I teach your Mom Advanced Bukkake.

She's my best student.

For real though guys his mom is fuckin HOT.
I knew it, your a middle school P.E.teacher who's mind is cursed by thoughts of child molestation and rape....I feel bad for the kids exposed to you on a daily basis, and you have children :cry:
are you upset people have better have actual careers when you just jump from minimum wage job to another minimum wage job? youre a joke man. go play with your drone and jerk off on more towels
I'm still pissed he took down the pic of his mom before i screenshotted it.

You could see her nips poking out in the pic too.
lol itd be awesome.. when i was in high school my gym teachers catch phrase was.. minus five.. whenever someone fucked up.. id come into class stoned as fuck.. "minus five for smoking the reefer!" no joke
Thanks dude
Don't make me post your sex offender page dude.

Bobz come to tc

Thanks for being a good homie.

You all are the reason I go to tc and poat here.
Yall got my back and I loce that
I have real friends, I could care less about internet friends, I care about the friends I hang out with on a daily basis
The young boys at the glory hole don't count either.

Remember those threads you used to post like, "Girls won't touch me", "females are shallow because i'm so broke"?

I do. :lol::lol::lol: