuff done for 40 dollars at some facility, I would like to grow some and then see what the actual results are.
40 dollar test - don't I wish! Testing here in Oregon has progressed from about 100 bucks two years ago to well over 300, last year then up to 1300 or so this year, maybe more. And the wait times for results has gone from 10 days to 60 days or more. Testing has become a nightmare for growers.
Attitude was giving freebies of med man's meds web. Says 0.1%thc 13- 20% cbd. Was bred from a Charlottes web mother and a Scandinavian Hemp father. Haven't tried them out though
I found this place on line a couple of days ago, don't know much about them, but they claim to be able to do a test for CBD and THC for forty dollars:
Steep Hill Express "Delivers a Lab-Certified Potency Report in 60 Seconds for just $40.", that is their basic test though, they go up from there. I don't know what rules apply, can the Item be sent through the post office? Do the samples have to be hand delivered?
Attitude was giving freebies of med man's meds web. Says 0.1%thc 13- 20% cbd. Was bred from a Charlottes web mother and a Scandinavian Hemp father. Haven't tried them out though
I thought that the owners of Charlotte's Web kept their plants an seeds under lock and key with armed guards at the safe. I haven't seen anyone selling seeds or clones.
I thought that the owners of Charlotte's Web kept their plants an seeds under lock and key with armed guards at the safe. I haven't seen anyone selling seeds or clones.
The description of the strain claims those are the genetics
I have a mother of Cherry Wine Zero THC 15 to 25% CBD. I got the seeds at the last High Times Cannabis Cub for 2016. Got them from GreenPoint seeds. 10 for 150.00 So far only grew out one plant. Good taste - Don't get you high! I use it for making salve and oil.

I was going to say check out tree of life seeds but you beat me to it. sold by green point in CO.
I thought that the owners of Charlotte's Web kept their plants an seeds under lock and key with armed guards at the safe. I haven't seen anyone selling seeds or clones.

a couple of friends in Canada have the web, it's out.. pretty sure I heard the bros got the web from someone else and just renamed it.
I was going to say check out tree of life seeds but you beat me to it. sold by green point in CO.
I went to their site, and they seem to be out of damn near everything, including the cherry wine strain. I must have looked up 5 or more different strains and they were all out of stock.
med tree seeds has quite a few high cbd strains. Seed Vault of CA carries them or med tree is on instagram I believe.
