Ban white people

Liberal butt hurt yt's whining about other yt's. This thread, like wine, gets better with age.

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tell us more about how white privilege isn't a thing with pictures of white coal miners who got paid better wages than their black colleagues, did less dangerous jobs, and were not barred from getting an education, getting married, or integrating.

you dumb neo-nazi fuck.
So, here is a great example of what happens when a human mates with a locust.

White people are not able live in today's world. They are just too angry and unstable.

Typical angry white man.

every time i see a trump supporter on facebook, they have 5 things in common:

1) angry
2) white
3) old
4) obese
5) poor spelling/low education

it is uncanny. if anyone can find me examples of people on facebook who support trump and do no tick off all 5 of these traits, post it here and i will donate $5 to the UNCF for every such post.
All I see are butthurt racists getting their jimmies so flabbergasted that they're just spamming incoherent bullshit and creating sock accounts.

This thread has been a raving success in identifying racists.
These threads are always successful at identifying bigots, because they can't EVER shut the fuck up.
every time i see a trump supporter on facebook, they have 5 things in common:

1) angry
2) white
3) old
4) obese
5) poor spelling/low education

it is uncanny. if anyone can find me examples of people on facebook who support trump and do no tick off all 5 of these traits, post it here and i will donate $5 to the UNCF for every such post.
I can, but why would I put their livelihoods at risk? Snitch.
My front yard. You can fill the spot

Your mom. No one can fill the spot.
White people are a bunch of savages and the world would be a better place without them. White people ruin everything.
White people made electricity and the internet and the camera and the video and the video games and the TV and the computer and the radio.

White people are cool in my book so what if my great great great grandfather was a slave? Slavery has been going on since BC times guess what? White people actually ended slavery well in predominantly white nations still slavery all over the middle east even China.

Racism is stupid even if you are racist of white people. Hate the person not the race and if you hate someone you might as well kill him because the stress is not worth it. I feel bad for the Aryan Brotherhood and shit so much hate when love is the way IMO but I love pussy.
White people made electricity and the internet and the camera and the video and the video games and the TV and the computer and the radio.

White people are cool in my book so what if my great great great grandfather was a slave? Slavery has been going on since BC times guess what? White people actually ended slavery well in predominantly white nations still slavery all over the middle east even China.

Racism is stupid even if you are racist of white people. Hate the person not the race and if you hate someone you might as well kill him because the stress is not worth it. I feel bad for the Aryan Brotherhood and shit so much hate when love is the way IMO but I love pussy.
tell us more about how white privilege isn't a thing with pictures of white coal miners who got paid better wages than their black colleagues, did less dangerous jobs, and were not barred from getting an education, getting married, or integrating.

you dumb neo-nazi fuck.
I ain't working no coal mine. On the railroad the Chinese got paid the least and did the most dangerous jobs. Black people did have shitty jobs on the railroad but at least we didn't get blown up with that liquid nitroglycerin.

But this is all in the past fuck that Roots bullshit stop holding us back is this what Jews are like just holding us back? We are trying to move forward white people invented basketball can you name me a current great white basketball player? We also dominate football. We can also work a shit job minimum wage save our pennies and start a business. The white man can't hold us down anymore than they can the white trailer trash folk. Trailer park ghetto same fucking thing the playing field is pretty even. Don't need Muslims and Mexicans coming in to take our jobs either. :lol: