Gram per watt?


Well-Known Member
@AimAim How about you Aim? Trim much on those? Just interested is all.....Nice canopy! I never!
I never trim. Leaves are there for a purpose and I don't think I can outsmart the plant. I can see reducing some foliage if you have an airflow/mold/mildew problem. Otherwise the concept of "light needs to hit the budsite" is total bullshit spouted by people who do not understand botany, specifically "translocation of nutrients".

I will admit if you take off lower budsites and leaves about the time of flip the energy will be directed elsewhere, to avoid "popcorn", but personally I put popcorn to very good use. Pain in the ass to trim up for smoke but I have no reason to be in a hurry. Also, I harvest big tops when they are ready and leave maybe lower 1/3 of plant w/light popcorn buds. Then let these grow another 2 weeks. You might be surprised what they will do.

I've got 15 fruit trees and plenty of good apples and peaches and pears are produced way down in the middle of the tree where light never gets.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I never trim. Leaves are there for a purpose and I don't think I can outsmart the plant. I can see reducing some foliage if you have an airflow/mold/mildew problem. Otherwise the concept of "light needs to hit the budsite" is total bullshit spouted by people who do not understand botany, specifically "translocation of nutrients".

I will admit if you take off lower budsites and leaves about the time of flip the energy will be directed elsewhere, to avoid "popcorn", but personally I put popcorn to very good use. Pain in the ass to trim up for smoke but I have no reason to be in a hurry. Also, I harvest big tops when they are ready and leave maybe lower 1/3 of plant w/light popcorn buds. Then let these grow another 2 weeks. You might be surprised what they will do.

I've got 15 fruit trees and plenty of good apples and peaches and pears are produced way down in the middle of the tree where light never gets.
BINGO that! Just what I wanted to hear!


Well-Known Member
I use GPW myself for the sole purpose of having a baseline. 1gpw and I can survive until next harvest and I am doing 'ok' for my newbishness. Anything more is gravy for me. If I had everything dialed in perfectly and was able to use CO2 I would set my baseline goal as 2gpw. In the end it is just a number and there are hundreds of numbers one can choose to go with if they want to set personal goals. Some people will use total KWH per harvest to determine their success, it's all good.


Well-Known Member
Missed this part did we? - No prob. I get caught not reading whole posts too...

So then, when you

Are you trimming away much? I mean, you have to be removing those that don't reach the canopy. Or, do you harvest in stages?

I've got 5x5 tents in another space for breeding and an "isolation" tent....I used to run six in them and did a light LST. Flowered at 18 - 24". All non "height" viable branching removed = lollypopped...

@AimAim How about you Aim? Trim much on those? Just interested is all.....Nice canopy!

I mean I get the "Do what you can with what you have" thing all day......The SOG was simply to show that GPW is basically meaningless....A goal of 1 per watt is nice to strive for. Plant genetic potentials are still going to be the limiting factor! Blue Dream = should be easy. Blue cheese = That strain will never hit a GPW outside of a well done small scale SOG with way to many single cola plants!
Not missed it, so much as just failed to go back up the line to previous posts... My bad. That is certainly impressive for such a small space. If you don't mind my asking, how long did you veg them before flipping? Did you use any techniques to control height, or just let them go with one main cola each?

I'm not doing a lot of trimming on these first two - I probably should have, but I just never got started with it, so I pretty much have just let them go and remove yellowing/dry leaves under there as I spot them. I'll be experimenting with different techniques with the next two girls I have in line - gonna use a different style on each one. I do have my Galaxyhydro light illuminating the undergrowth to kind of reduce the larfiness a bit. It does seem to be effective. I plan on picking up some of the Quantum boards from Northern Grow lights and using them for side/under canopy lighting.

I may do a staggered harvest as the top is definitely more mature than the lower buds. I may take a lot of the upper growth next weekend if they look ready and see if the lower stuff will fill out some more.

I made a bad mistake of messing with my lights weekend before last and I scorched them pretty badly, they are kinda ugly right now, especially the Jack Herer.. Hopefully they will recover. They are at 6 1/2 weeks in flower tomorrow
Last edited:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Not missed it, so much as just failed to go back up the line to previous posts... My bad. That is certainly impressive for such a small space. If you don't mind my asking, how long did you veg them before flipping? Did you use any techniques to control height, or just let them go with one main cola each?

I'm not doing a lot of trimming on these first two - I probably should have, but I just never got started with it, so I pretty much have just let them go and remove yellowing/dry leaves under there as I spot them. I'll be experimenting with different techniques with the next two girls I have in line - gonna use a different style on each one. I do have my Galaxyhydro light illuminating the undergrowth to kind of reduce the larfiness a bit. It does seem to be effective. I plan on picking up some of the Quantum boards from Northern Grow lights and using them for side/under canopy lighting.

I may do a staggered harvest as the top is definitely more mature than the lower buds. I may take a lot of the upper growth next weekend if they look ready and see if the lower stuff will fill out some more.

I made a bad mistake of messing with my lights weekend before last and I scorched them pretty badly, they are kinda ugly right now, especially the Jack Herer.. Hopefully they will recover. They are at 6 1/2 weeks in flower tomorrow
The strain was G-13 from Dr. Greenthumb - The plants were run to a "size" and not timed. These were flipped at 8 inch's and finished around 18 inch's. They generally grew 4 side branch's and the main. They were ran with higher N veg feed till the flip. At the flip all NPK was raised by 3/4 to a whole point.. At week 4 I began a 6 point boost of P and a 7 point boost of K. At weeks 7-8 they got 6 more points of K and the P was dropped by 3......They ran for just about 9.5-10 weeks as I allowed the the buds to begin a very limited foxtail (some call it "good" foxtailing - not the stringy, dreadlock look). For some added finish weight..

I had seen results near this and wondered if it could be done (hit 2 lbs in a 2x2 in one run).....I used to play around a lot with SOG back then in flood trays. I had built that frame and tray system for strain dial ins for the big trays....It sit's in one of the op's in a corner now. Fucker would make a damn fine closet grow.....I applied the SOG concept to small soil plants for awhile......That worked well too..Not the same in yields over all but, better flavor...I got a tick more in per plant average in the 64 plant 4x4. lighting and hot soil for the strain made the final difference on that, But in the end. Doing the same in ebb trays would have beat that....I just had to see if I could get that # in soil (break 3 GPW).....

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
I never trim. Leaves are there for a purpose and I don't think I can outsmart the plant. I can see reducing some foliage if you have an airflow/mold/mildew problem. Otherwise the concept of "light needs to hit the budsite" is total bullshit spouted by people who do not understand botany, specifically "translocation of nutrients".

I will admit if you take off lower budsites and leaves about the time of flip the energy will be directed elsewhere, to avoid "popcorn", but personally I put popcorn to very good use. Pain in the ass to trim up for smoke but I have no reason to be in a hurry. Also, I harvest big tops when they are ready and leave maybe lower 1/3 of plant w/light popcorn buds. Then let these grow another 2 weeks. You might be surprised what they will do.

I've got 15 fruit trees and plenty of good apples and peaches and pears are produced way down in the middle of the tree where light never gets.
Ever think about "defoliation" ? this method really helps yields


Well-Known Member
The strain was G-13 from Dr. Greenthumb - The plants were run to a "size" and not timed. These were flipped at 8 inch's and finished around 18 inch's. They generally grew 4 side branch's and the main. They were ran with higher N veg feed till the flip. At the flip all NPK was raised by 3/4 to a whole point.. At week 4 I began a 6 point boost of P and a 7 point boost of K. At weeks 7-8 they got 6 more points of K and the P was dropped by 3......They ran for just about 9.5-10 weeks as I allowed the the buds to begin a very limited foxtail (some call it "good" foxtailing - not the stringy, dreadlock look). For some added finish weight..

I had seen results near this and wondered if it could be done (hit 2 lbs in a 2x2 in one run).....I used to play around a lot with SOG back then in flood trays. I had built that frame and tray system for strain dial ins for the big trays....It sit's in one of the op's in a corner now. Fucker would make a damn fine closet grow.....I applied the SOG concept to small soil plants for awhile......That worked well too..Not the same in yields over all but, better flavor...I got a tick more in per plant average in the 64 plant 4x4. lighting and hot soil for the strain made the final difference on that, But in the end. Doing the same in ebb trays would have beat that....I just had to see if I could get that # in soil (break 3 GPW).....
I appreciate the info. I wonder how hard it would be to install an ebb and flow system in my flower cabinet. I'll have to look into that. I've been considering going to a hydro method for faster growth, just not sure what method I want to do.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow in over 20 years i have one plant under 430w HPS how much you think this plant will yeild? thats a 5 gallon pot its in for size refrence. Whats everyones guess?IMG_0874.JPG


Well-Known Member
Ever think about "defoliation" ? this method really helps yields
Yes I have thought about it and it is simply stupid. Leaves are where the rubber meets the road as far as plant assimilation goes. Care to enlighten me on one, just one, agricultural product where defoliation improves production ?

Silence will be deafening, because there in no such thing. But feel free to mutilate your plants.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have thought about it and it is simply stupid. Leaves are where the rubber meets the road as far as plant assimilation goes. Care to enlighten me on one, just one, agricultural product where defoliation improves production ?

Silence will be deafening, because there in no such thing. But feel free to mutilate your plants.
Well, actually, there is one - cotton. It is completely defoliated just before harvesting. BUT, it is not done to stimulate growth or any other such nonsense. It is mostly done to make the harvesting easier, and cleaner and to stimulate boll opening, which improves the yield - absolutely none of which would apply to the growing of cannabis...


Well-Known Member
I live within spitting distance of the Missouri Bootheel and Delta region where rice and cotton reigns. Cotton is defoliated with Paraquat, a really deadly defoliant. But it is applied a couple weeks before harvest, just to knock the leaves off and facilitate harvesting (Combining).

Which is what I think you were saying as well.

Still waiting for someone to come up with an ag product that responds positively to having it's leaves stripped off.


Well-Known Member
I live within spitting distance of the Missouri Bootheel and Delta region where rice and cotton reigns. Cotton is defoliated with Paraquat, a really deadly defoliant. But it is applied a couple weeks before harvest, just to knock the leaves off and facilitate harvesting (Combining).

Which is what I think you were saying as well.

Still waiting for someone to come up with an ag product that responds positively to having it's leaves stripped off.
Yep, not disagreeing with you at all my friend. Cotton is the *only* thing I know of that is defoliated and for utterly unique reasons.

When I was in California a lot of the farms out there used saltwater to defoliate the cotton, instead of the chemicals. Back in the 80's there was a big stink over paraquat being used by the DEA to defoliate marijuana fields in Mexico to kill the plants. Mexicans were just harvesting that shit as soon as it started dying and sending it across the border anyway - they didn't give a shit what was on it. Quite a few instances of paraquat poisoning among smokers.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Paraquat is one of the most deadly chems ever developed. In South America thousands died as they sprayed fields on a variety of crops w/paraquat with backpack sprayers, which leak and drip on the back. Paraquat is very transdermal, i.e. goes right through the skin. Also became a common method of suicide. Drink a shot or drip it on yourself and you have about 5 days to think about it, irreversable.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the info. I wonder how hard it would be to install an ebb and flow system in my flower cabinet. I'll have to look into that. I've been considering going to a hydro method for faster growth, just not sure what method I want to do.
I started in soil>flood tables> Dwc>Coco>drip tried a lot of styles but perpetual SoG with clones with 0 veg from clone box produced the most in a year's time. Can consume a massive amount of clones though.

Speedy explosive growth was Dwc and hempy followed by drip.

Hydro Scrog +1 ;-)

Hydro is pretty easy to put together hope to see you in one one day.