What did you do for 4 days?


Well-Known Member
I went outside. It was bright. I'm safe back indoors now.

Also I went to pool school and got these useless trade credits for sitting through 16 hours of sales pitch disguised as field service training. The first day was a taco kit lunch though. It was fucking good. Everything else sucked though. All dudes too.
Man I upgraded my garden space! Got HELLA more space and such a better room now. Made a bunch of soil too. Growing some Garlic, Green Onions, Carrots, Basil, and Cilantro started up with all my extra space and soil!
oh yeah, i think i also wore out my refresh button, kept hitting refresh on the riu link i had open.. i even re-downloaded the app thinking maybe i was a moron and it was something i was doing wrong..
i just went and tried to open the app again for the umteenth time, expecting to see it saying... "connecting to server" again, only to be denied, yet again, and holy shit, it worked, so i closed the app, hit refresh again, and sweet baby jesus, here we are..
i binge watched six seasons of lost on netflix, thank god we're back up, i just finished the series and wasn't sure what to do next..

Hey RB! I'm going to get real with you for a second. Lost was a big part of my life. The year was 2006. I had just broken up with my long term girlfriend over her cheating on me. And had mono as a result. And my other best friend and his pregnant girlfriend got it and blamed me as a result. I was living with a friend who was slipping into a pretty bad addiction of pills and cocaine. And I cocaine. I locked myself in my room with coffee and nyquill for 2 weeks and binged on Lost seasons 1-3. It might have saved my life in a weird way. I wanted to stay alive to find out what was up with that damn island lol. Anywho, good to hear from you and figured I'd share that.
Hey RB! I'm going to get real with you for a second. Lost was a big part of my life. The year was 2006. I had just broken up with my long term girlfriend over her cheating on me. And had mono as a result. And my other best friend and his pregnant girlfriend got it and blamed me as a result. I was living with a friend who was slipping into a pretty bad addiction of pills and cocaine. And I cocaine. I locked myself in my room with coffee and nyquill for 2 weeks and binged on Lost seasons 1-3. It might have saved my life in a weird way. I wanted to stay alive to find out what was up with that damn island lol. Anywho, good to hear from you and figured I'd share that.

i got a few questions, if you don't mind..
so, did the oceanic 6 really exist? of did they never get off of the island, just the six of course, hence, the oceanic 6... that's it for now, but i'm sure i could come up with more..
ok, i lied, who in the hell did john locke become after he had ben kill jacob? i know the smoke monster, but i'm a bit confused over this..