Now legal. Wut 'bout landlord trouble?

Yes we can. If we find something like that in OUR property, we have every right to know what it is. If you refuse to let us examine what is in the box we can call the police and have them open it.

You really need to educate yourself on the law before you wind up like the countless other people that THINK they know their rights that are completely clueless about them that wind up doing 18 months in jail over it.
Code 1954 TacoMac your lucky your tenant's can't read.
I am a landlord. I know the law on that.

You get caught growing against your lease, I can evict you in 30 days. You get caught stealth growing, I can have the sheriffs department at your front door in 24 hours to toss everything you own and you into the street.

That's all there is to it.

And pal, no stealth in the world is going to protect you from a person unlocking your door, walking into your house, and looking around every room in it and finding that grow.

And it's all perfectly legal and within the rights of the landlord.

Roll the dice if you want. The only reason you don't get caught is dumb luck. If not for that, you'll be one of those on here posting about how they got caught and wound up in a huge tight spot...or worse.
Bullshit, dude.

Fourth amendment trumps any of your ridiculous assumptions.

You have to provide 24 hours notice. You can't look in my drawers, safes, standing wardrobes, etc. You can't - not without a warrant.

That's the fact.

Renters have rights, and you're full of shit.
Just lookedup CA law he can't read or even use Google
Again, it's in the lease agreement. The property owner has the right to enter and inspect HIS PROPERTY at any time within reason. It's that damn simple. Why you can't get that through your head is beyond me. It's not a matter of your rights. It's a matter of the OWNERS rights.

Typically, I make rounds every 5 or 6 weeks, mostly just to check the AC/Heat filters and gas lines. (People have a habit of tampering with them to get free gas that I wind up paying for when it all comes down.)

You act like since you rent the place I have to have probable cause, a warrant and all kinds of other bullshit.

I don't. You sign that away when you sign the lease. To this day, I've never in my life seen a lease agreement that doesn't include that clause. Ever.

For what must be the 25th time: You want to grow without that risk, buy your own place and don't rent. That provides you with a great deal more security as you pretty much have next to zero right to privacy as a renter. It really is that simple.
Regardless of the lease your breaking the state law
They do need a warrant still. I know i had that happen to me years ago shit almost 20 I'm old lol. Got the case thrown out no warrant.
And therein lies the rub. Landlord don't need no "case" to toss you out, and THATS what we are really talking about here..
Didn't have a lease could have stayed but after police come and caught me with lbs I'm i moved for safety
No lease makes your position even less secure - in most states if you are in a month-to-month tenancy the landlord does not need a reason to evict you. They can serve you a 30 day notice at any time.
No lease makes your position even less secure - in most states if you are in a month-to-month tenancy the landlord does not need a reason to evict you. They can serve you a 30 day notice at any time.
Not in Michigan still would take 3 to 6 months I am in the rental business
Which is it? Is this the law in California or every state with medical and recreational marijuana?
He's trippin. There is no law that says you can't have a gun around pot or vice versa exept when one or the other is illegal. There is no synergy law. There are increased penalties in some places for drug crimes with guns but that's it.
Taco your wrong if your taking about every state. There are tenants laws in many states cali I don't remember much i was only 20 back when I lived in Hollywood and Glendale from 19 to 22. But in Michigan that would not happen at age 18 that happened to me here all charges dropped no warrant search found 2 lbs
He is doesn't bother going by the actual law or poeples rights. He does what he feels and has so far got away with it.
He's trippin. There is no law that says you can't have a gun around pot or vice versa exept when one or the other is illegal. There is no synergy law. There are increased penalties in some places for drug crimes with guns but that's it.

He is doesn't bother going by the actual law or poeples rights. He does what he feels and has so far got away with it.
Wait until he gets a tenant that knows his rights lol
I would like to send his tenants a letter informing them of their rights
Didn't have a lease could have stayed but after police come and caught me with lbs I'm i moved for safety
I was only 18 when that happened ignorant of my rights. I still knew illegal search and seizure, no warrant don't talk it will all go away. A few decades later if that happened now ha. I would file a civlawsuit so fast
you can't be held legally responsible for what people do with their rental

Oh but you can. I have a 73 acre subdivision that has been split into 6 lots, that I lease out to licensed commercial growers. Two lots fell out of compliance and were fined. Guess who Code Enforcement and the county came after? Me! It is what it is and i have to pay off their fines, otherwise a lien gets placed on my property. Guess who I'm going after? The tenant.

That doesn't mean a landlord can walk into a rented house or apartment whenever they feel like it and search peoples shit

I agree. Even though i own the property, i respect people's privacy and will NOT just barge into a rental property whenever i want to. That's the police's job so I'll leave it to them to do the barging in. I will, however, notify the tennants to expect a visit from me and the police, should there be any SOLID tip off or complaint(s) from neighbors for suspicious/illegal activities. If it's a routine safety and clean inspection, i'll of course schedule an appointment and notify the tennants a month or 3, in advanced. I just ain't down with unexpected visits. But every landlord is different. To each their own.
If you want to grow go buy a house or at the very least a mobile home

Not tell people how and where to grow but it is a hell of a lot easier and less of a headache if growers actually owned their own property. Otherwise, find a landlord who's ok with cannabis cultivation. I don't grow in my immediate living space. Not in the rooms, not in the closet, not even in the garage. I went through the process of obtaining a building permit, planning permit and design review, to erect a fully plumbed 25' x 25' "secondary detached garage", that's located 40 feet away from my house, in my backyard, for the purpose of a "just in case" accident.
He's trippin. There is no law that says you can't have a gun around pot or vice versa

Oh so I'm trippin? Tell that to the many people who has been arrested all over CA for possessing a firearm in conjuction with cultivating and/or in possession of cannabis.

According to CalNorml (

Can I own or buy a gun if I use marijuana?
The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms sentletters to gun dealers in 2011 warning them they could not sell to known marijuana users. When buying a gun, question 11e on the ATF form asks, "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana?"

Answering yes makes you ineligible to purchase; falsely answering no is in principle punishable as perjury. This should not affect current gun owners.

On August 31, 2016 a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a challenge to this policy from a medical marijuana patient in Wilson v. Lynch. The opinion states: "Wilson could have amassed legal firearms before acquiring a registry card, and [federal statutes] and the Open Letter would not impede her right to keep her firearms or to use them to protect herself and her home. In addition, Wilson could acquire firearms and exercise her right to self-defense at any time by surrendering her registry card, thereby demonstrating to a firearms dealer that there is no reasonable cause to believe she is an unlawful drug user.”

Although California law does not prohibit marijuana users from having guns, a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana.

Notice the word "offense". Legal growers also are lumped in to this word of choice. If you're in Cali, i suggest you really look into the legality aspect of it so that you don't get yourself into a world of shit.
Oh so I'm trippin? Tell that to the many people who has been arrested all over CA for possessing a firearm in conjuction with cultivating and/or in possession of cannabis.

According to CalNorml (

Can I own or buy a gun if I use marijuana?
The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms sentletters to gun dealers in 2011 warning them they could not sell to known marijuana users. When buying a gun, question 11e on the ATF form asks, "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana?"

Answering yes makes you ineligible to purchase; falsely answering no is in principle punishable as perjury. This should not affect current gun owners.

On August 31, 2016 a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a challenge to this policy from a medical marijuana patient in Wilson v. Lynch. The opinion states: "Wilson could have amassed legal firearms before acquiring a registry card, and [federal statutes] and the Open Letter would not impede her right to keep her firearms or to use them to protect herself and her home. In addition, Wilson could acquire firearms and exercise her right to self-defense at any time by surrendering her registry card, thereby demonstrating to a firearms dealer that there is no reasonable cause to believe she is an unlawful drug user.”

Although California law does not prohibit marijuana users from having guns, a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana.

Notice the word "offense". Legal growers also are lumped in to this word of choice. If you're in Cali, i suggest you really look into the legality aspect of it so that you don't get yourself into a world of shit.
sorry you weren't trippin per se...
this part is what i was saying
"Although California law does not prohibit marijuana users from having guns, a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana."
this part is where you just say no which can be a true answer as it is for me. my grow is also legal
"Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana?"

there is also no law saying that you have to register with the state to stay legal
have you heard of folks with medical recs having their guns taken away or being refused based on use?
Though it is legal some of the landlords might not be comfortable you owning cannabis or hemp plant. You can always try to educate them that what you have is natural plant mainly used for medicinal and industrial purposes. Cannabis are low in THC and do not gets your high. CBD Oil is used as health supplement and has almost no side effects.
Hey, you can call 911 and make up a story and say you heard a fight next door and a loud bang, but didn't know what it was. People have been killed by the police over that little trick. Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make it legal. Does work.

Still repugnant to call the cops because someone wouldn't let you look through their stuff.

There is a law you can be charged under (criminal) for stunts where you use the police as a weapon against others.

What law is that? Last summer my parents' (really shitty) neighbors called the cops to report possible domestic abuse at my parents' house. They were just sitting on the back porch talking with friends. The cops showed up guns drawn. Luckily, nobody was hurt. I've searched for a statute to no avail.
On topic, I rent an apartment and got a call from the manager that there have been several complaints about weed smell and two managers could smell it at my door. She said she didn't want to write me up yet to correct the violation and I should be fine. She said if I get another complaint she will have to write me up which goes on my rental history, after that 72 hour eviction (not sure if this requires a 3rd complaint).

I reviewed my lease. No smoking in unit of course, which I don't do much of anyway and it's definitely not the culprit. Coincidentally, I just received my carbon filter and I can't smell any weed in my grow room anymore. I never admitted I grew or smoked in the apt, only said I was drying some branches for my father and would get them out asap. Manager said they follow federal laws, but my lease only cites Oregon statutes, and the lease does not specify that I cannot grow or possess whatsoever. It prohibits criminal activity under federal law so I suppose they could use those grounds for eviction?

I don't know what advice I am looking for, but maybe someone has faced a similar situation in Oregon and can lend some advice. For now, I'm going to play it extra safe smell-wise and keep my grow until at least one more complaint, in which case I can move as a last resort.