Peoples thoughts change.

this is why i take all the college kid bernie lovers with a grain of salt. they just dont know yet because most of them dont work for a living or have followed politics long. hell, i woulda said yes to free anything and everything too at that age just because. thats all most of them are doing, and following the herd.

now, the adults is another story..
this is why i take all the college kid bernie lovers with a grain of salt. they just dont know yet because most of them dont work for a living or have followed politics long. hell, i woulda said yes to free anything and everything too at that age just because. thats all most of them are doing, and following the herd.

now, the adults is another story..

how badly did i hurt you during your last account?

i mean, i've seen sock puppets do a lot of things after i hurt them, but hitting the ignore button on me before you even chose ana vatar means i really hurt you bad.

"I live in a place where a vast majority are ypipo"

Dude, northern Alaska has a few Inuit villages and I doubt they give a fuck who is president. You don't live in a macrocosm, hence why your support for a racist president hasn't gotten you punched in the face. How's that for perspective?

Punching 60 million men and women in the face- get real.
this is why i take all the college kid bernie lovers with a grain of salt. they just dont know yet because most of them dont work for a living or have followed politics long. hell, i woulda said yes to free anything and everything too at that age just because. thats all most of them are doing, and following the herd.

now, the adults is another story..

Your generation is the reason why millennials have so few prospects. Your generation inherited a working Keynsian economy and thoroughly fucked it up. Your generation voted in the likes of Reagan and lost in Vietnam. Your generation had an economy where one job could support a home mortgage and the rest of the bills for an entire family.

Your generation squandered it all.
Your generation is the reason why millennials have so few prospects. Your generation inherited a working Keynsian economy and thoroughly fucked it up. Your generation voted in the likes of Reagan and lost in Vietnam. Your generation had an economy where one job could support a home mortgage and the rest of the bills for an entire family.

Your generation squandered it all.

The blame game again?
calling trump a fascist carries as much weight as me calling obama a fascist. neither are true and you know it. your first point is very debatable.

your second point is more like a half truth. if the racist did something to someone, sure they deserve it. punching someone in the face you think is a racist isnt enough
Generation Z is turning out to be quite conservative. They're not happy and are looking at conservatism as the new counter culture. Between that, the lefts bleak 2018 outlook and all the building backlash to the current protests, I'm not seeing a progressive resurgence.
calling trump a fascist carries as much weight as me calling obama a fascist.
That's your opinion, but we're not talking about Obama, ya dingus. We're talking about the guy who came to power riding a wave of xenophobic bigotry, who has appointed, by decree, his own regime members to positions where they are not qualified, who has shown disdain for checks and balances, and who has indicated desire to privatize.

He is exactly a fucking fascist, no matter how much you mention Obama.
this is why i take all the college kid bernie lovers with a grain of salt. they just dont know yet because most of them dont work for a living or have followed politics long. hell, i woulda said yes to free anything and everything too at that age just because. thats all most of them are doing, and following the herd.

now, the adults is another story..

We used to be them by and large. Talking points to the T. Hows that for perspective?