Federal prison for sure I heard a news report about a year ago saying the federal prisons are at the lowest levels since the 80's I imagine before Reagan's ramped up drug war. Plenty RICO charged marijuana prisoners coming to fill that void. Dispensary employees will probably even be charged as being gang affiliated or something of that nature.
I saw it coming GW/Bayer/Monsanto they dominated the medical marijuana industry if they can buy Monsanto which has deep connections with the Federal Government they most certainly can buy enough votes in congress to make marijuana a schedule 2 drug. The problem with a schedule 2 drug is it can not even be grown on US soil and the only way to obtain a schedule 2 drug is with a prescription from a doctor for an FDA approved drug.
GW already has a vaporizer medical marijuana medicine in the works, Sativex and a wonder drug for epileptic children you won't be smoking wax or even joints for cancer no brownies they have pills and sprays. Veritas Pharma Inc. is also a big player they are working on a marijuana drug for GW and 2 other pharma companies. They also obtained the first USPTO patent on a marijuana plant and are working on GMO marijuana varieties. I'm actually thinking about buying stock it's very cheap right now and when the hammer drops it will go up like a mother fucker.
Germany is already on board they legalized medical marijuana but they ain't smoking buds or hash they can only use the pharmaceutical marijuana. I knew most of this shit in like 2012 Sam The Skunkman and Robert Clarke straight fucked us GW would have found someone else to be a sellout but them two are probably the most knowledgeable people on marijuana.