A crackdown on recreational cannabis is coming

I am beginning to regret being added to the state MMJ database. I wonder if the DEA can just grab the list and quickly raid all of the legal growers???
Needless to say, I am making sure my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. If I get raided, hopefully they won't confiscate all of my assets... :-(

I no I feel the same, I've been legal and never go over what I am suppose to have, but yes I feel the same way Chunk, wondering when My door is going to get kicked in and all my stuff taken away and everything I worked very hard for.
They will more than likely take all my assets, Freeze my Bank Accounts, Kill my Dog and after I see that happen, I will go after them and get shot myself.
We work hard don't break any laws and feel unsafe in your own home, There is something really wrong with that.
I am beginning to regret being added to the state MMJ database. I wonder if the DEA can just grab the list and quickly raid all of the legal growers???
Needless to say, I am making sure my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. If I get raided, hopefully they won't confiscate all of my assets... :-(
I kind of doubt they would. Best to use it as a guide and request your smart meter data. Fewer questions on the warrants. Or, better yet, scoop up your trash. Either way, this is going to be more dangerous than the added "street price" will make up for.
I am beginning to regret being added to the state MMJ database. I wonder if the DEA can just grab the list and quickly raid all of the legal growers???
Needless to say, I am making sure my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. If I get raided, hopefully they won't confiscate all of my assets... :-(

depends on if your illness is life threatening and if it's the feds or staties that raid. it seems that feds may be creating a new guideline for acceptable illnesses. if that happens, it will be a shit storm for caregivers(people who grow for patients) and "back pain" medical users. i grow rec and need at least 2 more grows to pay for my investment so far. if the feds start forcing their way into homes, i just hope my membership here doesn't get my name on a list. well, i guess i could grow tomatoes and other indoor fruits and veggies. wont pay for the lights though.
I no I feel the same, I've been legal and never go over what I am suppose to have, but yes I feel the same way Chunk, wondering when My door is going to get kicked in and all my stuff taken away and everything I worked very hard for.
They will more than likely take all my assets, Freeze my Bank Accounts, Kill my Dog and after I see that happen, I will go after them and get shot myself.
We work hard don't break any laws and feel unsafe in your own home, There is something really wrong with that.
If I was young and didn't own much, I wouldn't worry as much. I'm not rich, but over the years I've accumulated some nice stuff. Guns, tools, vehicles, lawn equipment, etc.
Can they confiscate my 401(k)? That would really suck...
I no I feel the same, I've been legal and never go over what I am suppose to have, but yes I feel the same way Chunk, wondering when My door is going to get kicked in and all my stuff taken away and everything I worked very hard for.
They will more than likely take all my assets, Freeze my Bank Accounts, Kill my Dog and after I see that happen, I will go after them and get shot myself.
We work hard don't break any laws and feel unsafe in your own home, There is something really wrong with that.
Well we live in a nation where literal tyranny is taking hold. The majority have become too god damn stupid and lazy for our style of democracy to work properly anymore. The solution was right there in Bernie Sanders, and people allowed the DNC to screw us all with an unelectable Hillary. Once it came down to Trump vs Hillary we had already lost the war. Either one would take us towards tyranny and a general loss of freedom.
Well we live in a nation where literal tyranny is taking hold. The majority have become too god damn stupid and lazy for our style of democracy to work properly anymore. The solution was right there in Bernie Sanders, and people allowed the DNC to screw us all with an unelectable Hillary. Once it came down to Trump vs Hillary we had already lost the war. Either one would take us towards tyranny and a general loss of freedom.
yes, they can. it is an asset.

you are both idiots on a grander scale than anyone could ever imagine.

how stupid do you have to be to get conned by a racist pile of garbage and washed up celebrity like trump?
Asset Forfeiture. They can confiscate whatever drain your account and say it was all from illegal drug money
Well we live in a nation where literal tyranny is taking hold. The majority have become too god damn stupid and lazy for our style of democracy to work properly anymore. The solution was right there in Bernie Sanders, and people allowed the DNC to screw us all with an unelectable Hillary. Once it came down to Trump vs Hillary we had already lost the war. Either one would take us towards tyranny and a general loss of freedom.
The vortex in your mind is collapsing.
Well we live in a nation where literal tyranny is taking hold. The majority have become too god damn stupid and lazy for our style of democracy to work properly anymore. The solution was right there in Bernie Sanders, and people allowed the DNC to screw us all with an unelectable Hillary. Once it came down to Trump vs Hillary we had already lost the war. Either one would take us towards tyranny and a general loss of freedom.

which is why i liked Rand Paul for republican nomination. he is much like his father Ron Paul who is the republican version of Bernie Sanders. if any of them made the nomination they would have been a decent choice. i would have loved seeing Ron or Rand run against Bernie.
which is why i liked Rand Paul for republican nomination. he is much like his father Ron Paul who is the republican version of Bernie Sanders. if any of them made the nomination they would have been a decent choice. i would have loved seeing Ron or Rand run against Bernie.

you mean the same rand paul who called civil rights a mistake and thinks that it's OK to send you to prison for weed just like trump?
I need to think about my cannabis growing. The thought of being raided for a handful of plants is very disturbing. Prison doesn't sound fun either. Not to mention that a felony conviction can be "career limiting". Hell, apartment complexes do background checks these days!
So the way I see it, I've got three choices:
1) Keep doing what I'm doing and risk getting raided/arrested/bankrupted/incarcerated. :shock:
2) Quit growing and just buy weed. This isn't a good option because the cost is too high. Top shelf weed sells for around $300 a zip -- and I would have to cut back a LOT. Might not even be an option if the licensed dispensaries get shut down. :-(
3) Take a break from cannabis until I feel safe growing it again. This isn't a terrible option, but I use cannabis medicinally and there will be complications.
I need to think about my cannabis growing. The thought of being raided for a handful of plants is very disturbing. Prison doesn't sound fun either. Not to mention that a felony conviction can be "career limiting". Hell, apartment complexes do background checks these days!
So the way I see it, I've got three choices:
1) Keep doing what I'm doing and risk getting raided/arrested/bankrupted/incarcerated. :shock:
2) Quit growing and just buy weed. This isn't a good option because the cost is too high. Top shelf weed sells for around $300 a zip -- and I would have to cut back a LOT. Might not even be an option if the licensed dispensaries get shut down. :-(
3) Take a break from cannabis until I feel safe growing it again. This isn't a terrible option, but I use cannabis medicinally and there will be complications.
If it's just a small personal grow I don't think you have too much to worry about. Any kind of crackdown would target the bigger ops first. How would the feds even know about your small grow with a handful of plants?
At that size/utter uselessness it's unable to be called a "cock". Dinky, wiener, and mushroom cap are much more applicable.

And yeah, his latest plastic piss whore is detestable on every level. She looks like a dead-eyed mannequin. I bet her pussy smells like melted plastic.
Lol! Missed your wonderful sence of humor big lou!! :hug:You always make me laugh so big. She does look very fake just like him. He takes a medication for hair growth and the side effect include sexual dysfunction/impotence . She is most likely happy as fuck to not have him around anymore to give her and Ivanka more privacy... if you know what I mean;)
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