Ban white people

I ain't working no coal mine. On the railroad the Chinese got paid the least and did the most dangerous jobs. Black people did have shitty jobs on the railroad but at least we didn't get blown up with that liquid nitroglycerin.

But this is all in the past fuck that Roots bullshit stop holding us back is this what Jews are like just holding us back? We are trying to move forward white people invented basketball can you name me a current great white basketball player? We also dominate football. We can also work a shit job minimum wage save our pennies and start a business. The white man can't hold us down anymore than they can the white trailer trash folk. Trailer park ghetto same fucking thing the playing field is pretty even. Don't need Muslims and Mexicans coming in to take our jobs either. :lol:

So you support a ban on Muslims, but not on ytees ?
I ain't working no coal mine. On the railroad the Chinese got paid the least and did the most dangerous jobs. Black people did have shitty jobs on the railroad but at least we didn't get blown up with that liquid nitroglycerin.

But this is all in the past fuck that Roots bullshit stop holding us back is this what Jews are like just holding us back? We are trying to move forward white people invented basketball can you name me a current great white basketball player? We also dominate football. We can also work a shit job minimum wage save our pennies and start a business. The white man can't hold us down anymore than they can the white trailer trash folk. Trailer park ghetto same fucking thing the playing field is pretty even. Don't need Muslims and Mexicans coming in to take our jobs either. :lol:

You are a drug dealer/addict, no Muslims are going to take your job.

Funny, they kicked that extreme Left piece of shit out of CPAC the other day.
You trying to tell me Muslims don't sell drugs? Afghanistan is the #1 producers of heroin.

The president issued his initial travel ban late last month. That order barred people from seven dominantly Muslim nations — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya— from entering the U.S. for 90 days; halted U.S. refugee resettlement for 120 days; and suspended Syrian refugee acceptance indefinitely.7 days ago

I don't see Afghanistan on the list, derp. Any way I didn't realize farmers are the same as a two bit addict/ dealer, sigh.
The president issued his initial travel ban late last month. That order barred people from seven dominantly Muslim nations — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya— from entering the U.S. for 90 days; halted U.S. refugee resettlement for 120 days; and suspended Syrian refugee acceptance indefinitely.7 days ago

I don't see Afghanistan on the list, derp. Any way I didn't realize farmers are the same as a two bit addict/ dealer, sigh.
He can still extend all that shit and make the vetting process so hard these fighting aged males can't get in. Why do you think Trump won the election?

Any Muslim lover is a Jew hater Jews are banned from traveling to every country on that list plus more.
He can still extend all that shit and make the vetting process so hard these fighting aged males can't get in. Why do you think Trump won the election?

Any Muslim lover is a Jew hater Jews are banned from traveling to every country on that list plus more.

I'm more worried about health care. You know, something that is an actual threat to American lives, derp.
I'm more worried about health care. You know, something that is an actual threat to American lives, derp.
Eat healthy comes down to survival of the fittest. I broke a leg once never seen a doctor since I'm not going to be forced to pay for insurance when I don't need a doctor for shit. I actually had a bad infection from a spider bite last year got some penicillin from a friend cleared up in a couple days. My mom was a nurse I can treat most any boo boo without a doctor.

No need for insurance but you can still pay for it if you like.
He can still extend all that shit and make the vetting process so hard these fighting aged males can't get in. Why do you think Trump won the election?

Any Muslim lover is a Jew hater Jews are banned from traveling to every country on that list plus more.


Chance of being killed by refugee terrorist in United States is one in 3.6 billion. Thechance of a being killed by a refugee terrorist in the US is one in 3.64 billion, according to a new report that studied the tangible risk posed by immigration.Jan 26, 2017
Chance of being killed by refugee terrorist in United States is one in ...

Eat healthy comes down to survival of the fittest. I broke a leg once never seen a doctor since I'm not going to be forced to pay for insurance when I don't need a doctor for shit. I actually had a bad infection from a spider bite last year got some penicillin from a friend cleared up in a couple days. My mom was a nurse I can treat most any boo boo without a doctor.

No need for insurance but you can still pay for it if you like.

Wow, I didn't know you could prevent Ms, Alzheimer's, MD, cancer, Parkinson's ect.with diet.

Are you really this stupid?