2017 Grow your own thread

Any good grower always has this mind set. Ive always told newbies, expect to lose some plants. Learn and move on. None of this "Im a master grower, no need to learn" BS

Actually my friends, this applies to everything
While the incompetent overestimate their ability, the super competent under estimate their own ability.
To be wise is to know you know nothing

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I think it's a safeguard from the DDOS flooding
I posit it is more likely about protecting their servers. They may need to scan all attachments etc.. to ensure they are not compromised again. I am not privy to anything surrounding this attack, but if they can get their ISP servers to do egress filtering it could have halted the attack much quicker, IMHO. If you want to find out more about egress filtering check out Steve Gibson at grc.com. He has many useful security tools. He was attacked by a script kiddie named Wicked who managed to take down his web site, along with many others, like Yahoo to name a big ibne. Anyway it is a fascinating read, and he won. I did not find the article at his website yet, but I found a PDF about it that covers a bunch of information

Link to PDF article
I use pool shock also at the same concentration. The wild swings is because of the RO water. It has no minerals that help buffer those swings. You didnt mention how many gallons of water your system holds, but I add a gram of shock to 90gal of water/nutes...thats roughly 2ppm.

What you could try is mixing a bit of well water with your RO at about 50 to 1. Then shock it...let it sit for a few hours then mix in your nutes and adjust PH...let it sit again then check PH. If the PH hasnt drifted from were you corrected it too...any swings will be due to too low/high EC.

Running a sterile res now, actually the PH swings were due to the well water - must have been some kind of reaction, or maybe just that the chlorine was hitting so much organic matter that the free chlorine was being used up rapidly, raising the PH. With RO + CalMag the chlorine actually stabilizes the PH. Best thing I ever did to my res.
Running a sterile res now, actually the PH swings were due to the well water - must have been some kind of reaction, or maybe just that the chlorine was hitting so much organic matter that the free chlorine was being used up rapidly, raising the PH. With RO + CalMag the chlorine actually stabilizes the PH. Best thing I ever did to my res.
Chlorine itself will raise PH..but anyways, sterile is easy once ya got er figured out.
Chlorine itself will raise PH..but anyways, sterile is easy once ya got er figured out.

Hells yes I agree. No messing with messy, stinky homebrews that go bad and take up space in the fridge, and leave messy residues on your pumps and reservoirs :) . And for those who favour bennies...I know they provide other functions, but I'll stick with chlorinated water (aka tap water).