Tell something truthful

tbonejack, you are the creepiest motherfucker on this site. please go away.

and now to tell something truthful:

@cannabineer and @curious2garden and @Blue Wizard and @srh88 goaded me into buying hard liquor while we were down, and so i did, and i drank the whole thing (THE WHOLE THING) and passed out in my clothes where i sat minutes after or chat ended.

i hate all of them, but not as much as i hate napalmzen/tbonejack/zarabeth.
C'mon and visit you pussy!! Don't let Hilary down, REPRESENT!
In the 4th grade I skipped math class because I got bored. After missing 3 or 4 classes
my parents were called in and "THEY", the school and my parents, decided to demote, my
math class only, me and change my class from (123 X 123) to (1 - 1).
That class was obviously more boring but I dared not skip it or face the wrath parents again.

I sometimes wonder where my life would be now if I had not skipped that 1st math class.
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In the 4th grade I skipped math class because I got bored. After missing 3 or 4 classes
my parents were called in and "THEY", the school and my parents, decided to demote, my
math class only, me and change my class from (123 X 123) to (1 - 1).
That class was obviously more boring but I dared not skip it or face the wrath parents again.

I sometimes wonder where my life would be now if I had not skipped that 1st math class.
... from 15129 to zero?? Big step
"I wont go back". I am not a bigot just because I went... I never went because I have anything against other people, thats bigotry, I went because it was a open "public" invite with news people (even black people went, so are they bigots also?) another member of a well known band invited me to meet the owner of a southern heritage institution that was going to be there since I am a collector of civil war weapons. Everthing else that I seen was way different than I had expected. I realized pretty quick why they check guns at the door. Oh and I dumped the chick because of her family, I couldnt see going to Christmas dinner with the grand dragon (or whatever you call them) of the Royal Knights of the klan
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"I wont go back". I am not a bigot just because I went... I never went because I have anything against other people, thats bigotry, I went because it was a open "public" invite with news people (even black people went, so are they bigots also?) another member of a well known band invited me to meet the owner of a southern heritage institution that was going to be there since I am a collector of civil war weapons. Everthing else that I seen was way different than I had expected. I realized pretty quick why they check guns at the door.



Are you familiar with the politics section of this site?
I mean...
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but.....
and I ain't never been anywhere near something like that...
how many ethnicities are accepted at an event of that sort?

Personally, I wouldn't get caught dead there.

My time is too valuable to be around assholes like that and I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut there, which explains the 'caught dead' comment.
I was invited to a kkk rally and went, turned out everyone knew my girlfriend, her dad and brothers were all big famous nigger haters. Guess you just dont really know your family like you think you do. I am white so I made it out all right. The evil you dont see is evil thats there. Its there alright. I wont go back. They took my guns at the door or I would of shot a couple fucked up people.

I'm more puzzled about how you were invited to such a classy thing in the first place .........I heard new people must give BJ's to all the clownsman..........just asking

I've never been to rural Arkansas where family dress up in sheets and pretend they don't know each other.
Very unbecoming of you to drive

I also use my phone in the washroom. Bluetooth speakers in there make my showers hard to leave.

I listen to sad emo love songs normally because the tears are masked by the falling water


Yes,,, A Bluetooth speaker will make the hot water seem to disappear much faster .

I'm not like dancing asshole naked and singing..... or trying to make my wiener slap my belly button by air hump dancing to the bass line of gangster rap....

Fuck you guys for even thinking that about me .
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Personally, I wouldn't get caught dead there.

My time is too valuable to be around assholes like that and I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut there, which explains the 'caught dead' comment.
I as well have a low tolerance for assholes like such.

On topic: I found pictures of me at the anti-valentines ball

LoL I may upload it but I am scared.

At that party I got so drunk aand dripped in molly, danced with some model, tag teamed said model with my homie, bought a burger at a late night resto and went to more rave.

I also watched a dj pass out on stage due to my sgitty ass heroin. No one knew I was the one chippin the h to her.

That is dubbed the squishy episode. And it led to a beef with meth freak because zomg she could have died

If it's still a true story thread I will share.

Nichole Wood the April 1993 Playboy centerfold lived in the next neighborhood from mine and gave me my first kiss when we were kids.

She didn't look quite like her centerfold yet when we were kids. Lol.


I also suffer from anxiety and am a general fuck up in real life. :-)