Favorite drink while stoned?

Fresh squeezed OJ thats what I love about amsterdam they always have those OJ machines that make fresh orange juice!
Fresh raspberry tea, fresh squeezed tangerine juice, dr pepper, cherry pepsi, root beer floats, fruit slushes, fruit punches, coffee, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, milk shakes, pineapple juice, apple juice, oarnge juice, pretty much any type of juice, v8 splash,

i dont know if anyone outside pittsburgh gets jones soda but any flavor from jones soda, specially fu fu berry
see, whenever i walk down the street with a J im always looking behind my shoulders lol

I roll down the way smoking a jay and look like I'm doing nothing wrong. I just hold it like it's a cig, between my index and middle finger, and smoke like I know how.

This is really just if there's nobody close enough to smell you, like you're walking down the sidewalk and people are looking at you from their gargae or living room... I guess I wouldn't be so bold on a downtown street.

Although I did roll and smoke a jay right at the fountain at the bellagio, once... and it was not dead of winter either. The funniest part is that I was inspired to do so by another couple of young cats who were toasting a bowl... I'm like, 'fuk that! I'm going to smoke, TOO!'

I hit a one hitter on one of the roller coasters at disneyland, too - waiting to take off. That was a great ride...:bigjoint:

Favorite drink? Peach tea. Or tang if it's late.
Good one bro, I had I friend that used to love to go to the Grocery Store and hit his one hitter real quick. It was pretty funny people would look around after they got the smell and be all confused.
chocolate milk. I'm telling you man.

but you gotta shake it up first so it gets all frothy

You got game, homie. I do the same thing, only with ovaltine. not the malted one... the froth makes it taste chocolatier...

and I was going to say choc milk too, but I like ovaltine better and not that many people know about it these days.
dude that orange juice sounds so amazing. i wish i could walk down the street with a J and without feeling like a criminal. its too bad. go obama!