Genesee County Compassion Club

Was Cindy and Carl the paramedics? Carl checked the door in the early days for people trying to bring in mite ridden clones?
I got mostly old school gear . White Widow (from the mail man ring a bell???). Some Afghan based gear. Back then EVERYONE was on the TGA/Subcool stuff for anything newish. It was really small crowd gotta know someone type stuff. Clones and seeds has changed so much since the early days of the Club. And when i first started hanging there i thought it was cutting edge from where i came from (pre Overgrow. Com era). Just finding and feeling out growers back then was few anf far between. Much less trading cuts. Lol
Was Cindy and Carl the paramedics? Carl checked the door in the early days for people trying to bring in mite ridden clones?
Don't remember paramedics but carl and Cindy worked a table selling clones and flowers. I was checking the door and plants with Cindy in the beginning Donnie was another guy that worked security also. But since I've left they have hired a private security firm to handle things. Do you know jerry or Karen?

I cant.remember. There was a couple there that were former paramedics/ ambulance drivers that were very good people. Good to my Dad and uncle before they passed.
How many pre dec 20 clubs have given so much time and money to the veterans, the local soup kitchen and a 5,000$ check to the local hospital in the area? NONE. If people want to knitpick about what their club does or doesn't do. Be apart of it first. Don't just stop in to get a bag or do a dab. There are always people that feel they started this and feel they should not be questioned about anything because they already know it all.
Do what they did early 2009.
They asked permissions based on the caregiver/patient relationship and have thrived on that concept. Maybe others should see and follow the example set instead of trying to pick apart everything everyone does


clubs like that will be replaced with state run dispensaries soon I fear
Clubs like that??
Their is only one like this
We are not a dispensary
Keep your eyes peeled cause we're moving soon.[emoji106]


well, I'd rather not inspect the goings on but you are welcome to explain if you want

.....but how will a new dispensary legally provide marijuana to a hundred people with cards, without being their registered cg 5 at a time? and if they are legally doing so do you suspect the state to double down on those who are not?
forgive me for my ignorance, not arguing, no dogs in the race here. just curious.
well, I'd rather not inspect the goings on but you are welcome to explain if you want

.....but how will a new dispensary legally provide marijuana to a hundred people with cards, without being their registered cg 5 at a time? and if they are legally doing so do you suspect the state to double down on those who are not?
forgive me for my ignorance, not arguing, no dogs in the race here. just curious.
You'd have to read the new laws and the new restrictions or who paid this fee or that fee. I'm not into none of that. The medical law refers to "patients & caregivers" says nothing at all about dispensaries. Dispensaries were made when guys saw all of them pop up in Cali and just "assumed"
They could do it too. Again they assumed. See where that's gotten people. If people would just read the law instead of assuming then they turn out smarter about the law instead of listening to idiots on riu who are just as confused

Who's betting the legal entities will stand for farmers markets, rented spaces allowing (tax) free sales between growers and patients, free-(not connected with a named card) or anything else resembling competition? If they have to jump through hoops to sell weed to the public and grow more than 72 plants and sell to more than five people at a time, anyone think they'll use any of their gains to foil cg gro ops, marijuana clubs maybe cg's all together in their attempt at increasing sales?

so what is the deal with the quantity check at the door? That seems like a good way to track how much medicine patients/caregivers are exchanging. I want to check the place out but given the upcoming changes to the mmj program it seems a little intrusive to me.
so what is the deal with the quantity check at the door? That seems like a good way to track how much medicine patients/caregivers are exchanging. I want to check the place out but given the upcoming changes to the mmj program it seems a little intrusive to me.
Changes? I haven't seen any changes in patient caregiver relations but you can bring 2 1/2 oz per caregiver cards. It's quite a place but expect patients to be very critical of meds with no crystal and by the way everyone grows gorilla glue. Nice atmosphere to get rid of meds at but like I said crystal is a must or it's just like everyone else's smoke. You can get meds tested but only for thc or cbd. I wish they would test for pesticides

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I got friends that dump overages there. They said the same thing. You better bring it. Forget the popular stuff...its everywhere. People are looking for the frostiest of rare stuff or not so popular slightly off the radar stuff from seed strains. Grown very well. Good phenos with flavor. Well trimmed dried and perfectly cured. It will move up there. No doubt.
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Id like to take my best phenos of Blue Power crosses (homemade too) up there and see what the competition is like. I got one BPF2 thats as frosty as Glue but tastes like chocolate covered berries dipped in coffee. And a few puffs will weld your eyes shut. Lol.
Stop up to the 4:20 party. No doubt we'll have a lot of fun. Hopefully it will be in the new location ::fingers crossed::

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Changes? I haven't seen any changes in patient caregiver relations but you can bring 2 1/2 oz per caregiver cards. It's quite a place but expect patients to be very critical of meds with no crystal and by the way everyone grows gorilla glue. Nice atmosphere to get rid of meds at but like I said crystal is a must or it's just like everyone else's smoke. You can get meds tested but only for thc or cbd. I wish they would test for pesticides

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No more dispensaries after the new provisoning centers sell weed. This is the only place that I know of that operates like this. I don't see how that will not attract law enforcements attention.
Do they write down how much you brought when you do the quantity check? I'd rather not have my name on a list with how much weed I have so police can come annoy me. I no it's unlikely but I'm just a very paranoid person and it would make me very uncomfortable.

No problem with bringing quality and stuff that isn't common. I don't see what the big deal is with gg#4. not a fan. I guess winning a cannbus cup is all.
when cops raid the disp they shoot for the paperwork, they see who been selling, they make a list. on a list? tidy up
Bro's listen, when you have been in business since April of 2009 I think you have your bases covered. I think if you knew anything about the place other than just stop in here or there or maybe you haven't been in then you cant have an opinion. There is NO place like it in the world unless you wanna goto vehicle city and see all the rejects that couldn't make it at the G. My whole point is the law specifically says "qualified patient & qualified caregiver" nothing at all states dispenseraris are legal. We are a "safe transfer area" with patients and caregivers not a few people in a store
We check all weight and cards the rest is up too you. Have a nice smile, some personality and oh yea I forgot the one reason people really come in and that's the variety of meds from one * to as many as five. Many different prices and a great opportunity to meet a lot of people over 30k to be exact. Hopefully the 420 party will be at the new location. Come meet me I'm not as bad in person as I am opinionated and not well received on forums but oh well maybe the feeling police will arrest me lol.

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right, a total disregard for limiting of marijuana sales to a caregiver connected by matching cards, 5 card holding patients only. I get it. The biz does nothing wrong, it allows others to conduct business, I get it. I have no dogs in the race, I love the whole thing really I do, but lets be honest with people, this is a place where I bring my overages to and sell to as many carded people as i can. Like a farmers market, been tried, been closed too. That place had shilled sellers too, what would stop them? I dont blame them.

but telling people that it is legal to sell to a hundred carded people a day perhaps is deceptive. rocks for patients of course, because it is in fact legal for them to buy from a hundred different people, even if those people are not carded, even. We have seen cg's in trouble for doing just that, selling to more than their five people listed on their cards.

Personall I interpret the law as saying I can only grow for five people, limiting my plants, but I can sell to all carded, i get it. but I dont do this, because I read the papers, see those cg's arrested for doing the very same. I wish luck to al involved though, for paving the way, pioneering the ideals. The towering millionaires will not stand for it though, gotta be real about it, I'd go for the money grab too while you can, renting tables and such.