Jubilant's Joyful Jungle

Brewed up some tea last night and fed it to the soil this morning (:

About 4 Gallons of water
Loose 1/2 cup Kelp
Loose 1 Tbps Mycoz
Loose 1/4 Fish meal
Then is an unbleached nutbag
4 cups black gold EWC
1/2 cup Crab Meal

Bubbled overnight and this morning I usually am steeping NeemCake in my fridge and I added about 1/2 gallon of this to the tea them gave to all my vegging girls.

After that I also then mixed in some high P Seabird Guano to the left overs (which were thick) and topdressed of sorts my flowering girls with that sludge. Then I threw all the left over dregs and contents of the nutbag in the compost.

Going to Kelp/Lacto foliar my veggin' girls in a bit here :weed:
If you dont have any, get some alfalfa and make some tea with it, it stinks, and make sure you use a diluted tea, but man that shit works....
I might have to try that :)

Is it worse than neem cake or fish meal? I barely get away with those in the house :rolleyes: