A crackdown on recreational cannabis is coming

I hear ya.
Who knows what the DEA will do. I guess they can do whatever they want and then let the courts sort it out. Asset forfeiture is scary shit. Based on what happened in Port Huron Michigan, whether you are legal or not is a black and white deal.
So let's say you have a medical permit to grow 15 plants, but you didn't know there was an unexpected seedling growing in your recycled dirt pile. Bummer for you. Now ALL of your assets are subject to forfeiture because you are illegally manufacturing a schedule 1 controlled substance.

I'm in that area sorta. asset forfeiture doesnt require charges. keep it real.
we are allowed 12 plants per patient in MI. 13 is against the law perhaps. not so tough though, like doing the speed limit, not beating your dog, kinda thing, real common sensi for 99% of patients experiencing NO police issue. its never the 13th plant either how would a cop know about the 13th plant in the first place right...... loose lips....
I Fucking knew it. Safe to say that the law that is supposed to be reinstated for med/rec states won't be renewed. Dissappointed.
trump lied and played the field like most presidents, for the purpose of votes. every time i hear change or make america great again or any of that bullshit, i know the candidate is lying. the same cycle of change happens every 4-8 years.

you idiots both voted for him and are now about to get fucked in the ass.

both of you deserve it. fucking idiots.
One of the most egotitically manilipulative trump supporting radio talk show hosts is Michael Savage. He came up with the Launguage, cultures and borders theme trump lives by. He writes a lot of books . I think these books are trumps game plays. His new book is called trumps war and as I understand it tells trump what to do during his presidency. Trump is an old turd with unprogressive ideas and needs to be impeached. The only thing thing he thinks progressively about is his cock... like getting a hot young wife .
One of the most egotitically manilipulative trump supporting radio talk show hosts is Michael Savage. He came up with the Launguage, cultures and borders theme trump lives by. He writes a lot of books . I think these books are trumps game plays. His new book is called trumps war and as I understand it tells trump what to do during his presidency. Trump is an old turd with unprogressive ideas and needs to be impeached. The only thing thing he thinks progressively about is his cock... like getting a hot young wife .
I think she's gross.
he sent spicer out there to recite the "gateway drug" lie.

“When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country,” Spicer said, “the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people. There’s a federal law that we need to abide by when it comes to recreational marijuana and other drugs of that nature.”

nevermind that opioid abuse is DOWN in states with recreational or medical cannabis, that fact is worthless to the trump regime.

they deal exclusively in alt facts. his brainwashed cult following of authoritarians goes along with it.

fuck you, flaming pie.
I remember few months back guy on here was talking about how district attorney up in Michigan was going around closing dispensaries and how the moment she did that heroine flooded in those towns
i think my penis agrees.
I mean, whatever. If you are into that, ok. I am particular to certain types as well. But none of them look like whatever Caitlyn Jenner is going for. Melania is the sterilized, dumbed down woman favored by people from cultures where appearance is everything. The type that starts out "exotic" and suddenly becomes "bizarre". Melania is way past her freshness date and her boob warranty was written in Slovenia.
I remember few months back guy on here was talking about how district attorney up in Michigan was going around closing dispensaries and how the moment she did that heroine flooded in those towns

sounds legit. if legal get's closed in ca and med gets more regulated street prices go back up. that will make for good business.
sounds legit. if legal get's closed in ca and med gets more regulated street prices go back up. that will make for good business.

you are a piece of shit.

no offense, just making an observation and stating it openly. don't be sensitive and PC about it, sport.
I mean, whatever. If you are into that, ok. I am particular to certain types as well. But none of them look like whatever Caitlyn Jenner is going for. Melania is the sterilized, dumbed down woman favored by people from cultures where appearance is everything. The type that starts out "exotic" and suddenly becomes "bizarre". Melania is way past her freshness date and her boob warranty was written in Slovenia.
i said agrees, not disagrees.
EDIT: i want that snatch like i want genital warts
Really it is about filling the prisons, with nonviolent Marijuana users, they want to stick a gun to your head, threaten your family with automatic weapons, spit in the face of innocent tax paying marijuana users. Take all of your Property.
Sessions also Stated in front of Congress, He will keep Private Prison's opened, Which we can only assume means, they will be stuffing them full of good people, Real Good People, Like you and me,
I am not hearing Trump fans on here as much, Hopefully they're seeing the real facts about this insane potus and his posse,
Over the past 10 years, Crime, Opiate abuse, and many others, in legal states has dropped a bunch. Why is that not being talked about on any News?
We can only assume we the people are in a shit tonne of unfair imprisonment to get everyone whom does not agree with him in the pokie.

All We can assume is he really likes the way Russia is running, Communist State. It's getting to the point to were I am afraid to say anything about the Orange One.
Do We Dare.......
I am beginning to regret being added to the state MMJ database. I wonder if the DEA can just grab the list and quickly raid all of the legal growers???
Needless to say, I am making sure my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. If I get raided, hopefully they won't confiscate all of my assets... :-(
I am beginning to regret being added to the state MMJ database. I wonder if the DEA can just grab the list and quickly raid all of the legal growers???
Needless to say, I am making sure my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. If I get raided, hopefully they won't confiscate all of my assets... :-(

doesn't matter if you are on a list or not. they will find some easy way to look at our electricity use. all they need is the slightest reason, in the name of "national security". local and federal cooperation to fill private prisons will profit many people in this regime.
One of the most egotitically manilipulative trump supporting radio talk show hosts is Michael Savage. He came up with the Launguage, cultures and borders theme trump lives by. He writes a lot of books . I think these books are trumps game plays. His new book is called trumps war and as I understand it tells trump what to do during his presidency. Trump is an old turd with unprogressive ideas and needs to be impeached. The only thing thing he thinks progressively about is his cock... like getting a hot young wife .

At that size/utter uselessness it's unable to be called a "cock". Dinky, wiener, and mushroom cap are much more applicable.

And yeah, his latest plastic piss whore is detestable on every level. She looks like a dead-eyed mannequin. I bet her pussy smells like melted plastic.