Well i'm pretty pumped to see what is gonna happen with the product i ordered from BAS compared to the stuff i've been purchasing from the grow store (down to earth stuff)
I have had deficiencies my last two runs. One being Phos, and now it's Nitrogen and very slight Phos.
so I have two hypothesis'....
one being that the DTE products are just inferior and they're getting used up quickly, though i'm not really sure why this would be happening.....
another being that the soil has too much bacteria and fungi and not enough predators, and nutrients are being locked up by the life and not making it to the plant.... so in order to quantify this, I need to get a scope I guess to see wtf is going on in there! This one looks pretty dang sweet and is quite affordable, and I could definitely use it for school!
I have checked my soil ph with my bluelabs probe and its spot on between 6.4 and 6.8, so I know ph is not the issue here.
when i first made the switch to organics, I was using top of the line inputs and I had no issues with deficiencies in my first runs, but then I was having the problems with powdery mildew and focused all my attention on that (many hours and much frustration) and I started buying the DTE products at that point.
The cheese i'm about to put into flower this coming weekend I added extra DTE neem, fishbone meal, and K boost at transplant and i'm hoping to see less issues after flip because of that.
new soil mixes will contain the higher quality products (the smells of them alone i can tell they are superior). and over the course of the next few months, i'm going to try and get switched to no-till, because I'm tired of destroying the castles that my microherd have built up, just for me to tear down at harvest. Sad beans there lol.
hope pics come back soon. at least we're up and running!