White people, particularly men:

No, a bunch of YT's tell stories about how they think being white has made their lives harder, but it seems white people aren't actually oppressed or persecuted the way they have oppressed and persecuted others throughout history.
No. That seems accurate. To be fair i can pass for white and have been both the minority and the average guy and have seen reverse discrimination if you want to call it that . Its just discrimination and on some levels it is a cycle. Muslims have crusaded and enslaved christians and christians have been doing it to just about eveybody since it became a race thing they have done it more. Genocides have been perpetrated by africans against africans and culture against culture . Thats important and whats more important is what happens from now on. I for one don't want to be in the middle of a holly war or have to say that where i come from in the galaxy people kill each other over money and the sins of their fathers. But I don't participate and i can't always focus on it. When i do i want to be against it not on one side or the other . What about you?
No. That seems accurate. To be fair i can pass for white and have been both the minority and the average guy and have seen reverse discrimination if you want to call it that . Its just discrimination and on some levels it is a cycle. Muslims have crusaded and enslaved christians and christians have been doing it to just about eveybody since it became a race thing they have done it more. Genocides have been perpetrated by africans against africans and culture against culture . Thats important and whats more important is what happens from now on. I for one don't want to be in the middle of a holly war or have to say that where i come from in the galaxy people kill each other over money and the sins of their fathers. But I don't participate and i can't always focus on it. When i do i want to be against it not on one side or the other . What about you?
The "American century" is over and white domination of the earth with it.
Hilarious how a cracker reveals their persecution complex by taking something that wasn't directed at them personally. No loss to me, all gain actually, since you decided to get butthurt about it, I decided to make it about you, YT.