Well-Known Member
My dad can beat up your dad
My dad can beat up your dad
There's no way you could know this, this is clearly an "alternative fact". Please state your source that all LP's spray. Fear mongering and disinformation at its worst. Just because you say things over and over doesn't make it true. Your sounding a lot like Trump and the Muslims.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling.......right chicken little?
As of February 1, 2017, there are 13 registered pesticides approved by PMRA for use on cannabis (marijuana) that is produced commercially indoors. They are:
Information and labels for the pesticides approved by the PMRA are available in the Pesticides and Pest Management section of the PMRA website.
- Actinovate SP
- Agrotek Ascend Vaporized Sulphur
- Bioprotec Caf
- Bioprotec Plus
- Botanigard 22 WP
- Botanigard ES
- Kopa Insecticidal Soap
- MilStop Foliar Fungicide
- Neudosan Commercial
- Opal Insecticidal Soap
- Rootshield(R) WP Biological Fungicide
- Rootshield HC Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder
- Vegol Crop Oil
If licensed producers have questions or concerns regarding pesticides, or would like approval on the use of particular pesticides, they are encouraged to contact PMRA for information.
my ass and your head ...either one would have fit betterYour hilarious, been growing for 40 years, eh? Too fucking funny.....ok chicken little, you win. Show me your garden..
"Oh and it's bigger" not talking about your belly.
So Organiscam continues the bullshit parade:
"Organigram maintains it has never used myclobutanil which is known in the industry as an easy but dangerous shortcut to dealing with outbreaks of mildew that can threaten crops. The company said it believes the banned pesticide may have gotten into its plants through "inputs" in the growing process, such as contaminated fertilizer or soil. In particular, Organigram officials suspect peat moss the company used for a time in 2016 may have been treated with myclobutanil before entering the facility, but the company has no conclusive proof and no longer uses the peat moss."
Yup pesticide laden peat moss which would NEVER had passed QA or sold if that was TRUE........... Sounds like a fucking 8 yr old is making excuses. Fucken clowns, I bet HC is fucking dumb enough to believe that abortion of an excuse
These pesticides are approved by Hellth Canaduh. If you don't think ALL LP's are using them to protect their multi-million $ investments, then you're out of touch with reality.
So they're saying they don't use organic certified grow mediums and fertilizers and are "organic certified"?
Your just speculating that "all" use poison. The reality is that these approved treatments can be used. Why would you use them if they aren't nessesary? To say that all growers use these products is very misleading. I know for fact that all LP's don't spray. Can you factually say the same that they do? Meanwhile in the grey market growers can use banned products with no repercussions. The only way to know is to grow your own. Period. It's hypocritical to single out LP's from the grey market. That's my point. They are one in the same, same shit different pile.
No need to spray with a solid IPM program, GMP and sanitation. If an "issue" arises the crop is culled. Simple shit really. Funny how whenever your lies are challenged you attack my abilities. That tells me you can't back up your nonsense, and resort to name calling, what are you 12? Keep on writing cheques with your mouth that your ass can't cash, Son! Let's see your garden......chicken little.
my ass and your head ...either one would have fit better
Lost my virginity at 14lol
I would be shocked if any LP culled a crop without HC stepping in and making them, a for profit business is not going to willingly throw away money when they can skirt the rules and at worst get a sternly worded letter if they get caught.
I agree that some BM sellers and LP's are the no repercussions whatsoever for using banned substances. LP's obviously don't understand IPM, or HC wouldn't need to help them out by allowing pesticides. The list isn't there for shits &'s there for a reason!
I agree that some BM sellers and LP's are the no repercussions whatsoever for using banned substances. LP's obviously don't understand IPM, or HC wouldn't need to help them out by allowing pesticides. The list isn't there for shits &'s there for a reason!
That can be said for any agriculture crop. What crop doesn't have allowed pesticides/fungicides? Cannabis is no different, shit happens, Mother Nature can be a bitch sometimes.
The black market never agreed to any laws/rules so can't be compared to a government licensed company that is suppose to grow "medical grade. If you have to compare it it would be dispensaries that state they sell medical weed.
I met someone yesterday that if you knew the circles they run with, you'd think they be ok with any pesticide. They told me they only grow weed that goes to real sick people and their product has to be commercial pesticide free. Ended up with potassium bicarbonate to fight PM. So there is some hope for clean weed. If the gov allowed any MMAR/ACMPP person to get their weed tested by lab I'd say over night dispensaries would have 50%+ clean meds as it would open up a new line in the market BUT that would hort the LP's bad over night.
Except off label use is illegal and any farm caught doing so wouldn't just have their hand slapped like the LP's did.
Any MMAR/ACMPR patient can get their meds tested. There are 17 labs in Canada that are HC approved.
But they would if their jobs depended on it. If orders are to produce a profitable cash crop or find a new way to feed your kids, they will do what it takes. I don't for a minute believe any of the LP's are following the rules. Self regulation does not work. Profit before patients. Time for Justin to announce legalization plans that include room for independent small scale producers.Any grower worth their salt wouldn't hesitate to cull a sick crop