Does your Medcard and plant count match your electric bill?
If not, I would definitely consider realigning those values.
No laptop access in jail.
Trump trumping the people's vote is scary. Democracy?
the trump regime will target growers whether they have a card or not.
their enthusiasm for private prisons is a departure from the obama directive against private prisons.
for the record, only two people on twitter have typed "authoritaryan" or "authoritaryans'.
i hope the term spreads, because it is apt.
Goddamn you idiots that voted for Trump!
Trump was the perfect psychopathic narcissist, authoritarian personality to ignite a new drug war like we've never seen!
I thought 'oh shit' when he chose Pence... I know what's coming next.
Trump is a born elite who's racist, xenophobic, sexist and a true narcissist that craves appreciation from the people that surround him. Those people surrounding him are everyone who profits from putting people in cages and confiscating everything they own without even a charge! And he wants more of this!
Sessions reverses Obama's curtail of Private Prisons just before Spicer comes out and admits
they definately will go after states for recreational! States rights don't apply here!
And talk about fake fucking news... he equates the heroin/opiate epidemic to cannabis. What a surprise!
The same old reefer madness lies to catergorize cannabis with hard drugs!
Fucking insanity! Now how long before the DEA shuts down this site and confiscates it's servers
like they did about 10 years ago to Overgrow??
And oh fuck not to mention he's going after the free press for reporting fucking facts?
Tell me wtf is wrong with you people that would support this?
Instead of blaming us
Show of hands-who grew before it was legal? If you're worried you've broken the cardinal rule. Tell no one. Between cycles if you outsmoke your harvest, grow better weed and ease up on the consumption.
your penis must be tiny and i guarantee you have never made a woman cum.
I agree with you completely...its all a money making scam..always has been,always will be.When will any of you people get it that marijuana will never be legalized fully. The government has factored in that they make more money now then they would if it was legal. They certainly don't want you growing it because they aren't making any money off of it. Making it legal gives the people too much power and Uncle Sam can't have that no matter what president is elected. Besides, im sure a lot of you cash croppers secretly want it to stay illegal because of the amount of money your making.
Under "normal" circumstances, I would agree with you but this election was anything but normal and the only rational choice was to vote for Clinton to make sure a Trump presidency didn't happen. Everyone who didn't vote for Clinton shares in the blame to one degree or another. Again, this was not a typical election. I'm not trying to ruffle your feathers -- I love reading your posts and have agreed with you every time except here -- but there was a good choice and that choice was the one person who had a chance to beat Trump.Only like 60% of eligible voters -voted. 27% for Trump. 27.1% for Clinton. Like 4-5% for the others...
I suppose the other 40% is to blame then?. Myself included. Well no, we had no one to vote for, why take their blame?
The system is to blame. There wasn't a good choice, so I blame Trump voters because he won.