A crackdown on recreational cannabis is coming

"First, they came for the Socialists..."

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Drumpf drones sure are s-t-u-p-i-d, eh? SAD!
"First, they came for the Socialists..."

i believe the saying goes, "first they came for the trade unionists"

The saga began when Trump announced last week that 1,100 jobs would remain in Indiana. Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers 1999, later realized that only 800 of the jobs slated to move would be preserved. “For whatever reason, lied his a-- off,” Jones told the Washington Post.

In response, Trump called out Jones on Twitter and said he “has done a terrible job representing workers” in the local union. “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana,” Trump tweeted. “Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues.”

Union leaders rushed to defend Jones on Thursday. Randi Weingarten called Trump a “big bully” and lauded Jones. “Frankly, Mr. Trump has been buying steel from China,” she said. “Chuck Jones is a hero, he’s not the problem.”
If it's just a small personal grow I don't think you have too much to worry about. Any kind of crackdown would target the bigger ops first. How would the feds even know about your small grow with a handful of plants?
I'm in the state MMJ database. I had the option to decline, but my plant limit would go from 15 to 6. I also figured that it might help to be in the database if someone actually did suspect that I was growing illegally. The cops could just look up my address.
Contrary to popular belief, only medical patients with a valid permit & state licensed businesses are allowed to grow cannabis in WA. Still illegal for joe public.
i believe the saying goes, "first they came for the trade unionists"

The saga began when Trump announced last week that 1,100 jobs would remain in Indiana. Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers 1999, later realized that only 800 of the jobs slated to move would be preserved. “For whatever reason, lied his a-- off,” Jones told the Washington Post.

In response, Trump called out Jones on Twitter and said he “has done a terrible job representing workers” in the local union. “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana,” Trump tweeted. “Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues.”

Union leaders rushed to defend Jones on Thursday. Randi Weingarten called Trump a “big bully” and lauded Jones. “Frankly, Mr. Trump has been buying steel from China,” she said. “Chuck Jones is a hero, he’s not the problem.”
Is this really a surprise? Trump wants to be the new Reagan -- and he was a union buster!
How the fuck did that piece of shit become the hero of the middle class?
Good shower, not great. I didn't linger as long as I normally do because I was eager to begin the Cocktail/Smokers Hour. (Loooonnng week.)

Speaking of, the other day I was sitting in a hardback chair and jacking off while watching my wife shower through a semi-transparent curtain and I noticed something: She is *very* thorough! You know those 'bath puff' things that are essentially a wad of mesh nylon? She was scouring her undercarriage with one of those, I mean really wrenching away in her crack in a sawing motion!
Anyhow, I thought I'd give it a go so I grabbed a fresh 'puff' from the closet. I managed about two or three good passes, and my anus and balls were having NONE of it. It's best for me if I stick with my hands/a cotton washcloth.
Good shower, not great. I didn't linger as long as I normally do because I was eager to begin the Cocktail/Smokers Hour. (Loooonnng week.)

Speaking of, the other day I was sitting in a hardback chair and jacking off while watching my wife shower through a semi-transparent curtain and I noticed something: She is *very* thorough! You know those 'bath puff' things that are essentially a wad of mesh nylon? She was scouring her undercarriage with one of those, I mean really wrenching away in her crack in a sawing motion!
Anyhow, I thought I'd give it a go so I grabbed a fresh 'puff' from the closet. I managed about two or three good passes, and my anus and balls were having NONE of it. It's best for me if I stick with my hands/a cotton washcloth.
Pics or it didn't happen... o_O
This is where Donald Trump gets his personality and political demeanor from. Heck even the hair color and texture is the same. This is who Donald Trump is.look for answers for the future on alf rerun episodes.happy Trails!
This is where Donald Trump gets his personality and political demeanor from. Heck even the hair color and texture is the same. This is who Donald Trump is.look for answers for the future on alf rerun episodes.happy Trails!

Oh, please - ALF may be an annoying douche/occasional sleazebag, but this is the Drumpf:
(And his vater, Herr Friedrich.)

Well we live in a nation where literal tyranny is taking hold. The majority have become too god damn stupid and lazy for our style of democracy to work properly anymore. The solution was right there in Bernie Sanders, and people allowed the DNC to screw us all with an unelectable Hillary. Once it came down to Trump vs Hillary we had already lost the war. Either one would take us towards tyranny and a general loss of freedom.

If you really think Hillary would of caused this Bull shit Dumb ass is, you didn't do your home work on her. I really need to know what do you think HRC did to deserve the fact they you and many others didn't vote for her because you think she is some kind of monster. (Wrong)
Hillary would of been a million times better than Dumb Fuck and worked all of her life in Politics to help people not destroy them. They had the Clinton foundation which helped thousands of children all over the world, I not sure if you were around when Bill Clinton was our POTUS but we all were in a better place Surplus, Money, Jobs, and our Country was running very smooth. unlike now. She did a lot when Bill was in charge of or Nation. It sounds like, people like you voted for Bernie when he had no chance of winning and now here we are with a psycho in the white house.
I really don't believe you know any real facts that HRC did anything wrong. and she certainly would not have had the word Tyranny in her white house.......
[QUOTE="you didn't do your home work on her. Nor did you!

(Wrong) . (Right)

Hillary would of been a million times better than Dumb Fuck . (Nope)

They had the Clinton foundation which helped thousands of children all over the world, (Fake News)

I not sure if you were around when Bill Clinton was our POTUS but we all were in a better place Surplus, Money, Jobs, and our Country was running very smooth. unlike now. (Because of Obama )

I really don't believe you know any real facts that HRC did anything wrong. and she certainly would not have had the word Tyranny in her white house.......[/QUOTE]

I really don't think you have any facts that she didn't
[QUOTE="you didn't do your home work on her. Nor did you!

(Wrong) . (Right)

Hillary would of been a million times better than Dumb Fuck . (Nope)

They had the Clinton foundation which helped thousands of children all over the world, (Fake News)

I not sure if you were around when Bill Clinton was our POTUS but we all were in a better place Surplus, Money, Jobs, and our Country was running very smooth. unlike now. (Because of Obama )

I really don't believe you know any real facts that HRC did anything wrong. and she certainly would not have had the word Tyranny in her white house.......

I really don't think you have any facts that she didn't[/QUOTE]

Lol, your president sucks.
Is this really a surprise? Trump wants to be the new Reagan -- and he was a union buster!
How the fuck did that piece of shit become the hero of the middle class?
Yup he had me worried I had just joined my local 638 at the time when fired all those air traffic controllers and I felt like shit cause I voted for the prick, never voted for a Republican ever again.