Bodhi is totally over rated.

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or a self appointed douche bag hypocrite.

'trich_holm said' Capitals letters are part of punctuation. Just givin ya a hard time though man... I get what you were aiming forbongsmilie
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Sounds like a problem. Here's a solution.


View attachment 3892433
DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!! Lamos
This thread was fun while it lasted...

It's never stopped being fun. It might be even more fun today.

This one makes me sad and the Nicky Amos merry go round is making me naseous....

Do you have spellcheck, Jp? There's a spelling nazi just waiting to get on your case, you know.

Or are we over this?


Dr.Nick Riviera said:
Yep, I really don't give a fuck, what's your point?

Well, someone OBVIOUSLY needs some serious attention and doesn't let things go. I am out, go ahead and post ALL the shit you want there Lamos, Anything you post after this, i won't see, so, pat yourself on the back there guy.LMFAO
It's never stopped being fun. It might be even more fun today.

Do you have spellcheck, Jp? There's a spelling nazi just waiting to get on your case, you know.


Dr.Nick Riviera said:
Yep, I really don't give a fuck, what's your point?


I tend to do a quick edit post post when I make silly mistakes ;)

Plus I've literally failed every Grammer test I've ever taken, in 3 languages no less
Anything you post after this, i won't see, so, pat yourself on the back there


I tend to do a quick edit post post when I make silly mistakes ;)

Plus I've literally failed every Grammer test I've ever taken, in 3 languages no less

Fortunately, there are very few grammatically challenged spelling nazis on RIU, Jp, and they are dealt with swiftly when they appear. I've got your back, amigo.
Exactly how I do it. Never have any issues with germination...except for the recent Cannarado pack of Galactic Pucker where I went 0 for 9. :cuss:
Soaking is the key. I soak my seeds in a humic acid solution until they sink to the bottom of the shot glass. Then just pop them in a rockwool cube & they're good to go. After they get three sets of leaves, I start a weekly foliar feed of seaweed & humic acid. Makes them really take off!
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