lol. touchy are we? how about this. what characters in your world would you like to me use to make analogies. i wouldnt want to offend you of course.
give me some names.
We were talking about Donald Trump and how fucking vapid he is so you, lacking worthy retort, mentioned Obama. I reiterated my argument more forcefully and directly and several hours later you brought up Hillary Clinton.

No, it's not that I'm touchy. You're just dumb.
why is visajoe so scared of me? someone (everyone) should bring that up to him until the meltdown is complete.
lol. so you say bud. still didnt answer the question. no hillary, no obama, got it. who would you like me to use? i'm offering to play by your rules. and then ill beat you at it. wanna try?
All your opinion, which is fine. I can respect that. He is doing what he said he would, btw.

Hillary called young blacks (@abandonconflict ?) as superpredators in the 90's when it was popular to be tough on crime. 3 strikes and all that jazz. just one example of the irony on display from the left. and you guys believe she cares about minorities?? only for their vote, yes..

how did you say it? grow up man.
"But Hillary said, but Hillary did" is not going to work. This is about trump.
Who is this Hillary they keep mentioning?

I thought Trump was Russian Vassal, shit, I mean President.
Seems that side only knows how to be on offence. Blame Hilary. Blame Obama. Negative this and negative that. Deflect, alternative fact.
They have no way of defending the actions and words of Orange turd; so they don't even try. It's a little funny asking a question and getting a response that has nothing to do with said question or topic.
just curious, is this what you all sound like when you skin your knee? or if you have a bad day, its someone else fault? do you guys take responsibility for anything in your life? what are you really upset about that has happened to you? emotions about things that have NOT happened to you is irrelevant, its just an emotion.
just curious, is this what you all sound like when you skin your knee? or if you have a bad day, its someone else fault? do you guys take responsibility for anything in your life? what are you really upset about that has happened to you? emotions about things that have NOT happened to you is irrelevant, its just an emotion.

Lol, have you turned on fox news lately? :cry:

How deep did buck cut you, little man?